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What happened Haggis?


Lol, nothing in paticular as such. It's just, a realisation. Men are just so much less hassle in my opinion. I mean, I was sat in one of the study rooms today and a girl I know comes in and starts vying for attention by flirting. I just ignored because I know she's only doing it for the attention, and when I go and sit down to do work she moves straight onto my mate who falls right for it. He literally sat there, hanging off her every word.


When I asked why he said "I think she likes me". :heh:

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Lol, nothing in paticular as such. It's just, a realisation. Men are just so much less hassle in my opinion. I mean, I was sat in one of the study rooms today and a girl I know comes in and starts vying for attention by flirting. I just ignored because I know she's only doing it for the attention, and when I go and sit down to do work she moves straight onto my mate who falls right for it. He literally sat there, hanging off her every word.


When I asked why he said "I think she likes me". :heh:


Righto Haggis :heh:

I dont understand why girls do that for attention. :hmm:

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It's a common misconception that one sex is more complicated than the other. We just don't understand each other. As a general rule, of course.



Which would make my statemennt true, no?


It's more because I'm not used to female company, so maybe I'm completely oblivious to what's really going on...:zzz:

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Which would make my statemennt true, no?


Eh, no? If your statement is that one sex is more complicated than the other, my statement makes your statement false. It's like comparing grammatical syntax to algebra. Some people find the former easy and the latter hard, others opposite. Often, you understand your own sex better than the other, but it's entirely possible to understand both. Sexuality plays a role here, as for instance many homosexual males share more interests with the average female.


Of course, all these are generalisations, and I personally hate categorising gender-specific traits. It's the building ground for narrow- and close-minded-ness.

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Eh, no? If your statement is that one sex is more complicated than the other, my statement makes your statement false. It's like comparing grammatical syntax to algebra. Some people find the former easy and the latter hard, others opposite. Often, you understand your own sex better than the other, but it's entirely possible to understand both. Sexuality plays a role here, as for instance many homosexual males share more interests with the average female.


Of course, all these are generalisations, and I personally hate categorising gender-specific traits. It's the building ground for narrow- and close-minded-ness.


Wimmin has nice bewbies.



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i'm of the opinion that it's better to BE a woman than to have to deal with dating them.


this opinion changes slightly/becomes inverted about once every month....


but always changes back again. being a girl is much better than having to put up with the kinda crap most women put guys through ~ one of my friends recently had the whole...

"i went out with another guy yesterday - are you jealous?"

"did anything happen?"


"then no, why would i be jealous..?"




keep it simple.

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haha I could make an argument with you or debate, but reading what you said before made my head hurt...I do have a cold after all.


Sorry, I have a tendency to do that. :heh:


I can't help but feel this discussion is somewhat generalised. But I guess it's impossible not to because both men and women can be so different, it's hard to make general definitions that are accurate enough.

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