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Donkey Kong Jet


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This game looks awful, truly, truly awful! Why oh why it aint a bongo game I dont know, but even that wouldnt save this I dont think!


This is pissing me off. It's not a bongo game because NOBODY HAS THE BONGOS! The game would bomb and the bongos are a gamecube pheripheral anyway it would seem like a step backwards when you can just use motion sensing.


I think this game looks fun from the video


Not sure if it has been posted but here is the japanese trailer(2 vids)






Looks fun and fast paced.


If this game isn't 4 player I'm going to freak out.

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This is pissing me off. It's not a bongo game because NOBODY HAS THE BONGOS! The game would bomb and the bongos are a gamecube pheripheral anyway it would seem like a step backwards when you can just use motion sensing.


I think this game looks fun from the video


Looks fun and fast paced.

I agree, Bongo's just wouldn't have been a smart move.


I also agree that this game looks like fun, much more so than when we first saw it!

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Looks great. Although I'm not so excited as to jump and yell "Import!", I still think it's well worth a good play when it comes to our shores. However, WTF is up with the woman in the trailer? She's grinning like she's in a porn film or something.


And about the bongos, I'm glad they decided to ditch that. It's kind of degrading to the Wii-mote, especially since the Wii hasn't been out for that long.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What are the controls for Barrel Blast?


basically you shake the Wii-mote and nunchuk till you get full speed. you can then stop shaking and just shake Wii-mote to go right and nunchuk to go left. when you feel speed is decreasing you shake both to get full speed again.


when collecting bananas you fill up the turbo meter. too activate it you pull the analogue stick back and then let go. It is a cool game and at the moment it stops the Wii in my house collecting dust.

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  • 3 months later...

I've commented on the bongos before...I mean would it really have hurt to include compatibilty for those of us who own them? I have two sets and would love something else to use them for....


Fair enough I'm in the minority but it would still have been cool...no different in some ways to allowing brawl players to use cube controllers (although admittedly they are far more wide spread)

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Oh dear not the greatest of reviews - think I'll give this a miss 1up review 4.0


Reviews: DK Barrel Blast

We review a super-sloppy GameCube leftover.


Originally planned as a GameCube game so as to take advantage of the system's bongo controllers, Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast was an attempt by Nintendo at repurposing the successful Mario Kart formula and giving it a bit of a Donkey Konga twist. This explains why the game looks as it does (standard-fare GameCube visuals) and why it controls as such -- you shake the Wii Remote and Nunchuk up and down to move, just as you'd bang on bongos. Whether or not this would have made a better bongo drum-controlled GameCube game, we'll never know. But as it's a Wii game, it's a completely frustrating affair.


Barrel Blast's main problems are a result of the game's control scheme (surprise!), particularly how the throttle, steering, and jumping are all controlled in the same manner (shaking the controllers up and down). Not only does this court confusion, but with the oft imprecision of the Wii controllers, it also invites anger. You're never quite in full control in Barrel Blast, and given the amount of effort it takes to shake your way to victory, this becomes increasingly bothersome as you play.


It's especially annoying when you can't even see what's ahead of you, which is often the case as you're goofily pounding your way through the game's many courses. Because of the amount of clutter onscreen -- from menus to other racers to simple elements of the environment -- it's often impossible to make out what's what, leading to plenty of unintentional crashes and other blunders. And with the typical rubber-banding that comes in a Nintendo racer like this, one simple mistake can be extremely costly.


So what you end up with is a Mario Kart clone where you can't always see what's going on, and even if you could, you can't necessarily control exactly where you want to go. Sure, all the other Mario Kart elements are there -- including power-ups, ranging from extra bananas to fuel your speed-burst meter to bees that attack your enemies -- and the levels are diverse and imaginative. But the real strategy found in that mainstay series is nowhere to be found here. About the only strategic element to the gameplay comes in extending your speed bursts by (counterintuitively) crashing into barrels, and even that's limited.


Barrel Bash does offer some extras to play around with, including a time-trial mode and a challenge mode with specific goals to accomplish. It also allows for up to three other friends join in on the action. But none of that is enough to really redeem the game's core flaws. And when you consider that Mario Kart 64 is available on Virtual Console, Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is fully playable on the system, and Mario Kart Wii is coming soon enough, there's really no reason to recommend it.


A lot has been said about how the Wii has attracted new people to videogames, and this is certainly true. In plenty of cases, the system has done a great job at reducing the barrier of the controller, making it easier to interact with games thanks to simple motion controls. In a game like Barrel Blast, however, it's added a whole lot of complexity -- not to mention physical exhaustion -- to what would otherwise be simple steering controls. Sure, the gameplay is different, but is it necessarily better? In Barrel Blast's case, certainly not. Would the game have been more fun with the precision offered by a standard controller? Absolutely. If this is the future of videogaming, Nintendo, please count me out.



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basically you shake the Wii-mote and nunchuk till you get full speed. you can then stop shaking and just shake Wii-mote to go right and nunchuk to go left. when you feel speed is decreasing you shake both to get full speed again.


when collecting bananas you fill up the turbo meter. too activate it you pull the analogue stick back and then let go. It is a cool game and at the moment it stops the Wii in my house collecting dust.


Couldn't agree more.


It's not the best game in the world, but it certainly doesn't deserve the scores it's getting! I'm having fun with it.


I don't think there's anyone here that IS impressed by the game...


Me! It's pretty fun!

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