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NPH is awesome. In fact, I think I may go look at an etymological dictionary for the word "awesome" as im sure he invented it.


(and the bulge in the photo on the third page doesn't harm the attractive-rating either :p)

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I know this is somewhat of a bump and I know that is against the rules however I hope with what I am about to say will justify this so.


Yesterday while online I glanced at Masses "Hey!!!" thread, doing so remind me of his other horrific "Are you homophobic/racist?" thread. The consensus from the thread (before it was rightfully closed) seemed to be that sexual orientation did not determine whether or not a person discriminated against another. It seemed that what people didn't like was the "bitchiness" attached to these gay people, Fair enough. The point I am trying to make is that while while a proportion of the gay population are of course bitchy I would say also that a similar proportion of the straight population are bitchy. Here's a story to help you see what I mean.


Ah, wait, firstly, what is a bitch? I personally think that a bichy person is someone who maliciously and immorally abuses someone else.


So, here is my point. Now I was bullied a lot throughout school. I'm talking levels such as people spray painting "[My name] is gay" on walls and following me shouting at me. Felt good. Now was this not malicious and immoral abuse? Where the people doing this not "bitchy"? Unfortunately it would seem they were perceived not to be and while these people on grow in popularity mine dwindled. Now fortunately a meet some new great friends and now I'm fine but my point still stands. Why are the bitchy straight men accepted into the main stream while bitchy gay men are not? Is it just because they do it in different ways? They can both be as equally destructive.



Clarification: Just for reference I'm not really that bitchy of a person. It may sound like I'm calling myself one but after what I've been through I can't understand the point of it.

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Why are the bitchy straight men accepted into the main stream while bitchy gay men are not? Is it just because they do it in different ways? They can both be as equally destructive.


Well, Dan Dare makes a point about that not being bitchy behaviour, but I'm beginning to doubt my definiton of being bitchy right now ...


Whatever it is, the behaviour you describe is hardly accepted by the main stream community. I believe many of those who sympathise with discrimination are themselves afraid of homosexuality. Narrow-mindedness ... :nono:

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I'm sorry fresh, but that's the way people think and unfortunetly after all these years only a few views have been changed.


Bitchy to me is the same as being an absolute cunt, except another word, it includes being irratating, two faced and down right rude. Why gays are classed as the above is beyond me, as you could quite easily section out alot of hetro females and in this day alot of males too.


I believe the only way to change people's opinions is to prove them wrong, little by little, unfortunetly it could take quite some time.

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Yeah, dude, that's just being a cunt...


(BTW, you didn't have to insult me to make the subject :'( )


Agreed why didnt you just make the point instead of digging up the past.


Of course im sorry you feel that way but what a odd way to make your point.

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I'm not looking for sympathy guys, it was a few years ago now and I, and they, have changed since.


The reason I made reference to Masse was it was because his thread I noticed this in. Without that thread I would not have notices the general consensus so yes, the reference did need to be made.

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I always thought Bitchy just meant talking behind someones back etc. What they were doing sounds more bastard like.


But yeah, I do hate the fact stereotypes are still as strong as ever today.


It makes me laugh that bastard is still an insult these days, it means not being born in wedlock doesn't it?

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It makes me laugh that bastard is still an insult these days, it means not being born in wedlock doesn't it?


It does, i.e a bastard child. But the meanings changed now basically when it's used as an insult. It just means, well...bastard.

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Change of topic (sorry), but I remember a while ago there was the question if women want more sex when on their period.

I thought I was a freak for feeling that way, but read today 1 out of 5 women feel that way when on their period. So hooray, or something.


Haha, I don't know, just wanted to throw this in here, as I remember some people saying it wasn't true because women are "fertile" before their period and should be feeling that way then, not afterwards. Not like that even applies to me as I'm on the pill, heh.



Yeah, ignore me please.

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Guest Maase

Yay, that means im in ^^


I kinda think it will be hard to find a Lesbian here, i mean... Gamer Girl is hard to find... Nintendo Gamer Girl is even harder, and now Lesbian Nintendo Gamer Girl is almost impossible X_X


Still, Lesbians are hot in my eyes, i don't know why :S

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Yay, that means im in ^^


I kinda think it will be hard to find a Lesbian here, i mean... Gamer Girl is hard to find... Nintendo Gamer Girl is even harder, and now Lesbian Nintendo Gamer Girl is almost impossible X_X


Still, Lesbians are hot in my eyes, i don't know why :S


:laughing: Dunno why Maase but this post really made me laugh :D


Change of topic (sorry), but I remember a while ago there was the question if women want more sex when on their period.

I thought I was a freak for feeling that way, but read today 1 out of 5 women feel that way when on their period. So hooray, or something.


Haha, I don't know, just wanted to throw this in here, as I remember some people saying it wasn't true because women are "fertile" before their period and should be feeling that way then, not afterwards. Not like that even applies to me as I'm on the pill, heh.


I must have missed that discussion, as I would have thrown this in to help you. My old best friend used to feel exactly the same way, and someone I know now does too. In fact I think 2 or 3 do. So I'd say it's pretty normal/regular :D


Without knowing the technicalities I'd guess it's because it becomes something you can't have, even if you want it. "Forbidden" as such :heh:

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BTW, is this only for Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual and Transexuals, or can Hetero be here?


Clue is in the topic. Sexuality. Hetero is a sexuality.


(except gays, they're dirty)


Yay, that means im in ^^


I kinda think it will be hard to find a Lesbian here, i mean... Gamer Girl is hard to find... Nintendo Gamer Girl is even harder, and now Lesbian Nintendo Gamer Girl is almost impossible X_X


Still, Lesbians are hot in my eyes, i don't know why :S


Not with Eenuh unfortunatly. I've decided she's mine. We're going to make beeeeeeautiful movies together :p


(like actual animated movies or something, not blue movies)


(and yes i know you've said you don't want to make animated movies but you can do the character art and stuff)

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