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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


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You must find it tough starting out so late, what rank are you so far?

Everybody else has all the weapons and perks so you are at a disadvantage.


It hasn´t been that tough. I´m at rank 22 right now


Oh yeah and that thing martyrdom? seriously hate it

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You must find it tough starting out so late, what rank are you so far?

Everybody else has all the weapons and perks so you are at a disadvantage.


I got this a few weeks ago, and I've only just started on multiplayer. It's not frustratingly difficult to start out late, but it's certainly challenging. I'm at rank 6 atm, with just under 1hr's worth of online play.


It hasn´t been that tough. I´m at rank 22 right now


Oh yeah and that thing martyrdom? seriously hate it


Martyrdom is a bitch...

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I think Last Stand is far worse especially when you're playing Headquarters or Search and Destroy it's a complete waste of bullets, its annoying when you have to make sure they're dead as another one of his teammates could be nearby and your teammates can nick your kill if they kill them while they're in last stand.

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I got this a few weeks ago, and I've only just started on multiplayer. It's not frustratingly difficult to start out late, but it's certainly challenging. I'm at rank 6 atm, with just under 1hr's worth of online play.




Martyrdom is a bitch...


just get an m16 red dot sight and you already have the best gun in the game...

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just get an m16 red dot sight and you already have the best gun in the game...


Thanks for the tip, I gotta try and get that!


Just completed this. It was awesome. I hope they do another Modern Warfare.


I loved the extra level after the credits!


Ditto, that bonus level was awesome. Unfortunately, the next CoD is likely to be set in World War 2 again. The other CoD developer (who's name escapes me right now) are offering job placements, and the advert says that applicants "must be fans of world war 2 games." So it all points to yet another WW2 theme.

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Thanks for the tip, I gotta try and get that!


it's easy. 25 kills with the m16. same goes for any other gun, actually.


The m16 takes a bit of practice because it's burst fire, which is a bit trickier than full auto guns like the ak47 and the carbine, but once you learn to use it, it's utterly baddass.



also, cod4 dlc in spring. 4 new maps, but no other details yet.

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The M16 at range is lethal it's too powerful but it's not so good at close range, it's probably better than the Sniper Rifles at long range because hits don't register properly with them which is going to be fixed in the patch.

I've noticed some people using the M14 but I'm not sure about that.

The AK47 does high damage but it's rate of fire is slow, it takes a bit longer to reload and it has alot of recoil.

I prefer the Carbine personally but you must use Stopping Power with it as it's weak without it.

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The generic kinda Uzi, with stopping power and that bullet penetration one is pretty fucking unstoppable. I've had a 19 kill streak with that gun.

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Guest Stefkov

That level had to be the worst level I'd ever played. Worse than the Ferris Wheel one.

But I loved it at the same time. It's the only game I've ever gone at at a hard level. Thus being probably the first game I'd ever completed on a really hard level.

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The generic kinda Uzi, with stopping power and that bullet penetration one is pretty fucking unstoppable. I've had a 19 kill streak with that gun.


too short range for me. Smaller maps are likely to induce my choice of the SAW, mind. I don't think it's as good as the other lmg's but it looks win and sounds great.

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So I just completed this...in a day. Were games always this short? It was very good, I liked some of the set pieces. It just wasn't... well at no point was I wowed. I thought damn, they've done a good job, but it's nothing more than an improvement. Now granted I haven't played online, but this shouldn't have even close to beating Galaxy to GoTY.

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