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Not really. Halo2, unlike Gesit is considered a good game by millions of gamers. Millions.


Actually most gamers bought it because most gamers are ignorant they would rather play some half baked crap, than actually pick up true masterpieces of gaming genius such as Killer 7 to name but one.

I however blame it on the gaming journalists that put Halo 2 as 10/10, 100%,10.0. Anyways you get my drift that no game no matter how good it really is can get full marks.


Oh yeah and and btw InternalEternal its called Geist not Gesit like you have put

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Actually most gamers bought it because most gamers are ignorant they would rather play some half baked crap, than actually pick up true masterpieces of gaming genius such as Killer 7 to name but one.

I however blame it on the gaming journalists that put Halo 2 as 10/10, 100%,10.0. Anyways you get my drift that no game no matter how good it really is can get full marks.


Oh yeah and and btw InternalEternal its called Geist not Gesit like you have put



Okay Killer7 is one of my fave games of this year but you're quite ignorant yourself and remember Killer7 isn't even on XBOX.

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In the "Halo is overrated" debate, which takes place on every big gaming board on the net, people always seem to bring up how the game's controls are somehow inherently flawed because you use an xbox controller instead of a mouse and keyboard, on which first person shooters were born and bred. There is a fundamental misconception that leads to this conclusion and I'm here to clear that up.


Just because it's easier to aim with a mouse and keyboard does not mean that playing with a joypad is intrisically inferior. Console and PC FPS' are not the same. While it may be easier to aim more quickly on a PC, the increased difficulty of aiming with two analog sticks is what creates a big part of the learning curve of a console FPS like Halo 2. Of course anyone using a mouse and keyboard would dominate (almost) anyone playing Halo 2 with an Xbox S pad, but when the playing field is level and everyone is using the dual sticks, the player with better aim is generally going to win. Of course other factors balance in, such as battle tactics, which with Halo 2's slower gameplay (compared to UT) are very important in determining the winner. Bottom Line: Just because you like mouse and keyboard better for FPS games doesnt mean that it factually is better.


As for my overall opinion on the overratedness of Halo2, the campaign is a bit lacking unless you play it on heroic/legendary with co-op. The game's Multiplayer and especially the online interface are shining examples that all future FPS games should learn from.

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Well anyway. You wound have to worry about FPS aiming soon. Revolution^_^ I REALLY hope they get some great FPSs on there. For one, to show how the controller can be used, and two, Halo IS very overrated (I haven't played it online though, which I'm sure is the dogs!) as it needs more depth to the gameplay. They are getting closer to tactics in FPSs such as Halo though, which is cool, especially compared to Timesplitters, which I'm not slagging off by the way, I love it!!

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I dunno, i am a fan of Halo 2's online play. But i dunno the maps just feel "boxy". I dunno quite how to explain it... but it just feels like it. Anyone get me? Unless its just all games these days.

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Okay Killer7 is one of my fave games of this year but you're quite ignorant yourself and remember Killer7 isn't even on XBOX.



Firstly Halo is on Pc so i don't see the the reason why thats a problem if i say Killer 7 is a better game because its also been on PS2


I don't see how i'm ignorant when i cut the crap of marketing out of the equation and just looked at gameplay, and to be frank I found little in it too make it enjoyable for me :( :(:(


However i don't see why really Halo needed a sequel in the first place

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Halo 2 is so good and popular online because of match making. You choose which type of game you want to play and it will put you into even teams unlike almost any other game where you choose which server you want to play on and then you choose which team so they are only as balanced as you want them.

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Halo's not the only overrated game, to me, there's the GTA trilogy, they're good games but not 10/10 or 98%. Erm, what else... Half Life (I haven't really played the 2nd one much), Finaly Fantasy VII, can't think of any more right now.

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Yeah GTA's way over rated too


I cannot believe that someone just wrote that Halo needs more depth to the gameplay.... I don't even know how to respond to that.


i'm not saying it's got less depth than a lot of other FPSs, it definately hasn't, it's quite deep, but could be quite a bit better. I also many of the levels on Halo 2 very boring & repetative. Everywhere looked the same, and it was too dark.

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GTA overrated? Very true, 3 was okay, Vice City had bikes and an annoying sun effect that covered 80% of the screen at times and San Andreas got tedious quickly.


I quite liked GTA 3, sure the graphics were great but it was the first 3D GTA. It had fun missions and was just generally a godo fun game for me.


GTA:VC, now, everyone loves this game. Although i haven't played much, it just doesn't feel 'right'. It seems as if Rockstar have tried to make it more complicated.


GTA3 still wins over GTA Vice City.

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I have a theory, and I think it is true for the most part.


Games such as Halo and GTA score very high on ps2 and xbox because they are some of the great games on those consoles. Ps2 and xbox dont have games such as zelda or metroid or f-zero to name a few. Say for example any of these were to appear on these consoles, I'd think that the scores of GTA etc would be lower. Thoughts?

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GTA and Halo are both good games, guys. Just because they're not on a Nintendo console doesn't mean they get better scores without Nintendo games to compare them to, that's nonsense.


Think the game sucks? Don't play it. I sure as hell won't miss you all when I'm having a blast on Xbox Live with my good friends. This thread should have been locked at the start. We have a Halo 2 thread for both positive and negativity.

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everybody shut up, everybody has different opinions on every different game. Its pointless to discuss whether any exclusive console title is worth its weight in gold or not on a nintendo website- no guesses why.


Try going to ntsc-uk or rllmukforum.com for a multiformat, less biast opinions!

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Think the game sucks? Don't play it.


Running on my 'island style' ADSL at 8 kb/s at 3 a.m. while the rest of the island sleeps, I've never played anything online - Xbox Live, PC or otherwise.


That makes me a sad panda.

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GTA and Halo are both good games, guys. Just because they're not on a Nintendo console doesn't mean they get better scores without Nintendo games to compare them to, that's nonsense.


Think the game sucks? Don't play it. I sure as hell won't miss you all when I'm having a blast on Xbox Live with my good friends. This thread should have been locked at the start. We have a Halo 2 thread for both positive and negativity.


Why should this thread be locked? This thread isnt only about Halo 2. I actually started it about Halo but it moved over to Halo 2 and GTA. Ive never played Halo 2 so I dont know if it sucks or not but I thought 1 did. And I have have no bias, I actually bought an xbox. Also its not ebtirely about the game sucking, look at the title. Its about how over rated it is. A game could be between average and good but was hyped up to be the best thing ever therefore being overrated.

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Well, the simple key here is to remember you started this thread concerning Halo 2, what it has grown into doesn't really change my argument. I said this thread needed to be locked before it grew into a slagging match to see who could diss popular games the most.


It's too late to argue. You guys can shit on these games, I'll just play them.

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