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Vista Thread

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It's lots of things really, the delay to open windows explorer, the fact that there's no PROPER media player classic, this new windows explorer sucks arse, aero is disgusting, the start menu is a step backwards, the search function is no where near as good as spotlight on OS X, folder loading times take an age, the desktop is buggy, the sidebar is as pointless as gadgets are on OS X ie, very, it takes eons to load or shutdown, seems very bloated, a couple of hardware/software isn't working on it, the volume function (yes, that) is crap, the way it eats up space on your HD is pathetic, oh and did I mention the new windows explorer is horrible to work with!!!!


And when I think about it, there's hardly ANY features in vista that I'd miss on xp. The search facility possibly, but then there's Google Desktop for that. Having images show up as thumbnails on the desktop is cool. And ermmm... a couple of things visually in aero is nice but apart from that...


XP is fantastic and I shall load it up again and my workflow will actually increase rather than decrease.

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It's probably full of crappy unecessary programs that think they are being helpful by booting at start-up (Im looking at you Quicktime). You tried reducing the number down?


My bros laptop ran really slow because he had all sorts working in the background. Vaio software, Quicktime, Real Player, Google Desktop, Avast, Zone Alarm, there was about 20-30 icons across the right side of the taskbar!


Nope, same thing happens when it's just been reinstalled after the HDD got formatted. It got cleaned about a week or two ago. It may be McAfee that my mom has on there but i've washed my hands of the PC ever since last year to a lesser extent. And ever since i've got my mac i've forgot a fair chunk of the little bits of how windows works, like how to control what launches on start. It's easier to find on my computer. No matter anywho, it's my moms computer not mine so she can do what she wants with it until she gets her mac mini.


On my old laptop i did have a massive amount in that damn bottom right corner *sigh* But we digress.


Motion man-Gadgets on Vista are Widgets on OS X. And thumbnail view on desktop is in OS X-just figured out how to do it a month ago lol


Motion man-Gadgets on Vista are Widgets on OS X. And thumbnail view on desktop is in OS X-just figured out how to do it a month ago lol


Gadgets, widgets, WOTEVA. ;)


Another thing that fucks me off is the fact that even something as simple as deleting something is this long involved process of calculating file size, and then showing the transfer to the recycle bin. In XP deleting things was instant and done without all the 'bloat-ware' I think it's called?


And don't get me started on "Flip 3D", I mean what the feck is that. Talk about putting lipstick on an ugly donkey. Who in gods name uses Flip 3D.


I know a lot of people love Vista but it's not for me at the moment, XP is infintely quicker and more stable and just for functional.


I might miss the automatic searching but apparently Google Desktop does something similar and can be run on xp so I may have to look into that.


I'm sure it'll get better once SP1/2 come out, but for now, XP for me thanks.


I really love using widgets in the sidebar/dashboard on my computers. Check the news, weather, and see what's going on with my football team straight away. I think they're great.

The search isn't as fast as Spotlight but is still a good addition. Don't see how the start menu is a step backwards. I found to be better how it all collapses into that side bit.


It is a bit slow, and it still does that ugly filling in toolbars as a window loads thing that I hate so much, but it's not bad. As a Mac user, I thought it was ok.


To be honest Ant, you're probably half right. Yes if my PC was top of the range Vista would run much quicker but it's not just that. I find that Vista is awful usability wise. Half of the stuff I mentioned up there as to why I don't like it ^^ isn't based on the speed of my machine.


Very glad you like it though Ant, but personally, it's not for me. I just find XP more stable and usable. In a year or two when SP1 and 2 come out it'll be worth a better look....


Feature wise there's nothing on Vista that I'll miss by going back to xp. Maybe SOME of the fancy graphics and the vector icons but that's it.


I guess you're right, half the update for end users is the new graphics, if you don't like any of the new features, there's no reason to update.


I just don't know where people get the idea there's an SP coming, ore that its even needed, contrary to XP, this is extremely well built from the start.

So, just got my Vista Computer up and running today, just curious to know wether or not a 5.3 Basescore is good or not?


Maximum is 5.9


Mine's a 3. Any way to upgrade it to play any games, dual core processor or anything? I don't want to get a £400 graphics card really..


You can easily run Vista with 256mb of ram and a 1ghz processor. Believe me, i've seen it.


You have to turn alot off in terms of features however. Oh and Motion, first 2 boots Vista cache's everything on your HDD, probably the reason why it was so slow.

You can easily run Vista with 256mb of ram and a 1ghz processor. Believe me, i've seen it.



Forgive me for being sceptical, but surely that can't be true in most cases, maybe from a PC built from scratch but deffinatly not from an update...


It's do-able, just tested the 256MB ram part myself (although my processor is 1.6GHz). Runs like a paralytic cripple though...

It's do-able, just tested the 256MB ram part myself (although my processor is 1.6GHz). Runs like a paralytic cripple though...


I can't say what I mean so I'll use this owl to explain what I have to say about this matter




I've seen that owl loads before but never really understood the significance.. :S


Just simply a way of saying 'Oh really?' probably.

I've seen that owl loads before but never really understood the significance.. :S


Just simply a way of saying 'Oh really?' probably.




Hey I've got a question but it's already been answered but I shall ask nonetheless.


Incomplete download mp3s in the music folder for some reason won't delete because Vista Home Premium claims they don't exist. So how do I make the actual file icon dissapear from the folder because if it doesn't exist then it sure as hell shouldn't be there?


A quick answer will be fine as it's my dad's laptop that has vista and I was trying it out because I'm going to get one but he and his laptop are down in london just now so I won't be able to try out the method some helpful person gives me.


Got a problem with Windows Media Center and was wondering if anyone can help.


When I press the "Windows Media Center" button on the remote control which comes with it, it loads up WMC fine BUT it also turns my 360 on, which is gunna be a major pain in the long run. So Iam wondering is there anyway I can stop it from turning the 360 on?


If you go to the 360's settings then there's a remote option, set this to Xbox 360 Media Remote only, that way it won't react to your Media Center remote. I had the exact same problem!

If you go to the 360's settings then there's a remote option, set this to Xbox 360 Media Remote only, that way it won't react to your Media Center remote. I had the exact same problem!


Ahh, thank you so much!


Now I can remove the tape!

Ahh, thank you so much!


Now I can remove the tape!




On a serious note, im glad this came up! Im might soon be building a media centre PC and this would have annoyed the hell out of me!


I probably would have just taped it up instead of doing the sensible thing and asking :indeed:

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