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Football Season 2007/2008


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Anti-Southern theres nothing Anti Southern I just think it should be equal distance for everyone.


Birmingham Suits the bill in every criteria methinks.


Bah it's built now fuck it...Give me back my Milenium Stadium :yay:


You're annoying.

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In all due respect mate, having a 100 Thousand seater stadium is a whole different ball game (excuse the pun).


Birmingham has the NIA, NEC, Multiple stadiums, great motorway links etc. I'm sure it would do a fine job with a new stadium and after-all it's not like it would be in the inner city.

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London has four international airports, an extensive public transport network that is miles ahead of anywhere else in the UK, and pretty much every major road and railway line heads there. It is also fairly 'central' if you take into account population distribution. Plus you've got all the history and tradition attached with Wembley. I'm sorry but it's a fucking no-brainer, isn't it?


And for those arguing about travel costs, I can get a single from Durham to King's Cross for less than a tenner if I remember to book in advance. Stop bloody moaning.

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But that does not bring about the media and social circus of an England game.


United V Watford this year, is a key example.


You also have to take into consideration, away fans. Getting to London is a far easier experience due to its far superior Airport and transport links.


If it was Man U against a bigger team than Watford the Media Circus would probably be much bigger, especially if it was against Liverpool.

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London has four international airports, an extensive public transport network that is miles ahead of anywhere else in the UK, and pretty much every major road and railway line heads there. It is also fairly 'central' if you take into account population distribution. Plus you've got all the history and tradition attached with Wembley. I'm sorry but it's a fucking no-brainer, isn't it?


And for those arguing about travel costs, I can get a single from Durham to King's Cross for less than a tenner if I remember to book in advance. Stop bloody moaning.


You've just saved me typing about London's good transport links. Thanks

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@ Villan:


Okay then, I suppose Birmingham is the UK's second city and it's largest conurbation so Croker in Cork maybe :p


What I really meant by that post was, that a country's national stadium should be in the country's capital. That's why a country has a capital city - it is a city where the Government usually sits, the various sporting organisations have their headquarters and (usually) where the greatest population is, it has the best and most modern infrastructure in-so-far as roads/transport links and public buildings. And above all, it just makes sense to have it in the Capital.

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Are you guys really going to argue over where Wembley should have been built?




When you look at this there really is not question at all as to the reason it's in London. Seriously. :-/


These figures are out of date, but, they do nicely for now really. :-/


Pretty much 20% of Englands population resides inside London so moving it away isn't the best idea really. :-/

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Are you guys really going to argue over where Wembley should have been built?


We are indeed.....:heh: Can't believe the things they talk about in this thread. Before it was all about the bloody plans for the new Liverpool Stadium and now its gone onto, "Where should have Wembley been built?". It only started cos someone, out of pure stupidity, argued that it should be placed, literally, in the the centre of the UK....what an idiot. :indeed:

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We are indeed.....:heh: Can't believe the things they talk about in this thread. Before it was all about the bloody plans for the new Liverpool Stadium and now its gone onto, "Where should have Wembley been built?". It only started cos someone, out of pure stupidity, argued that it should be placed, literally, in the the centre of the UK....what an idiot. :indeed:


Whats so idiotic about the idea, I think it's quite logical..Don't be so ignorant to the benefits a National Stadium in the centre of the country would bring.


Post something constructive rather than swipes at other forum members



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Whats so idiotic about the idea, I think it's quite logical..Don't be so ignorant to the benefits a National Stadium in the centre of the country would bring.


Post something constructive rather than swipes at other forum members




No thanks.


I'm sorry, I don't mean to be offensive, its just that its impossible and illogical to have Wembley in the the centre of the country. You can't have a national stadium that is equally accessible to absolutely everybody. Its in London for a reason ya know?


Moving on, can't wait to see how we play in the Emirates Cup. Hope it will be a good tournament. :smile:

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If we didn't argue about stuff like this Conzer would have us all talking about Leeds fucking United. :shakehead


If we didn't have us here, all we would do is be like


Man Utd


*Jizz Stains*




*Jizz Stains*




*Jizz Stains*


I'm just here to distrupt the order and talk about something else...


I do think we should have a top four thread.....:yay:

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Hmmm difference is, is that out of the notable united fans on ere (Platty, Me, Fierce Link etc.) we dont sit around ejaculating over every little news story revolving around the club. If news broke that Liverpool had fired the Toilet Cleaner, you would be making a debate over it.


You really take dickriding to a new levels - at times, Ant.


I don't post much in this thread but always read it, and i completely agree with that last part.

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As I said I don't resort to abuse, I don't act the dick head and I talk about my club in the relevant thread.


Don't Like it then it's not my problem.


I have been told by no moderator or Admin that I have indeed done something wrong so I'll continue doing what I am doing until someone says otherwise.


With all due respect as well Hobz your attitude towards me is starting to piss me right off, your always talking down to me in a condescending manner and I don't like it one bit.


Our opinions in football differ, it's not called dick riding, it's called supporting and my opinions should be respected like everybody else.


If you don't like my opinions then Fuck you I'll argue with you if you want to discuss it.


I'll argue my point and fight to get my point across it's not called dick riding it's simply standing up for what you think/know is right.


It's not called dick riding hobs


It's called Opinions

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You dont seem to understand when you dick ride. Making 15 posts on Liverpools new stadium, regurgitating the same details again, again and again is not an opinion it is getting carried away.


You just come across quite insecure in the process. Its like you make all these Liverpool related posts to try and prove what a "great" fan you are to everybody.


Thats the impression I get. I accept your opinions, I dont accept your boring dickriding


Well your mis interpreting what I'm trying to say...


I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone here, I am trying to express my opinions..


Don't Like 'Em You Know what you do


As I said until I get a kind message of the mods or admins telling me I've done something wrong then I'll change my ways..


Until then I'll keep posting about the team I love and If you don't like it then quite frankly I don't give a damn.


I am just replying to peoples post in the best way I know how, in using the knowledge I have.


Your Just nit picking all the time Hobz and Jump the bandwagon when something gets said to me and escalating a 'issue' further than what it was.

Notabaly with most of the posts I make, I mean you actually go back a few pages just to get your word in against me?


Hobz I know you don't like me an all but stop with this sensible *Hobz* shite when we all know that your posts aren't exactly the most mature or entertaining either. And stop fucking putting a bad word every time I am having a discussion with someone it's highly irritating...

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Easy, this isnt Gone With The Wind...


And you really think I would go into a thread just to go against you? Something you have done to me for the past 2 months, lol Get real man! You said the england stadium should not be in london, I disagreed with that statement and therefore I made that clear. If I've looked two pages back at discussions, it is because I have been out and not seen the thread build up. It is called reading back at what you aint seen! If you dont talk bollocks, I wont get at you for it.


Your Chatting Bollocks....



In My Opinion


Fuck It I'm off to bed, fed up of your condescending ways..


Kind Regards



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