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Hm, what about eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism? How are their views on homosexuality?


Just like any other religion nowadays, the opinion varies from person to person. Gay marriages are performed in Hindu ceramonies but to contrast this in some areas if you are homosexual then you can be punished/ridiculed. As far as I'm aware Buddism is the same - the opinion varies dramatically.


In Hindu text, one of the most famous kings was born when a god ordered two women to have sex until one of them concieved a child. Lol!


Anyway, yeah. I've never seen why people are adament to put Homosexuality and Relgigion together. I mean it all comes down to a persons opinion on it, it shouldn't come down to what a book says. If these religious texts didn't paint a negative picture of homosexuality then I don't think Homophobia would be half as big a problem as it is today.

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Just like any other religion nowadays, the opinion varies from person to person. Gay marriages are performed in Hindu ceramonies but to contrast this in some areas if you are homosexual then you can be punished/ridiculed. As far as I'm aware Buddism is the same - the opinion varies dramatically.


In Hindu text, one of the most famous kings was born when a god ordered two women to have sex until one of them concieved a child. Lol!


Anyway, yeah. I've never seen why people are adament to put Homosexuality and Relgigion together. I mean it all comes down to a persons opinion on it, it shouldn't come down to what a book says. If these religious texts didn't paint a negative picture of homosexuality then I don't think Homophobia would be half as big a problem as it is today.


Nah, you're right, and that's one thing that buggers me a lot: So many stupid, bad, and downright horrendous things have been done in the name of religion. And even the religious texts contradict themselves on various subjects. But the essence of most religions is love. Unfortunately it can be hard to see sometimes.

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The London Stock Exchange's chaplain, Peter Mullen, is under pressure to resign after demanding on his personal blog that gay men should be forced to have "sodomy" warnings tattooed on their bodies, according to the UK's Evening Standard.


He wrote:


"It is time that religious believers began to recommend … discouragements of homosexual practices after the style of warnings on cigarette packets. Let us make it obligatory for homosexuals to have their backsides tattooed with the slogan SODOMY CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH and their chins with FELLATIO KILLS."


He also went on to say that gay pride parades were "obscene" and had to be outlawed.


My mouth was wide-open whilst reading that, it's laughable how someone thinks they can be that offensive to people and get away with it. Though apparently he may well do. They are only "considering" making him face a disciplinary inquiry. If he actually gets away with saying that, they are basically agreeing with him.

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Why does the LSE need a chaplain...


Well, whatever, they might as well have tribal shaman because the chaplain isn't helping anyone there.


They wonder why church attendances have been falling but when the church puts out an image like this it's no wonder.

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My mouth was wide-open whilst reading that, it's laughable how someone thinks they can be that offensive to people and get away with it. Though apparently he may well do. They are only "considering" making him face a disciplinary inquiry. If he actually gets away with saying that, they are basically agreeing with him.


Ignorance should be a crime ... Not innocent ignorance, but this type of ignorance.

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He shouldn't lose his job because he expressed his freedom to express himself. It was a personal blog. If it was in a memo sent to all his staff, or on their website then it'd be another thing.


of course, what he's saying is retarded, but probably not completely serious!

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He shouldn't lose his job because he expressed his freedom to express himself. It was a personal blog. If it was in a memo sent to all his staff, or on their website then it'd be another thing.


of course, what he's saying is retarded, but probably not completely serious!


Not the point. He's a man that a quite a few people probably look up to, and if he says something like that then he's basically telling them to think the same way. Tbh, even if that was a "joke" how is it at all amusing? It's utterly offensive.

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You know what? I couldn't honestly give a flying fuck what one idiot thinks about women and gays.


If he wants to be annoying and post that then so be it, I have better things to worry about ^_^


Yeah, but I do, especially since this man is a figure of authority who people are supposed to look up to.

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My mouth was wide-open whilst reading that, it's laughable how someone thinks they can be that offensive to people and get away with it.


look out!! FELLATIO KILLS!!

...apparently he's now half-heartedly apologized; taking the "i have nothing against gay people ~ many of my friends are gay" route that sooo many gay-bashers do.


while it obviously wasnt a serious suggestion ~ it's a joke in very poor taste and you've gotta wonder just what kind of homophobe makes that kind of "joke" so publicly... :nono:

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If he actually gets away with saying that, they are basically agreeing with him.


Lol what? agreeing? how does that work exactly? I don't agree with comunism but i let it happen etc, does that mean i agree with it? Personally, i though he was joking with the whole, fellatio kills thing.

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He can say what he want because its free speech and all that lot. I know its not a good thing to say but its on his "blog". I doubt a lot of people will look up to him and think "Ommmg he dislikes gays, I do to!"


Silly of him and not right, but its just one guy being a dickhead.

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I'm being bombarded with questions by my best mate about what it's like to give a bj. He is asking the wierdest questions, it's so odd. I'm laughing so much though. He's like a child that's just got a new toy, he won't stop asking about it. I don't understand why he is so fascinated.

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I'm being bombarded with questions by my best mate about what it's like to give a bj. He is asking the wierdest questions, it's so odd. I'm laughing so much though. He's like a child that's just got a new toy, he won't stop asking about it. I don't understand why he is so fascinated.


Just tell him to try it himself, you never know might get a blowjob out of him.

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Just tell him to try it himself, you never know might get a blowjob out of him.


He's confusing.


You know the type. The type that think getting a bj off a guy is okay, as long as they don't do anything in return because then they aren't into men. That type. Or at least, that's my guess.

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Was walking through town earlier and I saw a guy I had seen many times before. I have always liked him; he's so "grrrrrrrrrr", a proper dream guy. As he walked up to me I attempted to make "the friendly head nod you do when you see someone you know but don't know them well enough to stop and chat." As he was walking towards me I noticed he was looking at me. I looked away and thought nothing of it but then when I glanced back to do the nod I noticed he was looking at me differently. In THAT way. We just walked past each other but he wouldn't stop looking.


I may be reading too much into it but I always assumed he was straight, he seems it. He's far to fit to be gay. I may have to do a little facebook stalking.

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