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rokhed, im kinda getting confused :S


You are married and Transexual, i can get till that part, but you have a wife?


Then if you have a Wife, you're not gay? Are you a lesbian transexual? Or are you Bi?


Argh, im confused. :wtf:


I'm bisexual, not exactly a secret, the actual proper name for what I am would be bitransexual though. To be honest though cock tastes a whole lot nicer than pussy.

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I'm bisexual, not exactly a secret, the actual proper name for what I am would be bitransexual though. To be honest though cock tastes a whole lot nicer than pussy.


Ah, okay then, made sense.


Still, the bolded was not necessary to answer my question X_X :heh:

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I know there is nothing wrong with it.


It's just, it's a shame really, not getting those feelings and what not.


It might be a shame yes, but there's nothing you can do about it at all. So it's best to just accept it rather than worry about what could be if you were different.


Not that I have accepted this fact and still hope I just haven't run into the right person yet...

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Coolness is but a pup. Soon enough he'll meet a smoking hottie and descend in to savage moral degeneracy between the tick of a clock :heh:


Ah, but she doesn't always have to be a smoking hottie. That is both the beauty and ugliness of falling in love: The feelings don't take in regard looks or personality. On the contrary, the feelings will make you almost incapable of seeing anything wrong about the person. This is often a good thing when it comes to looks, but can be a very bad thing when it comes to personality.


Of course, that is the case for those love-at-first-sight crushes. At other times, you fall in love specificically with a person's looks or personality, and whereas the former is rather shallow, the latter is often the best basis for a good relationship.

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It might be a shame yes, but there's nothing you can do about it at all. So it's best to just accept it rather than worry about what could be if you were different.


Not that I have accepted this fact and still hope I just haven't run into the right person yet...


I definitely go through phases, think there's no right & wrong tbh... sometimes you might go off a certain kind of food, or don't feel like watching movies, etc.


I was always made to feel strange while growing up, being the only one in the family that didn't love outdoor sport, and equally weird being the only one that loved staying in & playing video games. When people find each other's sexual differences/preferences strange it gives me the exact same feeling...


I'm going out with a couple of friend in Birmingham tomorrow night, anyone else wanna join me? :) lol


Would if i wasn't working tonight... what time you around Bham? Still gonna be here tomorrow?

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Coolness is not a pup, he's 17, I'm sure he may find somebody eventually whenever that happens to be as much as eenuh might :). Both are pretty damn cool people! ^_^


I'm starting to think that maybe I should start liking women, at least they don't put their foot in it without realising, or maybe join the asexuals, lord knows I'm sick of it all :)

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I'm starting to think that maybe I should start liking women, at least they don't put their foot in it without realising, or maybe join the asexuals, lord knows I'm sick of it all :)


Urrm I think you'll find that the foot in it is a pretty common method of modern love for many a young man. I'm the king of it. It's not like it's intentional, it's just that we're all goons. Have pity.

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Urrm I think you'll find that the foot in it is a pretty common method of modern love for many a young man. I'm the king of it. It's not like it's intentional, it's just that we're all goons. Have pity.


Haha, I know I know, :heh:, it's like some of you (I mean some girls have it as well) have no filter between your brains and mouth, it's unfortunate really.

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I think i've accidentally got myself a boyfriend . . .


Do people in relationships wanna hang out all the time, fuck like bunnies, and text each other a lot everyday?


This troubles me. I'm troubled. May i take a moment? . . . .



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I think i've accidentally got myself a boyfriend . . .


Do people in relationships wanna hang out all the time, fuck like bunnies, and text each other a lot everyday?


This troubles me. I'm troubled. May i take a moment? . . . .




Well, I've never been in a relationship, but it doesn't exactly sound like mere friendly behaviour ...

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I think i've accidentally got myself a boyfriend . . .


Do people in relationships wanna hang out all the time, fuck like bunnies, and text each other a lot everyday?


This troubles me. I'm troubled. May i take a moment? . . . .




Is this person on my twitter because he seems to be quite taken with you.


Still...congrats I suppose? Not sure if you want congratulations or comisserations but I have a 50/50 shot of getting it right with congrats.


(I best still be able to crash when I come for the MMU open day :p)

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Is this person on my twitter because he seems to be quite taken with you.


Still...congrats I suppose? Not sure if you want congratulations or comisserations but I have a 50/50 shot of getting it right with congrats.


(I best still be able to crash when I come for the MMU open day :p)


No, he's a guy who's TOO into me who i really should have a word with.


awww bless. Takeo is gettin the mad love regular :heh:


When was i ever not? :wtf:



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