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Sam Raimi Confirms Spidey 4, 5 and 6


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Let us however not forget the harsh lessons learned from the global catastrophe that was George Clooney and his rubber nipples. Twas a dark time. An evil time. A time when all our gods had abandoned us and left mankind alone to stare, transfixed, at the unspeakable horror of his own creation. And then the screaming started...

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Over the course of the next trilogy i'd like to them go through Venom (Eddie Brock), Scorpion, Norman Osborn, Venom (Mac Gargan).


Wouldnt mind seeing a version of the Sinister Six either, would give them a good chance to get some of the less major enemies out of the way (like Electro, Rhino, Mysterio and Shocker)


Then i think its time to knock it all on the head, or at least do a film based on the Civil War storyline to tie all the superhero films together nicely


Nooooo! Mac Gargan as Venom was a massive mistake by Marvel, one which they are already in the process of fixing. Plus it made no sense because of a previous story saying that the symbiote could no longer leave Brock as it permanently bonded with him to cure his cancer.



Id say the Lizard would be good to see, Black Cat I think as a bad to good character in one of the movies, possibly used to make MJ jealous at the start of their marriage or something.


I would say Scorpion but im not too sure how that suit would translate to the movies.


Id like to see Doc Ock again at some point, probably driven mad by the lack of oxygen or something. It would be easy enough to bring back as there never was conformation he died. I think Raimi himself said something like "Hes dead if we dont use him again, if we want to use him in another movie then he survived"


Electro of course would need a new costume to be able to work in the movie universe but he would definately be an interesting character to see on the big screen.


What I would really love would be the sixth movie dealing with the Sinister Six trying to take down Spidey. Thats why I think they need to stop killing off the bad guys and actually get some of them sent to jail from now on.

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I thought of the sinsiter six, but then thought wouldn't that be rather alot of action for one film? Spidey against 6 villains? I also think Kraven and the Vulture wouldn't make it to film too well, Scorpion would fare better, and as you said Electro might be tricky too on the outfit front.

I would like to see the black cat, and she could be good for the plot, but I am worried about it turning out to be really shoddy(i never saw Elektra, but I heard it was bad, but I happened to like her in Daredevil so who knows?). Really, they shouldn't have killed off Norman, he's the sort of character who could have come back imo, pulling some strings and working some things behind the scenes and making spidey's life hell.

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Id say the Lizard would be good to see, Black Cat I think as a bad to good character in one of the movies, possibly used to make MJ jealous at the start of their marriage or something.
Yeah that could work well in the films. I think Black Cat would make a good character but not focus on her too much. She could turn up occasionally in 4 causing a bit of trouble, then have her ally with Spidey at the start of 5 and just have her turn up occasionally half-way through some of Spideys fights to help out.
I would say Scorpion but im not too sure how that suit would translate to the movies.
They've designed quite a nice costume for Spiderman 3 the game; more robotic looking like Doc Ock's,




They've also designed a few other characters,




Lizard is better in clothes though IMO, makes him more human.




Wouldn't like to see Kraven in the films, I don't like the character at all really.


What I would really love would be the sixth movie dealing with the Sinister Six trying to take down Spidey. Thats why I think they need to stop killing off the bad guys and actually get some of them sent to jail from now on.
Yeah I think an epic fight would be a good way to end the Spiderman films.
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Apparently Black Cat was supposed to be in the second movie but they ended up writing her out which was a shame. Hopefully we will still see her at some point.


I think Norman Osborne could still easily be brought back. Either the same way as he did in the comics (Waking up in the morgue after the Goblin formula healed his injuries then killing a homeless man and using his body for the casket instead) or they could come up with a new way for the movies.


I would love to have an underlying force behind everything that will happen in Spider-Man 4-6, 6 ending with the Sinister Six and Osborne being revealed near the end as the man behind all the events that took place.


I know a lot of Spider-Man fans are sick of GG being behind most of the major conspiricies etc in Spider-Mans life in the comics but I think it would be a great ending and then if that was it for the movies, it would be a nice way to link it all the way back to the beginning.

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hmmm think they should leave it, all being good the 3rd looks like it will be a worthy final entry in the trilogy, I think they should leave it at that and maybe return to it in the future.


Don't let the wheels come off the franchise like what happened with Batman and Superman, I mean watch Batman and Robin and Superman IV they are awful and hopefully Sony will realise this and call a halt to the series for the time being...

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hmmm think they should leave it, all being good the 3rd looks like it will be a worthy final entry in the trilogy, I think they should leave it at that and maybe return to it in the future.


Don't let the wheels come off the franchise like what happened with Batman and Superman, I mean watch Batman and Robin and Superman IV they are awful and hopefully Sony will realise this and call a halt to the series for the time being...

It would probably be the sensible option, but the films just make too much money for Sony not to make any more!


I think Spiderman 4 is almost a definate, even if Toby Maguire ends up not being on board, unfortunately!


Whether they will go on to do 6 though?

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Prediction: At some point someone will suggest that Spiderman could be "Hollywood's James Bond" literally scant seconds before worldwide audiences loose interest and the whole franchise turns to shit. Just you wait.


It already has*; the films are going the same direction as the Resi ones by the sounds of it.



*Turned to shit I mean.

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Who would be good for the role though?!


You see thats why they would be better off leaving it for abit, whilst Tobey isn't so much in peoples minds...


Why bother with 4, 5, and 6? Oh, that's right, Sony are losing shed loads of cash thanks to PS3.


Different division though, the movie company wouldn't have to cover the loses of others...

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Apparently Donnie Darko was in line to replace him, or was approached with the role initially or something. I think he could pull it off actually, though it'd be a slightly different peter parker style than what I think Tobey brought to the role.

Random actress who popped into my head for the role of Felicia, that blonde woman who just appeared in Ugly Betty who is supposed to be the dead brother but had a sex change. She does had the sort of Felicia Hardy look in my mind.


EDIT: Hahaha, oh shit wow, I was thinking 'but she wouldn't be able to do the genre too well' for some completely unreasonable reason, then I googled some images of her for this and guess what came up? A picture of Mystique! Rebecca Romijn is her name, and here is a picture that completely leeches off a site because I'm lazy.


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Who would play as Black Cat Hellfire?

Jessica Biel?


I think it was rumoured a while ago (or maybe just wanted) that Eliza Dushku would be her and that would be awesome. Eliza is one of the most sexual beings ever.

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Yeah, as I said earlier I definately agree with that.


I would have said Jake Gyllenhal to replace Maguire a few years ago but I think his look has matured since then and I dont think it would work as well now. If Topher Grace hadnt been cast as Eddie Brock then he would have been my next choice, I think hes got quite a Peter Parker look to him.

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wow that's awesome, considering how awesome the cartoon was (the slightly more modern one...), and that they could add more characters from it too, like Captain America (was that his name?).


God this news is awesome. Can't wait for the next spidey movie :D

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I wouldn't mind some background villains. Not main ones, but ones that pop up for mini fights in parts of the film. Here are a few I'd like:


Hammerhead - They could easily make it Peter's fault that he gained his head injury, and then he comes after Peter (not Spider-Man) for vengeance.


Morbius - Subject him to an infusion of vampire bat DNA then a dose of radiation and you've cracked it.


The Spot - I remember him from the cartoons. He was pretty crap, but I think they'd be able to do something special with him now.




EDIT: Anyone remember that CGI series that was on Nickelodeon a couple of years ago? That was pretty good, it had Kraven and Electro in it and the series ended with Peter just retiring, throwing his suit to the bottom of a lake. There were only a few episodes made.

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Yeah that was the MTV made series, was pretty much considered a bunch of crap and cancelled. The only good thing about it was Spider-Man, they managed to get good animation on his movements and puns.


A new cartoon series has been commisioned but I dont think any information has been released about it yet.



As for background villians they could use, I think Shocker would be a good one. Used in the way that he is in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics.

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I think Rhino and Scorpian would make good background villians, just robbing banks and stealing technology etc... for King Pin.


Apparently Donnie Darko was in line to replace him, or was approached with the role initially or something.
Yeah he was,


Of course, this isn't the first time Maguire has hinted at leaving the series. In fact, word on the street had him very close to departing right before Spider-Man 2 was made -- with Jake Gyllenhaal said to be his probable replacement -- before he made nice-nice with Sony Pictures.

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