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I never find I lose control when I drink...unless I pass out obviously.


Sounds like a crappy situation but, like you said, you were drunk so at least there wasn't intention. Sorry for the absolute and complete lack of help.


Alcohol is always a handy scapegoat.

Sure it'll free up you inhibitions, but actually thinking it makes you do things you would never do is just naive.

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Alcohol is always a handy scapegoat.

Sure it'll free up you inhibitions, but actually thinking it makes you do things you would never do is just naive.


Well, no. It does make you do things you would never even contemplate doing when not under the influence. Or am I wrong?

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Like I said, in my experience, I've never done something I hadn't at least contemplated doing.


Like Rokhed said, it normally just frees up my inhibitions.


It could differ from person to person though.


Hmm, your probably right. But I won't tell my mate that I must have at some point contemplated messing around with his ex, otherwise I'll get into even more trouble.:p



Edit: Yup Rokhed, I agree with you, I was talking out of my arse. Ignore me :)

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Well, no. It does make you do things you would never even contemplate doing when not under the influence. Or am I wrong?


In my experience you're wrong.

I've done lots of things when drunk that I'd never do sober, but would really want to. Alcohol just frees you up, both of moral obligations, and more importantly, of blame.

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I watched History Boys.


The most awkward portrayal of homosexuality ever.


I'm so glad I watched it alone.


The stud guy was hot.


I'm confused about his sexuality (Dakin - the stud guy), was he bi or straight? Or was the teacher just interesting to him because it was something he couldn't have at first? I.e, Dakin kept trying to please him, but it didn't work, so the teacher sort of became his "challenge" with all the flirting etc? And when he finally realised he could have him, he wanted to take advantage of that? I mean, he wasn't interested in the gay guy, because he could have had him at any given moment...or am I completey wrong? (Someone tell me!)


And yes, the stud guy was hot.:grin:

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I think he was just "heteroflexible". He just wanted the thrill of being sucked off by a teacher.


And yeah, I wouldn't go near that gay guy with a 10 foot barge pole, so I'll give him that one.


"Hetroflexible" (is that not just Bi-curious basically?) - Awesome term, I've never heard that before. So I'm right then, it was just like you say, sort of the thrill of the chase? And agreed about the gay guy, he was sort of like a lap-dog, or whatever the term is, he was pretty annoying, especially when he was singing that song and he just stared at Dakin.

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"Hetroflexible" (is that not just Bi-curious basically?) - Awesome term, I've never heard that before.


That's because I just made it up right there :heh:


So I'm right then, it was just like you say, sort of the thrill of the chase? And agreed about the gay guy, he was sort of like a lap-dog, or whatever the term is, he was pretty annoying, especially when he was singing that song and he just stared at Dakin.


Yeah, what the fuck was that?


That totally put me off him, apart from anything else.

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Yeah, what the fuck was that?


That totally put me off him, apart from anything else.


It was embarassing. I don't get why they made his chracter like that, I mean could they have made him any less likeable? They just made him so..gay. I know that sounds really demeaning but it's not meant to be. I mean the sort of streotypical gay guy which really bugged me. I mean, I can't even remember him, I just think "they gay guy" because he didn't really have a personality at all, it was just a few stereotypes thrown together just to add a gay pupil in to the mix.

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Yeah, I really hated him as a character, and it was because he was so insuffrably annoyingly not straight, and he sang like he was a castrate. (lol).



It's kindof like they sat down and said: "How can we make the most annoying character we all know we should pity, but can't actually bring ourselves round to not hate him?


I know! Let's make him a gay weed who sings!"



Also, what are the chances that both History teachers would turn out gay? Lol, there's a history teacher at my school who is like 25, and Irwin kindof reminded me of him.

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Yeah, I really hated him as a character, and it was because he was so insuffrably annoyingly not straight, and he sang like he was a castrate. (lol).



It's kindof like they sat down and said: "How can we make the most annoying character we all know we should pity, but can't actually bring ourselves round to not hate him?


I know! Let's make him a gay weed who sings!"



Also, what are the chances that both History teachers would turn out gay? Lol, there's a history teacher at my school who is like 25, and Irwin kindof reminded me of him.


Lol! That sounds about right, he was just so effing annoying.


I wondered the same thing about the history teachers, it was a bit strange. I mean, do the film makers think every male history teacher is either gay or likes fondling pupils balls? (Though, by the looks of my history teachers they're probably right)


A random question, but how attractive is this teacher of yours?:p

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A random question, but how attractive is this teacher of yours?:p

He's actually pretty good looking. All the girls fancy him (when I say all the girls, I mean the 9 girls that are in my year).


I would try the "fancy giving me a bj?" thing, but I don't think I'd be able to pull it off :p

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He's actually pretty good looking. All the girls fancy him (when I say all the girls, I mean the 9 girls that are in my year).


I would try the "fancy giving me a bj?" thing, but I don't think I'd be able to pull it off :p


There's only 9 girls in your entire year? Thank god you're gay! lol:p


I would literally wet myself if anyone tried that on a teacher in my school. The good looking teacher where I am is in maths. Every girl in the school fancies him, you can even see most guys when they chat to him begin to flirt, he's that attractive. I was so depressed when I gave up maths!:grin:

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I did some of those stupid quiz things they have online; one of the ones I did was a "sexuality test". The Test


Thought it might be a bit of fun to see peoples results.



"You scored 4 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight)


For the most part, you are bisexual. You have a slight preference for the opposite gender, but either gender would suit you."



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