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Here's this weeks offerings.


E3 recap


- Metroid: Other M, Galaxy 2, new Zelda mentioned, Red Steel 2, Grinder, Gladiator A.D., Silent Hill, Sin and Punishment 2, Endless Ocean 2, Scribblenauts were at E3

- Everyone loves Scribblenauts

- Don’t really expect game on the DS to be game of the show, Bozon was blown away that it was

- IGN not the only site giving Scribblenauts game of the show award

- Warner Bros. didn’t really feature the game prominently at E3


Metroid: Other M


- Optimistic with Sakamoto leading

- Not the same Team Ninja we knew

- Game that is all about exploration, seems to be heavy emphasis on combat/melee combat

- Matt has some reservations, but up with Metroid game with backstory + cinematic

- Bozon thinks only game that holds up against Other M in terms of presentation is Smash Bros.

- Someone mentioned that sequence with Samus running in trailer looks like it was ripped right out of Ninja Gaiden



Galaxy 2


- Matt initially thought it was cool but then started to think much would be changed

- Now that he has dissected the trailer, there is quite a bit new in there

- Yoshi can latch onto objects with tongue via pointer

- Screw attack, new levels (classicly designed but made bigger/based on musical instruments)

- Yoshi can inflate

- Speed boost

- Fly with Yoshi too

- Graphics look good

- Matt disappointed that trailer had MIDI music, hopes that final game will have orchestrated music

- Story dumbed down a bit, Matt happy with that

- Bozon still worried that it will be a level pack

- One of the rare games where Matt is happy with a straight sequel and make everything more dramatic

- Have great foundation from first game, just need to take it to the next level

- Bozon thinks no old levels should return


New Super Mario Bros. Wii


- Based on DS game (obviously influenced)

- Almost ported over to Wii (has that look)

- 4 player support

- Miyamoto said there is so much going on that it can’t handle online since it’s taxing the hardware too much

- Craig understands what Miyamoto meant with the online statement

- 10 levels were really fun

- Misrepresented the game, made it seem like it’s 4 players competitive but it’s co-op

- Great addition to the library, predictable/expected, Matt will definitely play it and enjoy

- Would have been bad if this was Nintendo’s only announcement

- It’s pretty but could be way prettier


Wii Sports Resort


- Frisbee golf and disc golf feel different, frisbee golf feeling better

- Craig liked playing frisbee golf

- Didn’t know about archery, shows different use of MotionPlus, Craig liked it

- Making archery look really nice, using depth of field blur, scope, clean/crisp look

- One of their most anticipated games

- Craig nervous about sword fighting - 100 fighters - MotionPlus needs a lot of calibration so it was getting thrown off


Sin and Punishment


- Bozon thinks it’s cool but simple

- Online leaderboards

- With Wii IR feels just like another on-rails shooter

- Still really fun

- Doesn’t quite feel like how the game felt on N64


Endless Ocean 2


- Was all in Japanese

- Looks a little better

- Marine life in water - aquatic life swimming around

- More life swimming in background

- Danger situations

- Have tranquilizer gun

- Co-op mode, go online with Wii Speak support

- New boat

- Can go in non-ocean (lakes)


Zelda Wii


- Didn’t get much about it

- Saved it for Miyamoto’s roundtable

- Showed piece of art

- Said Link isn’t holding a sword

- Speculation: Maybe lost his sword/character is a weapon/has a gun

- Want to use MotionPlus




- Nintendo has a decent showing

- Just enough to satisfy fans but didn’t blow anyone away

- Biggest surprise was Metroid


Red Steel 2


- Played the hell out of it

- Just thinks Metroid

- Very smooth, customizable controls (influenced by High Voltage), controls vast improvement

- Great art style

- Surprised, contemplated that for game of the show (competing with Silent Hill)


Silent Hill


- Wii version is the one to get obviously

- Picked Silent Hill as game of the show

- E3 demo more of a complete package

- Go through full stage, great vertical slice

- Exploration elements, interactive characters, psyc profiles, flashlight

- Hear Wii remote speaker in the game

- Run system is not only cool for Wii but a cool gaming mechanic in general - really intense

- Really well done

- Twists to come

- Should put it on your radar along with Red Steel 2


The Grinder


- Impressive

- Basically Wii version of Left for Dead (not exactly)

- Online co-op with 4 players

- Deathmatch component which High Voltage isn’t discussing yet

- Wii Speak support

- Blast zombies, vampires, werewolves, other things including slashers

- Engine has improved over The Conduit

- Visuals look more stylized

- Frame rate holding up with a lot of enemies

- Game not even coming out until next year

- Should be looking out for this game

- Looking to do whole thing with deathmatch - playing as zombie, werewolf, etc.


Gladiator A.D.


- Fighting game

- A little less impressed, not from visual standpoint

- Really impressed with technology - can push character models, lighting, texture effects - looks really nice but some stiff animation

- Didn’t feel bad but slow at points

- Hope they tinker around with MotionPlus support, 1:1 would change everything

- A lot of potential, not dismissing it




- Puzzle game

- Star in a level, figure a way to get it by calling up items

- Many ways to solve a puzzle

- Rewarded by creativity

- Bozon thinks it will be a massive success

- Impressive that there are tens of thousands of items on the cartridge

- Very deep game - 200 levels, level editor, can spend an hour+ on the title screen

- Must-own title, pre-order it right now and buy 5 copies for your friends

- If Matt reviewed what he played at E3, it would get a high score


The Conduit


- Review coming shortly

- Matt finished the game, run-time was 5 hours, 30 minutes

- Only tracks only livable play time

- Probably sunk 8 hours into the game

- Decent-sized game but not huge

- All about the multiplayer

- Achievements, unlockables, cheats

- Matt had a good time with the game

- Feels like Perfect Dark

- Overall was pleasantly surprised

- A lot of the same characters/weapons but didn’t bug Matt

- Some repeating level design

- Will be a solid review

- Haven’t played multiplayer yet

- Will be pleased if you’ve been looking forward to it

- Craig saw a commercial for it yesterday, was pretty engaging

- This is the third mature game from SEGA and the first two bombed


Virtua Tennis vs. Grand Slam


- Should go with Grand Slam Tennis

- Virtua Tennis feels like a PS2 port

- Slow/laggy in Virtua Tennis

- Grand Slam Tennis not perfect but it becomes a blast with practice


Reader questions


- Matt recommends Tiger Woods PGA Tour over The Conduit, can’t go wrong with either game, MotionPlus done well in Tiger (reader asked, said he likes FPS games)

- Mighty Flip Champs! will be released in Europe, working on final localization - Game is doing well

- Possible that figure in Zelda concept art is the sword, we’ll have to see

- Scribblenauts a contender for game of the year if it holds up

- High Voltage talking about possibly bringing their games to 360/PS3 because they are an independent developer

- Matt will recommend The Conduit

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Wii Sports Resort


- Craig gave it a 7.7

- Matt pretty much agreed with Craig’s score, was hoping it wouldn’t be overrated

- Game does insane stuff for the casual crowd…Bozon’s niece got addicted to swordplay, family didn’t want Bozon to take the game home

- Some games in there that aren’t super great

- Really good compilation of mini-games but in terms of polish, doesn’t have everything you’d expect out of a really awesome Wii title

- Feels like step 1 for the mini-games

- Matt thinks that not having a Mario Bowling is a missed opportunity

- Ideas you’d expect Nintendo to use but then they don’t really use it that often

- Craig thinks the airplane controls well, skydiving portion is actually fun

- Can tell which games are tacked on and which are good efforts

- Bicycling isn’t fun

- The more Craig plays Wii Sports Resort, the more he understands what MotionPlus actually is - More like a glorified tilt sensor

- MotionPlus still not 1:1 but makes Wiimote much better controller

- Cycling is Bozon’s least favorite game, Craig thinks it’s the boxing of Wii Sports Resort

- In terms of controls, basketball isn’t the best

- Review scores have been all over the place


- Wii MotionPlus already over 150k+ sales

- Tiger Woods selling very well with the pack in

- Also showed up as multiplatform (NPD), Matt wants to know how well the Wii version sold



The Conduit


- The numbers are out there but IGN can’t say exactly

- Less than 100,000 copies sold

- Released in the middle of June so it only had a few days of sells

- In its first true month, Bozon thinks it’ll sell over 100,000 in its first true month

- It’ll gain speed, has a huge ad campaign behind it

- Bozon thinks it’ll do fine

- Matt thinks it’s very sensationalist to say that the Wii’s last hope has bombed at the retail

- It’ll have legs

- There’s been issues with the online component, Craig’s heard that the online experience isn’t too protected

- High Voltage would love to release an update in the future but not sure if the system is in place for them to do that


Metroid Prime Trilogy


- Trailer released last week

- IGN has the game, can’t say much about it

- Bozon played a little bit of it

- Matt going to visit Retro Studios

- Trailer a compilation of the three games, can see a little bit of the interface

- Great value but many people have played these games before

- It’ll get a high recommendation for those who haven’t played the games

- Slight downer is that widescreen mode is sort of faked - zoomed in/cropped for cutscenes


Club Nintendo


- Prizes announced

- Platinum members can choose between Mario hat or Doc Louis’ Punch-Out!!

- Will send members a code to download the game

- Won’t need the actual game

- Still a demo but pretty cool

- Craig a little concerned that they might have pulled out Doc Louis from the actual game just to put him in here

- Just fighting Doc Louis

- Gold members get a calender

- Craig/Bozon don’t think the prizes are crappy but want stuff from Europe/Japan

- Good first start

- It’s free

- Need to start changing the prizes like the classic controller


Might and Magic


- Really cool

- Sort of has a match three element to it

- More about strategy then plying a bejeweled game

- Line up units that are the same color/type, freely move them around

- Certain amount of moves for each round

- Can build walls or do attacks

- Based on unit you have, wait a few turns, then launches attack

- Level up units

- Becomes hybrid between strategy and RPG

- Original IP that has Might and Magic name attached to it


Mega Man Star Force 3


- Craig liked the series when it came out on the GBA, now getting sick of it

- Capcom is remaking the original Battle Network game for the DS

- 3D mechanic isn’t as good as the 2D one, doesn’t look as clean




- Matt played it

- Have to go in knowing that it’s a straight up brawler

- Doesn’t have a gimmick/hook which is kind of disappointing

- Not a bad game

- Looks really good

- Has a nice art style, good tech behind it

- Matt thought the controls worked pretty well but has more waggle in some cases than Matt would like (can turn it off, it’s in the finishing attacks)

- Good that you can switch between characters and play with co-op

- Better looking than a lot of Wii games

- Look isn’t too gritty or adult but it has aged up, Matt thinks it’s more visually appealing

- Controlled camera

- Fight armies of bosses and characters

- Eventually fight the big epic boss that ends the level

- Can use IR to point over things that look like they’re cloaked

- The title is horrible


Reader questions


- Daemon Hatfield is not on the IGN Nintendo Team anymore - he’s in charge of the downloadable content

- Nintendo Team would go with Punch-Out!! over the Mario hat for Club Nintendo

- Matt recommends avoiding LCDs for playing Wii, plasma has a softer look

- If Nintendo chose not to include Wii Sports in the box, Matt/Bozon don’t think the system would be the sales juggernaut that it is today

- Craig’s Wii Sports Resort review score is the average of the UK + Australian IGN scores (it was a coincidence) - going to sell a lot

- Bozon didn’t get a chance to play Fossil Fighters but it’s basically like Nintendo copying other people’s dig up copy of Pokemon - animation is terrible…Might end up being a good game but Craig isn’t impressed (he hasn’t played it yet either)

- Not many Wii games that have truly stronger controls than 360/PS3/PC

- Bozon played Darkside Chronicles again, has hope, comes down to the levels/how much shaky cam there is, better than Umbrella Chronicles, depends how much the bar has been raised

- Drift/lag isn’t a huge deal in Wii Sports Resort but it’s not perfect

- Wii does have a technical edge over the GameCube but it’s not as gigantic as some people were trying to say when the system first came out

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I disagree with them saying that the Wii doesn't usually have stronger controls then 360/PS3. In my opinion, the Wii almost always has the upper hand on controls - I hate Dual Analogue.


I've not listened to the podcast yet, but think you may have the wrong end of the stick. They've previously said they all prefer IR controls for shooters (but not Wii's limited buttons), so i guess they're refering to most other genres- and they probably do have a point; there are precious few Wii games that have outstanding motion/IR controls.


I can think of quite a few games where a traditional pad would probably work work as well, if not, better- Mario Kart, Smash Bros (which incidently have a substantial number of gamer using traditional controls), Mario Galaxy...

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I've not listened to the podcast yet, but think you may have the wrong end of the stick. They've previously said they all prefer IR controls for shooters (but not Wii's limited buttons), so i guess they're refering to most other genres- and they probably do have a point; there are precious few Wii games that have outstanding motion/IR controls.


I can think of quite a few games where a traditional pad would probably work work as well, if not, better- Mario Kart, Smash Bros (which incidently have a substantial number of gamer using traditional controls), Mario Galaxy...


While I certainly agree that Galaxy could quite efficiently be developed for traditional controls, I can't personally say I would prefer it or even stack it alongside the current set-up. For me, the point & shake controls felt fresh and are now second nature; backpeddling to the days of grasping a chunky pad with both hands would feel counter-intuitive.

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I actually thought this weeks podcast was pretty meh. I disagree with them saying that the Wii doesn't usually have stronger controls then 360/PS3. In my opinion, the Wii almost always has the upper hand on controls - I hate Dual Analogue.


The Wii controls are superior - especially with FPS games. I recenty got a 360, and playing COD4 feels sooo clunky compared to WAW on the Wii which feels smooth and intuitive.


The problem with Wii controls is that developers often implement them very badly. Excess waggle and trying to map every action to a motion are terrible. The fact is the pointer is great, and a bit of waggle is fine, but ultimately I'd much rather have a button press for a jump.


Mario Galaxy got it very right - but it was always going to. Then you have games like Indiana Jones, where everything is a motion, and it's awful.

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The Wii controls are superior - especially with FPS games. I recenty got a 360, and playing COD4 feels sooo clunky compared to WAW on the Wii which feels smooth and intuitive.


The problem with Wii controls is that developers often implement them very badly. Excess waggle and trying to map every action to a motion are terrible. The fact is the pointer is great, and a bit of waggle is fine, but ultimately I'd much rather have a button press for a jump.


Mario Galaxy got it very right - but it was always going to. Then you have games like Indiana Jones, where everything is a motion, and it's awful.

Good point there. It seems the best cases are when motion control is used very sparingly.

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Good point there. It seems the best cases are when motion control is used very sparingly.


And this is what I hope is he future of motion controls - something that is very subtle. I imagine a control pad that can:


a) know exactly what you're pointing at

b) have gyroscopes in both hands

c) recognise very small movements and translate them into the game (or not)


Applying this to Zelda, for example, the left gyroscope could control the Mirror Shield, the right gyroscope (and perhaps infra-red pointing) controlling the aiming (eg. bow) and advanced (but limited) motion control/accelerometers controlling sword swings. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they left out the last one.


With Natal, on the other hand, you could use a normal controller but sometimes lift your finger up to gently press a button (like entering the code on a safe).


They could always still have the capability to do games like Wii Sports, but I can't see that much movement being welcome in a long game.


Motion control is interesting, but something that perhaps needs to "calm down" before it truly benefits gaming.

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Motion control is interesting, but something that perhaps needs to "calm down" before it truly benefits gaming.


Its just like Surround sound and the old 3D Movies. How many movies had that generic airport scene added in back when Surround sound was first coming out with the plane taking off behind you, but otherwise didn't use it.

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Here's this week's lazy summary of what roughly happened - vaguely - copied and pasted from another site:




- Not much game news

- Was a lot of Avatar

- Not much was Wii-related

- Capcom brought Spyborgs and Resident Evil

- Thought the LucasArts game might have been the MotionPlus Star Wars game but it wasn’t…Maybe next year - Bozon thinks it’s coming eventually


Red Steel 2 delayed


- Not coming out this year

- Early 2010

- Makes picking Game of the Year a little easier

- Matt was really looking forward to it

- Not a whole lot of Wii choices if you’re a hardcore gamer looking for a traditional game for the rest of the year

- Maybe they’ll go back and refine MotionPlus support


Wii Sports Resort


- Craig doesn’t think people will buy the Wii for the game

- It still will sell a lot of games

- If Bozon was a new system owner, he wouldn’t care at all what Wii Sports Resort was since he already was going to buy the system to get Wii Sports…It’s the game people have been talking about for three years

- Wii owners won’t buy Wii Sports Resort on day one, will just buy it whenever

- Probably won’t sell like Wii Play

- Nintendo hides the fact that MotionPlus is in the Sports Resort box, just says in the bottom left “Wii MotionPlus insideâ€

- Matt wonders if it would sell more if there were an extra remote with the Wii Sports Resort package

- It’ll sell regardless but it won’t sell consoles

- Don’t be surprised by the initial numbers because this is the slow time for video games - Best time to sell is during Christmas




- Craig digs it

- He has it

- It is the real deal

- Puzzles are really cool

- Controls clunky - Control the character by tapping on the screen, but also need to tap to control objects

- AI of lead character sometimes won’t follow taps

- Controls alright, for the most part it works pretty well

- Overall some the puzzles are fantastic, idea is solid

- Official release date is September 15


Lack of VC games


- No VC games the past two weeks

- They’ve been favoring WiiWare recently

- Rumor going around that Nintendo is doing this because the VC sales aren’t performing as well as WiiWare sales

- Matt doesn’t believe the rumor since he doesn’t think NOA would say anything like that but he’ll eat a broom if it’s true

- Still don’t really have a good way of telling people what’s new, what’s out, etc.

- Games have huge dropoff after awhile since they are taken away from the Wii Shop Channel main page

- Situation even worse on the DSi, need to shop by how much the game costs

- Not a lot of efforts going into DSiWare either…Hudson released a 200 point Sudoku version of the 500 point version


Nyx Quest


- It’s a terrible name

- Very good WiiWare game, worth your consideration

- Stylized graphics

- A lot of platforming

- Use Wiimote to pick up/slide/manipulate objects

- Puzzles can get really tough

- Bozon doesn’t dig the overall style and feel as much as LostWinds, still having a blast with it

- Can triple jump, glide

- One of the better WiiWare games


Night Game


- Matt played it a lot recently

- Coming along nicely

- Looks good, music is awesome

- Controls and physics system have come together

- Adding motion support to it in the future


- Cave Story coming out very soon, just about wrapped - Going into the submission process soon

- Moves at 60 FPS

- It’s like WiiWare’s Super Metroid

- Controls work well

- Nicalis has a good lineup - Also picked up La-Mulana, working on other projects


Wii sales slowing


- $250 price point still nice sweet spot for Nintendo

- Now can actually go into a store and buy it

- Need to entice the package a little more - Don’t pull out Wii Sports, maybe include Wii Sports Resort

- Craig thinks numbers might start taking off again when September/October come

- Matt thinks it’s time for at least new system colors


Metroid Prime Trilogy (in reference to the Japanese Prime versions)


- Matt has played 3-4 hours

- Very much like Corruption

- Nice to be able to go back and play with the Wii controls

- Still holds up well

- Going to make a real difference when they get the retail copy with all of the goodies

- Embargo lifts the first week of August

- Not sure if Trilogy can use Corruption file but Craig doesn’t think it will


Reader questions


- There’s not much to the Wii update 4.1 - Fixes a bug in Wii Sports Resort involving the intro video

- MotionPlus probably drains the battery for the Wiimotes

- Professor Layton twitter account was fake

- Don’t have to worry about calibration for most games, many are already disguising the process

- No online multiplayer in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for Wii

- When sales truly dip then Nintendo will scramble on the next console - Would probably allow for backward compatibility - it’s impossible to predict what Nintendo will do - There will probably be an advancement to the controller for Wii 2/Wii HD

- Article about The Conduit on examiner wasn’t written by Matt - Can’t say the game sold poorly yet but not selling like it should

- Matt would suggest upgrading to DSi if you have the original DS - If you have a DS Lite and the color is important, you should wait


- Matt going to Retro Studios in the next week or two

- Leaving August 15th for Germany - Should get a lot of good WiiWare stuff from WiiWare devs

- No keynote, old E3 demos from Nintendo at Germany - Will get regurgitated previews

- Doing something Guitar Hero related soon

- Might and Magic got terrible traffic on IGN even though it’s an amazing game


I probably looked like a complete mental patient listening to this. I burst out giggling while I was walking my dog when Bozon theorised about why the Japanese aren't spending on video games...

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  • 4 months later...

Nintendo Voice Chat 60


Welcome to Nintendo Voice Chat, IGN.com's Nintendo centric podcast. This week, host Craig Harris pulls entirely from the pool of San Francisco editors instead of going to the normal crowd in LA. New this week, Jack DeVries, Daemon Hatfield, and Greg Miller join in on the Nintendo fun.


This week, we discuss the two editorials that ran on IGN last week: why Wii needs achievements, and why Nintendo is lazy. We also briefly talk about the 2010 line-up and our Top 25 Wii game list.


seanmalstrom -

Check out their latest podcast. Holy cow! At times it sounds like a Microsoft commercial masquerading as a Nintendo podcast.


I am doing this summary for this reason: I listened to it so you don’t have to. Don’t give these jokers any more hits.


Paraphrasing some of what is being said:


-Wii sucks because PS3/360 have achievements.

-Achievements are an innovation as big as motion controls. Achievements are a better innovation than motion controls.

-When you play Wii games, you do not feel any accomplishment.

-Mad World is awesome, it would have sold if it had achievements and social networking.

-Wants the Miis to copy Avatars in having clothes.

-Mentions Wii Sports Resort and other games by saying it has achievements in it. But says it doesn’t matter because the achievements do not go ‘beyond the game’.

-Mention people in the comments defending Nintendo. “Nintendo fanboys have brainwashed themselves.” IGN staff then mocks Nintendo fans by pretending to be brainwashed: “I don’t want achievements!” “I don’t want HD!” “I don’t want to just sit on the couch and just play!” “I don’t want to get up and wave my arms!”

-Quote: “Turning on my Wii is a very lonely experience” because Wii doesn’t have some Xbox Live system.

-”I don’t know anyone in the Bay area who doesn’t live with a room-mate.” (Not sure I want to interpret that…)

-Podcast then switches to talking about Cassamassina’s “Nintendo is lazy” column.

-Talks about how Gamecube Nintendo used to push big huge games with cutting edge graphics.

-Says Nintendo stopped doing this because they couldn’t compete. (No mention of Blue Ocean Strategy.)

-”Wii has been phenomenally successful, but it is the first Nintendo console I do not want to play.” “A great example of this would be the new Super Mario Brothers for the Wii.”

-NSBMW doesn’t set the world on fire in how it uses the Wii. It is just “Here’s the game!”

-Call NSBMW a DS port. “Nintendo just took everything that worked on the DS and just put it on the Wii.”

-”That is how Nintendo has been so financially successful.”

-Says there was no money put into NSBMW. No money for Research and Development.

-Wii is a Gamecube with a new peripheral.

-Nintendo has given up the battle of the epic games to Microsoft and Sony. “Absolutely,” replies another.

-Nintendo doesn’t care to enter the battle of Microsoft and Sony. “And I think it is hurting them in the long run.”

-Nintendo needs to go after the hardcore. One person says their mom has a Wii and hasn’t bought a game for it.

-One person used his Mom’s Wii, puts in the new Mario game, declares the Wii controllers are all dead, then updates the Wii’s firmware. Then says he updates the firmware yet again.

-Craig Harris: Mario Galaxy is epic because of its story (as well as its texture mapping and cutscenes). However, Galaxy isn’t as good as games on the HD Twins because games on the HD Twins have more epic stories.

-Craig Harris isn’t happy how people accept what Nintendo is doing by not putting epic stories into their games. “Link doesn’t talk!”

-Craig Harris after demanding that Nintendo games have voice acting: “I really want to play games like Uncharted 2 on the Wii.”

-”Assassin’s Creed 2 feels like a Mature Zelda game.”

-Craig Harris: “I know video games are in the money making business. But companies like Microsoft and Sony are doing certain things and if Nintendo is going to sit back and relax…”

-”They’re betting that the casual market will be there forever.”

-Nintendo is doomed because Wii is going to become like the N64. Sony is going to sneak up through them.

-”Wii totally reminds me of how it is used in casual households is like the crappy systems you see in Walgreens when you are checking out. Plug and play guitars!” “It’s like a little gimmick when you want to do something with it.”

-Keeps attacking the “casual audience”.

-Likens the “casual players” to what caused the Atari crash in 1983 (not joking, they said it).

-Says Nintendo is where it is at the end of the latter SNES days where Nintendo is sitting comfortably and getting ready to make the N64. Says Nintendo will fall once Sony Wand and Microsoft Natal get released.

-Mentions an email where it asks Cassamassina, “Why don’t you go after Nintendo for being lazy with Mario Galaxy? It is, after all, tons of recycled content with purple coins and all.” They say this doesn’t count since “all games have that.”

-Start bashing Phantom Hourglass.

-Says Wii is best when emulating the PC. “like games as World of Goo.”

-Says if you are a new consumer looking for motion control, you will be wowed by Natal and Wand.

-Say they like Wand because they actually hold it.

-Others say they are skeptical of both Natal and Wand since they are copying what Nintendo is doing.

-Another email says NSMB Wii is being knocked more than it should. Is annoyed people are bashing the side scroller. They disagree with the email and says Nintendo didn’t do anything with NSBMW except putting out a red box.

-In a Japanese magazine, Miyamoto says he wanted the gameplay to be the same for all four characters in NSMBW.

-Reads an email who says that NSBMW was scored too high by IGN and should be below an 8.

-Says Gamecube was a hardcore system (I thought it was a kiddy system?)

-Starts bashing Animal Crossing Wii and Wii Music.

-”What is the point of complaining?” says an email. “Because we got tons of comments and tons of traffic,” answers Harris. This is perhaps why this podcast is so intentionally bad.

-Bashes the Quarter 1 release schedule from Nintendo.

-Talk about their favorite Wii games. Mention Mario Kart Wii and Boom Blox.

-Doesn’t know why Excitebots isn’t selling.

-Harris admits he thinks NSBMW is one of the top games for the system (odd for bashing it so much earlier in this podcast)

-One email asks if Blaster Master sells well on VC, will it get a sequel? (Doesn’t appear they answer this.)

-Says no one will try a VC game they haven’t played.

-Email complains about how Daemon’s WiiWare reviews all complain about leaderboards not being online.

-Tells developers, who might be listening, that it is 2010 that they should only put arcade games with online leaderboards.

-Email asks if Project Hammer being resurrected with Motion Plus. No answer, just hyena sounds as they laugh at their own jokes you can’t make out.

Edited by Dante
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Wow, what an incredible whinge fest! Achievements/Trophies are great if you really like that kind of thing, but really they don't mean an awful lot. There are people with insane gamerscores out there as they literally only play the games to rack up the achievements.



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Wow, what an incredible whinge fest! Achievements/Trophies are great if you really like that kind of thing, but really they don't mean an awful lot. There are people with insane gamerscores out there as they literally only play the games to rack up the achievements.




Funny thing that the same site had feature saying that achievements sucks and bash NSMBW alot in this podcast then have one of them saying how it is great game is for the system later on.

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Did anyone actually listen to it? I'm not trying to start a flame war, I'm legitimately curious.


Yes, it was a bit of a 'bash the Wii' feast, but they did make some good points, and it wasn't as harsh as Dante's quote makes out. Yes, Nintendo could be trying a lot harder (particularly when we look at their online community) but it's definitely not as dooms day as the rantcast made out, and the stuff about the Wii being like the Atari crash is just ridiculous.

Edited by LostOverThere
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Not listened to the podcast but surely this was constructive criticism? The unfortunate thing is that podcasts can become very 'spur of the moment' and with poor editing can be detrimental to those taking part. The IGN podcasts have always been poorly handled and have always come across as immature to me.


Now Matt has gone, Bozon can't hold the channel together. There just isn't that 'draw' or personality which has always been one of IGN's trump cards.

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