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First review is in. Ok so its from OXM but still.....


Singleplayer: 10/10

Multiplayer: 10/10

Overall: 10/10


New info released in review:

10/10, with multiplayer rivaling Halo 3, a ranking system better than Halo 3, 10/10 Singleplayer AND multiplayer (alone). Enemy Intel unlocks cheats, some normal (Unlimited Ammo), some cool and fun (When you kill an enemy, they burst into a mound of tires).


-Arcade mode after completing game (Points for Headshots, multi-kills, and blowing up cars and such)

-Max level 55, but stuff keeps coming after that.

-All ghillied up is the flashback, you play as Cpt. Price (a young one)

-CoD4 manages to cram something into every level.

-You play as "Soap" MacTavish (SAS), and Seargant Jackson (US)

-"To say Modern Warfare's visual fidelity is immediately apparent would be a criminal understatement. Torrid rainfall, rolling thunder crackling lightning, and marvelously detailed textures and character models all combine to make you say "Whoa"."

-CoD4 does everything right and nearly nothing wrong. But where it elevates itself above even the best 360 shooters is how all of the good stuf is ludicrously good. The campaign never lets up, while the multiplayer is a AAA affair in itself. This swing for the fences has belted CoD4 way out of the park.


What you all wanted to know

Overkill Perk: You can carry 2 primary weapons instead of 1 and a pistol. e.g I could go into a battle with an MP5 and a M16.


+ and -

+Awesome Moments on literally every mission.

+Multiplayer quality, quantity and depth that rivals Halo's.

-A few frustratingly tough areas on the higher difficulty levels.

It also mentioned that the game kept a good pace throughout the game (most games fizz out later on)


Captions from Review

The visuals look better in motion.

In the moste tense moment in the game's best level (All Ghillied Up), all you can do is wait and pray. (It shows a pic of you prone with enemies 5-10 feet away)

Fire? Chaos? Guns blazing? Does it look like Call of Duty now?

Smash people like ants in the AC-130 gunship level.

A whopping 16 multiplayer maps await you out of the box.


Article: 13 playlists, unlocked as you rank up

60 FPS- as if u didn't know already

World War II is history! With a reinvigorated developer at the helm, Call of Duty 4 reinvents a franchise - and damn near perfects the military shooter in the process.

10/10? Yeah, right....


i reckon the multiplayer will be 10/10, its easily better than any other FPS multiplayer at the moment imo.

Im merely doubting the possibility of any game to achieve 10/10, not the merits of CoD4 itself :)


But didn't Halo 3 and Boishock both receive 10/10?


Yup, which is why i dislike the 10/10 rating. If they give Bioshock 10/10 and Halo turns out to be better then what can they give Halo? They have to give it 10/10. If CoD4 then turned out to be better still then they are completely stuffed ;)


None of those games are perfect, so it is very possible a better one will arrive


10/10 basically means a must buy, its not saying its the perfect game, its saying its one of the best games around at this moment. And COD4 looks like its going to be one of those.


Once again it looks like this so called next gen is going to fail in regards to single player gaming. I have just seen on the XBOX.com forums that CoD4 has a single player lifespan of 6 hours on normal difficulty. Apparently it is in this months OXM and it got 9/10. They said it is very short in the round up but in the reivew they say it last 6 hours.


Im pretty disappointed by this if it turns out to be true. Sure it will last longer on Veteran but still...


But think about it this way HoT, since all the achievements are from the single player, you can get them really fast :p

Once again it looks like this so called next gen is going to fail in regards to single player gaming. I have just seen on the XBOX.com forums that CoD4 has a single player lifespan of 6 hours on normal difficulty. Apparently it is in this months OXM and it got 9/10. They said it is very short in the round up but in the reivew they say it last 6 hours.


Im pretty disappointed by this if it turns out to be true. Sure it will last longer on Veteran but still...


What? It has a single player... mad.

But think about it this way HoT, since all the achievements are from the single player, you can get them really fast :p


Yeah I know :) I hate having multiplayer achievements, means I have to actually socialize ( sp? ) with other people.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stefkov

Pre-ordered this from shopto last night. I like their pre-ordering system.

If the post screw me over with this game I'm just gonna have to buy games in store.

Just cancelled my preorder from GAME due to their delivery times being all over the place at the moment. I will pick it up at 8 in the morning on Friday from Morrisons.


Heres the GT review.




Shame about that, they aare always good for me. I've just had Gundam posted off today, should have it weds. ^_^ Yes I like Dynasty Warrior games :P good fun to play with mates.

Shame about that, they aare always good for me. I've just had Gundam posted off today, should have it weds. ^_^ Yes I like Dynasty Warrior games :P good fun to play with mates.


Yeah I played the demo when I had my PS3 and loved it. I like a good hack and slash game and will probably pick it up when all the bigs games are over and done with.

Guest Stefkov

Apparently shopto are really good, they send game as soon as they get it in. So you could get it on Wednesday or Thursday. That's what nintenchris said anyhows.

Apparently shopto are really good, they send game as soon as they get it in. So you could get it on Wednesday or Thursday. That's what nintenchris said anyhows.


Yeah they are supposed to be good yet the 1st time I ordered with them they screwed up my order so I thought sod it and never ordered off them again. It seems all the online retailers are looking to screw me over :(


I ordered Naruto late friday night and got it Monday from GAME.


I'm going to stick with them, hopefully they won't let me down.

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