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Football Season 2007/2008


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Rob Styles is a disgrace. It was never a penalty, and the thing I can't get over is where he was standing. He had a clear view of it. I'm frankly astonished that giving a penalty even entered his thoughts. Then he booked Essien twice without sending him off, and lost control of the game completely. Absolutely disgusting :mad:


Great finish by Torres though, that boy is quality.

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Essien didn't get booked twice, Rob Styles said he only booked Terry...


It was never a pen but I don't believe it was a dive, Malouda jumped the ball and left it for Drogba... Rob Styles got it wrong!


Still, United 5 points behind is funny!


And yes, absolutely class goal from Torres!

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I dont care what Rob Styles said he clearly shows the card twice, once was to Terry the other was either to Essien or Bel Haim. (Both of which where already on a yellow.) When Sky got the 4th official to clarify it with Rob he clearly realised he had made a fuck up and said he only booked Terry.

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Styles is covering his arse with the 'I only booked Terry' line. He showed a card to Terry, who subsequently fucked off, then a minute or so later Essien was still being a cock, and Styles quite clearly held a yellow card up, right in front of his face. Essien's reaction says it all. He had his hands on his head, devastated. He knew he should have been off.


Rob Styles = wanker

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lol, can't wait to see Ant's take on this. Something about angelic Liverpool players and Chelsea players from Hell I'm willing to bet.


No doubt he is getting drunk in some dirty Liverpool brothel that allows underages in.

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My Match Thoughts


Well I can't say I'm not dissapointed with the referee's performance yesterday, even some decisions made for us made me go "Alright Then I'll Take that". It wasn't a penalty and Hobbz it was nothing like the Villa decision in the fact that them decisions have been given before.


This one was 100% Not a penalty.


Anyway leave the referee bit I'm pissed off enough about that.


Liverpool Wise we were fucking awesome, I think we showed great attitude, some solid displays and you could tell the players where up for it, it striked me how fired up they where and how their hunger was displayed so harshly. Carra and Reina even had a pop at eachother.


Torres goal was an excellent finish, and he will only get better, Babel looked Raw when he came on. Crouch didn't do much when he came on. Arebeloa is very reliable. Agger will become a Liverpool Legend as well.


Mourinho with him you could tell in the Post Match Interview how lucky he was to get something..


As for Rafa if anyone can find me a game where Rafa has been more angry then I will be both shocked and suprised, he was furious yesterday I lost count how many times he said "Unbelieveable"


In the stands there was quite abit of banter


Chelsea Un-Veil this blue flag about the size of a window saying "Chelsea FC Pride of London"


Liverpool's Response "What the fucking hell is that", It went down faster than a diving Drogba IMO


Chelsea Fans Sing "You Let your country down" and then sing "Ing-Er-Lund" Which made me cringe with why aren't you singing Chelsea?


Liverpool's Response "Shove England Up Your Arse" Or For the Locals "Were Not English we are Scouse"


Terry got the chant of the season "She Loves the Scouse Cock, She Loves the Scouse Cock John Terry's Ma, She loves the scouse cock"


And apparently their was alot of Chelsea fans locked out because they tried to get in on Child Tickets....


They kicked up a fuss and Merseyside Police escorted them as far away as possible....



Heres a few pics from where I was sitting I have some vids I may put up from my Phone from the ground and "The Oakfield + Kings Charles"





The Oakfield



Liverpool Pre Match




My View

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Here's something that I think proves that Leeds United will be back in the Championship next year. Our match attendance. We have huge support and that support truly got behind our team on Saturday and 3 goals in 5 mins was the result!


United fans confirmed their status as best by far in the Football League last weekend.


Elland Road saw the biggest crowd in League One by a considerable margin, and also the biggest crowd in the entire Football League.


Our attendance of 24,036 was almost 7,000 bigger than the next highest in League One - Swansea attracted 17,220 for their game with Forest - and over 15,000 bigger than the next highest, 8,671 for Millwall against Cheltenham.


The biggest Championship crowd was 24,004 for Norwich's home game against Southampton while Sheffield Wednesday and Coventry City were the only other clubs to attract gates of over 20,000.


We also had a bigger crowd four Premiership clubs - Fulham, Portsmouth, Reading, and Wigan - and only marginally less than Birmingham, for their game with West Ham, and Blackburn, who entertained Arsenal.


Our crowd, which included 638 Southend fans, was also bigger than that for the first home game last season against Norwich, just two months after the Championship Play-Off final.


Let's show 'em all!



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Here's something that I think proves that Leeds United will be back in the Championship next year. Our match attendance. We have huge support and that support truly got behind our team on Saturday and 3 goals in 5 mins was the result!


United fans confirmed their status as best by far in the Football League last weekend.


Elland Road saw the biggest crowd in League One by a considerable margin, and also the biggest crowd in the entire Football League.


Our attendance of 24,036 was almost 7,000 bigger than the next highest in League One - Swansea attracted 17,220 for their game with Forest - and over 15,000 bigger than the next highest, 8,671 for Millwall against Cheltenham.


The biggest Championship crowd was 24,004 for Norwich's home game against Southampton while Sheffield Wednesday and Coventry City were the only other clubs to attract gates of over 20,000.


We also had a bigger crowd four Premiership clubs - Fulham, Portsmouth, Reading, and Wigan - and only marginally less than Birmingham, for their game with West Ham, and Blackburn, who entertained Arsenal.


Our crowd, which included 638 Southend fans, was also bigger than that for the first home game last season against Norwich, just two months after the Championship Play-Off final.


Let's show 'em all!




I'm not suprised

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Just watched the Arsenal highlights on Arsenal TV Online, Jens the donkey might have to be dropped. It's a tough call, two mistakes in two games, then we've got Man City, do we chuck someone in the deep end or do we hope Lehmann has his head screwed on. Besides Lehmann's mistake we played ok at times, and had enough chances to win the game.

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Here's something that I think proves that Leeds United will be back in the Championship next year. Our match attendance. We have huge support and that support truly got behind our team on Saturday and 3 goals in 5 mins was the result!


United fans confirmed their status as best by far in the Football League last weekend.


Elland Road saw the biggest crowd in League One by a considerable margin, and also the biggest crowd in the entire Football League.


Our attendance of 24,036 was almost 7,000 bigger than the next highest in League One - Swansea attracted 17,220 for their game with Forest - and over 15,000 bigger than the next highest, 8,671 for Millwall against Cheltenham.


The biggest Championship crowd was 24,004 for Norwich's home game against Southampton while Sheffield Wednesday and Coventry City were the only other clubs to attract gates of over 20,000.


We also had a bigger crowd four Premiership clubs - Fulham, Portsmouth, Reading, and Wigan - and only marginally less than Birmingham, for their game with West Ham, and Blackburn, who entertained Arsenal.


Our crowd, which included 638 Southend fans, was also bigger than that for the first home game last season against Norwich, just two months after the Championship Play-Off final.


Let's show 'em all!




We had the highest average attendance's in that league as well it didn't get us our of it straight away.


And apparently their was alot of Chelsea fans locked out because they tried to get in on Child Tickets....


Which is so much worse than trying to get in on fake tickets.

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Liverpool's Response "What the fucking hell is that"


Liverpool's Response "Shove England Up Your Arse"


Terry got the chant of the season "She Loves the Scouse Cock, She Loves the Scouse Cock John Terry's Ma, She loves the scouse cock"


Sorry Ant but it constantly amazes me how dads have no issues with bringing their young kids to a football match if things like that are being spouted.

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