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The heat is on!

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hors is bad, akes it hard to revise and study with all the sunshine and outside calling me. Not that outside is that much fun, with the burning of the skin and all.


Btw, am I the only one that starts humming the song every time I see the thread's title?


I've had the song stuck in my head a couple of times cause of this thread. Once is okay, but more than once is just kinda annoying. >.>;

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Getting hot up in here too, noticed it over the last few nights at work, and it's so hot in my room right now! By hot, I mean warm, I know it's gonna get worse and I kind of look forward to it! I've had a nice cold beer out of the fridge, and it was fantastic, I feel like summer is truly arriving!

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Btw, am I the only one that starts humming the song every time I see the thread's title?


I've had the song stuck in my head a couple of times cause of this thread. Once is okay, but more than once is just kinda annoying. >.>;


Ask and thou shall recieve. Here is Glenn Frey - The Heat Is On from the Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack.


The heat is reaching new heights today. I slept on the floor so as to not wake up in a sweaty bed.

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It was really hot for the most of the day today probably around 25 at its peak, I was at work outside with the sleeves rolled right up - was loving it, then at about 4:30 it started absolutely pouring down.


Still wet now at home, I miss the sun already :(

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Guest Stefkov

I got too hot last night so i had to put on my fan. Woke up still with a weat but wasn't as bad as it has been. My room is a lot cooler now, not as cool as everywhere else though.

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