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What the Hecky Thump Are You Doing Up?

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I'm PM'ing Jessica Alba, and downloading the little scene after the credits of PoTC3 as I forgot to watch it this morning.


I'm also listening to some new Velvet Revolver stuff, and I'm not too sure what to make of it.

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Guest Stefkov
downloading the little scene after the credits of PoTC3 as I forgot to watch it this morning.

No need to waste space for it. It's not that great.


Watching more Naruto fillers. Need to endure 60 ish more then I can get to where everyone else is.

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Guest Stefkov

...that is the most wierdest thing I've ever heard.


Tonight Clive, I am going to watch an episode of Naruto then pretend to be my neighbours cat who sleeps all the time.

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trying to contemplate why hobbzinio isn't banned yet



And also downloading that scene at the end of pirates, i forgot to stay at the end, damn my bladder.


I was downloading that this morn and my connection stalled. Havent bothered to restart the download. Won't bother either, heading to cinema on Fri night.

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Anyway...yeah...Gears with a maths teacher? Sounds awesome...wish I had cool teachers :hmm:


Benefit of having small classes I guess. You get to know the teachers better. Maybe you do have cool teachers you just don't know it:yay:. Tommorow is last day of school! Hopefully going to stay after and play Gears with him again and with a bunch of mates. On the schools projectors! :yay: :yay: :yay: Very Excited!

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