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Serious Thread #3: Justice


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What do people think of or undertand to be justice?


Some see it as punishment in exchange for the wrong doings a person has done, while others see it as education, the full understanding and acceptance of responsibility for bad acts.


Some ideas to think on:

  • Are there people who are purely evil?

  • Justice from the points of view of the victim and the offender

  • Measuring levels of punishment

  • Value of life

  • Reasons for a justice system

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well, i know this ios going to be very controversial, but let talk peadophiles.


To be honest, i have symapthy for people in their position, now before you burn me at the stake, listen to my reasoning.


peaodphila isn't a choice, you can't help who your attracted too. the sad fact is that some people are attracted to children, no matter how much they wish they weren't.


is it justice to imprison a person because they are gay or lesbian?


so why is it justice to improsion a peadophile.


rather then locking them up, shoulden't they be studied? find out what makes them attracted to children so that perhaps we can combat it?


ofcourse, im not condoining peadophilia, but bear in mind, you do not go out and rape people your attracted too, why should all peadophiles do so?


should it be the case that they ever abuse or harm a child, there should definately be punishments, and as veiwing porn is veiwing this abbuse, that should also be a punishable offence.


i know i start on a controversial case, but it raises a valuable point, our desire to see punishment carried out may end up costing us the chance too prevent further suffering.


I will post more on justice, its a feild i have strong feelings regarding.

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I feel our justice system would work a lot better if it were harsher. Do what they used to do.


They steal something from you, you take something from them. A finger perhaps. It would make them think twice about doing it again and would put other people off.

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What do people think of or undertand to be justice?


Some see it as punishment in exchange for the wrong doings a person has done, while others see it as education, the full understanding and acceptance of responsibility for bad acts.



Justice: The puhishment that fits the crime.


Are there people who are purely evil?


Yes there are. Just like there are people who do nothing but good, people exist who can do nothing but evil


Justice from the points of view of the victim and the offender


In my opinion there can be no justice from the point of view of the offender. If he has committed the crime then justice must be served against him. The victim is the person who gets justice not the victim.


Measuring levels of punishment


The level of a punishment a crime receives is only determinable by the sociey in which the crime is committed. The socially acceptable norms dictate punishment. This is why the death penalty is outlawed in most western countries.


Value of life


Life is invaluable. If a life is taken, the taker, imo, must receive the most sever punishment possible in the juristiction.


Reasons for a justice system


The main reason for a justice system is tocontrol the population of a country, ie groom them into an acceptable society. But the justice syis there for our protection. To vindicate the people when have been hurt and to support the people of the country in living a life in which we have a righty to privacy, safety and enjoyment.

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  • Are there people who are purely evil?


Was Hitler actually evil?


I'm in no way saying that murdering loads of people is right, but what if Hitler himself thought that he was really improving the human race by doing it? His "perfect race" thing doesn't even include him.


"I don't murder children"

"I do. If I have to"


"It's not my place to ask. I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin." "I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there"

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Was Hitler actually evil?


I'm in no way saying that murdering loads of people is right, but what if Hitler himself thought that he was really improving the human race by doing it? His "perfect race" thing doesn't even include him.


"I don't murder children"

"I do. If I have to"


"It's not my place to ask. I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin." "I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there"


A warped sense of righteousness does not exclude you from justice.


I myself feel that life is has devalued.

We are statistics, we mean nothing as individuals on a global scale.

That not only goes for those who achieve good things, but those who are truely evil.

Those that rupture a dogs inside by shoving fireworks through its rectum, beat and rape women in front of their children, beat to death those who believe in something different from themselves. Murderers, rapists, theives, racists and warlords(Just so Bush gets a mention)


Then you have a different type of evil. Those who profit off of others suffering, who claim charity and actually mean profit, the industries that utilize cheap labour , taking advantage of the fraction of pay they will settle for.


So yes there is evil in the world. The problem however is with justice.

Justice is an invention of man and it serves to be a universal idea of what is right and wrong and to what extent the punishment should be.

Since when has man ever been able to agree with an ideology within one nation nevermind on a global scale?


For all of time man will fight man for what justice actually is, the same way people fight for god and others fight for goverment which in the end no one will win.

As we all remain individual justice will alternate between person to person, dissproving its exsistence.

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There can never be true justice. Because humans make the laws and no matter how impartial you think you are, you simply aren't.

The perception of right and wrong, justice and injustice vary with society but I think that we all agree on something: there's only one victim and not two.

In our justice system I often have the feeling that the offender is treated like a victim too. They were a victim of society, they were desperate, too drunk to thing properly blah blah blah. Yes encourage criminals to for instance drink so much that they even get more violent and have less sense of what they are actually doing - and then this is a reason to lessen the severeness of the crime because the offender was too drunk to know what he was doing.

Or if someone is attacked and fights back he has to explain himself why he didn't lie on the floor and watched as he slowly got crippled.

But for instance in Australia (not Austria mind you :p) a guy killed two robbers who snuck into his house at night and got away with it, because it was on his property and they weren't allowed to enter.


On the other hand I also think that everyone deserves a second chance but I think they should get professional help then and be locked up for a bit so they have enough time to think about the consquences.


Furthermore I had the chance to talk to a judge not too long ago and he normally gets to his workplace by train. He told that quite often criminals come up to him and apologize for what they have done, which certainly is a good sign.

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