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i was literally just about to update when i read that. would you advise against updating?


i think i am finlly understanding why peopole feel so emotionally attatched to apple products, everything is so perfect. the box the phone came in was a perfect and anal at the wii box!


I just wish i liked itunes


Next you'll love Macs ^_^


Yup, 2.0 is more unstable than 2.0.1. Another good tip is only installing apps on iTunes before syncing them across to the phone. If you have any problems and need to quit an app hold down the home button till it goes back to the main screen. If you wanna reset the iPhone, if it totally freezes, then hold the sleep/wake button at the top along with the home button for 10 seconds and it'll turn off.



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Ah that makes more sense. From what I can remember of my ipod box is it was far easier than the Wii box. That thing was a nightmare to unpackage and repackage everytime someone wanted to trade it in. I used to just cram it in, shut it up and send it on its way, with the box bulging to about twice its size.


Anyway boxes aside im still waiting on my phone. Argh. Annoying.

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Should've got an iPhone ;)


Or at least got it form the shop.


Im suprised. I ordered it Thursday and its taken you this long to say "should've got an iPhone".


As I said, I'll have this phone and an iPod touch. Combined still cost less :p (and yes its two devices but whatever).


With the website it cost me £17/month, with the shop the best they could do was £28/month. I don't mind waiting. "Tomorrow or Wendesday" is the newest info.

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So it finally came :D Although just before work so I had to wait til after to play with it.


I like it. Similar enough to my old Samsungs that the learning curve isn't too bad. Although they finally now allow personalised text message tones, so mine is Wall-E saying his name :D


Have more of a play with it later.

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QFT ^_^


It's a great great great phone, but it has a couple of issues, like it's instability under 2.0.1, infrequently annoying when it happens. However, it's a small price to pay for native apps :D


Actually, no it's not and I really can't see how you can say that. I bought an iPhone thinking it was going to work perfectly, and it really should considering the price I paid for it. I don't want buggy firmware that randomly makes the keyboard not work properly, I don't want to randomly lose my connection. It's actually unacceptable that they release a product in which 2% of phones lose their connection for no reason whatsoever. The contacts list takes ages to load up for you to scroll through randomly. Apple better release an update for it soon.

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Actually, no it's not and I really can't see how you can say that. I bought an iPhone thinking it was going to work perfectly, and it really should considering the price I paid for it. I don't want buggy firmware that randomly makes the keyboard not work properly, I don't want to randomly lose my connection. It's actually unacceptable that they release a product in which 2% of phones lose their connection for no reason whatsoever. The contacts list takes ages to load up for you to scroll through randomly. Apple better release an update for it soon.




Its out apparently :)

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Yeah, but it still doesn't fix all the problems. Haven't had a chance to use it properly myself yet (don't get a 3G reception at my house) but from what I gather there are still some problems going about. Having said that, I haven't had a problem in the 3 hours since I've upgraded to it. I thought texting seemed a lot smoother but that's probably just my imagination.

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I agree with Charlie. Apple aren't doing any better a job of patching the iPhone than other phone manufacturers do of patching their phones. It's completely unacceptable given the amount the phone costs and the amount of money that Apple get from it. The HTC Touch Diamond is patched faster, for free and by the community rather than by HTC themselves, it's very quickly becoming an iPhone beater because the iPhone remains a buggy slab of metal and plastic.


I'm supposed to be getting one soon, i must say im dreading it.

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Anyone here got the Nokia 6500 slide? My w660i has died for some f'ed up reason and Three wont replace/repair my phone because they say it has been water damaged :(


So they have a Nokia 6500slide refurbished for 70quid!


Any reviews/bitching about the phone is welcome!

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Guest Jordan



I currently have an o2 18 month contract, i'm around 8 months in. Is it possible for me to upgrade my phone with o2? There a phone coming out i want in Oct (XDA Crystal aka HTC Touch Pro) just wondered how much if anything it would cost?

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Guest Jordan
you can't early upgrade with o2 i'm afraid, but you may be able to get some one like phones 4 u buy you out of your contract, although with such a highend phone that may be complicated.


o2 don't allow upgrades? What the fuck, seriously? I'd be paying them for a new phone.


Guess i could just buy the phone else where and stick my sim in.

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its a bit of a pain, but i think the earliest you can upgrade is month 17. but you can reduce your contract from month 9 so it might work to get a second contract and drop this one. or, as i have done previously with phones 4 u, they bought out some of my existing contract when i upgraded early with them.

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since I upgraded my phone t-mobile have taken away my loyalty bonus meaning I'm now paying £25 a month for a service which isnt good enough for that price. One of the only reasons i stayed with them was because I got the name 'shorty' for my login on their website and thought that was cool.


Think its time to move to something cheaper... I'm sure I could get web access and a good number of minutes for about £20 elsewhere. Or minus the web access for £15/mo. Any suggestions, anyone?

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Note to everyone; don't get a SE k850i.





I HATEEE getting top of the range new phones when they don't fucking work. What!? I'm paying £30 a month contract, and I get a piece of shit phone.


But I think the camera is good, its just the whole general phone usage that is cack. The touch screen is a nightmare to use when you are out and about or whatever.


My workmate has one too and hers has crashed numerous times, got a new one luckily. Mines crashed once but fixed with a restore.


And mines covered in fingerprints >_<

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I HATEEE getting top of the range new phones when they don't fucking work. What!? I'm paying £30 a month contract, and I get a piece of shit phone.


But I think the camera is good, its just the whole general phone usage that is cack. The touch screen is a nightmare to use when you are out and about or whatever.


My workmate has one too and hers has crashed numerous times, got a new one luckily. Mines crashed once but fixed with a restore.


And mines covered in fingerprints >_<




Ive got one and although it crashses not and again in camera mode it works fine! the only problem I find with the phone is when you are trying to lock the keypad fast.


Also I got "invisible skin" on mine and its fingerprint FREEEE!!!

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since I upgraded my phone t-mobile have taken away my loyalty bonus meaning I'm now paying £25 a month for a service which isnt good enough for that price. One of the only reasons i stayed with them was because I got the name 'shorty' for my login on their website and thought that was cool.


Think its time to move to something cheaper... I'm sure I could get web access and a good number of minutes for about £20 elsewhere. Or minus the web access for £15/mo. Any suggestions, anyone?


If your keeping your current phone then O2 Simplicity. No minimum term on the contract, £20 a month and it gets you 600 mins, 1000 texts and a bolt-on. Choose the Unlimited Web bolt-on and your all set :)

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o2 don't allow upgrades? What the fuck, seriously? I'd be paying them for a new phone.


Guess i could just buy the phone else where and stick my sim in.


They'll let you 'upgrade' but essentially what you'll be doing is buying the phone from them as PAYG phone and sticking your SIM card in it.

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Yep there is legislation knocking around which means that when you phone is a) pay as you go or b) outside of your first contract THEN you have a right to have your phone unlocked for any network. Since that phone is yours from that point.


The only thing is some networks charge an unlocking free, which could vary I heard 10 to 40 quid but when i did it for my brand new pay as you go k850i when it arrived through the door was ring virgin (company i got it from) and ask them to unlock.


You have to have the UMEI to hand and stuff but otherwise its a painfree experience. PLUS virgin didnt charge me :)

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