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  Daft said:
Some american person actually complimented my accent....which was nice for a change!!


Some American's are actually really nice. One guy told me once (on Halo 2) that he wanted to "rip out my voice box and steal my accent", but in a nice way. On the other end of the scale, another one told me to go and brush my teeth.

  Moria said:
Some American's are actually really nice. One guy told me once (on Halo 2) that he wanted to "rip out my voice box and steal my accent", but in a nice way. On the other end of the scale, another one told me to go and brush my teeth.


Why do they have a delusion that English people (sorry, the British...) have bad teeth...

  The fish said:
Why do they have a delusion that English people (sorry, the British...) have bad teeth...


That's their stereotypical image of us... Similar to that we think they're all stupid. Other American classics include that everyone gets raped in jail.

  The fish said:
Why do they have a delusion that English people (sorry, the British...) have bad teeth...


Simpsons? British Book of Bad Teeth. I can't find a pic.


Why do British people think all Americans are obese and abusive.COZ THEY ARE LOL

  Moria said:
That's their stereotypical image of us... Similar to that we think they're all stupid. Other American classics include that everyone gets raped in jail.


I don't think they are all stupid: I know some very nice and very clever Americans, personally and impersonally.


Though, to be fair, amongst a majority of American Xbox Live Players, the idea of them being stupid is not entirely unfounded... :indeed:

  The fish said:
I don't think they are all stupid: I know some very nice and very clever Americans, personally and impersonally.


Yeah, that's the thing, it's a stereotype and clearly isn't true.

  Bluejay said:

Why do British people think all Americans are obese and abusive.COZ THEY ARE LOL


WEll said to that.It annoys me when people stereotype any kind of people, British, American, German, whatever.


MAn i haven't played H3 in a week..


Had some awesome games yesterday.

We won one team slayer 50 - 49 which was awesome, I got the last kill!! :grin:


I also got my first quad kill by running into the opponents base and blowing up most of their team along with myself with a mine!! Its my kamikazi speciality!:hehe:


I did that with the spartan laser before. poon dexter on my team leaped, gazelle like, in front of my humming, glowing impliment of death. Thankfully, it carrys on through somebody and it killed the dude i was aiming at, negating the betrayal.


I've also managed to kill the dude in the passenger seat of a hog without blowing it up before. Kinda missed but clipped him and took him out. was pretty sweet in a way, even though i missed out on a tripple kill.


I just got hounded by someone on Halo 3. I swear they were just following me around screaming at me...It really unnerved me...Thank god for the mute button!

  Moria said:
You can't do custom games in the Beta, it's matchmaking only.



I’m playing custom games now, it seems someone found some sort of glitch or something.


It seems like they've added custom games into it, along with changing the playlists a bit.


BTB is now ranked, double team is added as a social playlist too.




It hath been broughteth to my attention that Halo Beta expireth not but 3 rotations of our heavenly sphere (I might have taken that just a bit too far...)


Anyone up for a last couple days of forum Halo 3 carnage?? Around 9 or 10 until the cock crows thrice!!! (Or whenever...)




As the Klaxons so rightly said:


Come on with me through ruined lipglock

Accross Tangian deserts we'll flock

Madcap Medusa, flank my foghorn

We'll change four seasons with our first born


All ships of sense on hyper ocean

All kites of chaos still in motion

My culture vulture such a dab hand

I'll steal you from the year 4000


Come with me, come with me

We'll travel to Halo 3

Come with me, come with me

We'll travel to Halo 3


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