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The Passion Of The Christ


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I've just watched it for the first time on Channel 4. I know one other person managed to watch it as well (martinist), so I'm hoping maybe others got the chance to, too.


What do you all think of it?


I thought it was very un-easy to watch, but then I guess it isn't exactly meant to be pleasent viewing. My brother sat down for 5 minutes to watch it with me, and then he ended up watching it right to the end. It's strangely compelling, if disturbing.

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Idiots, the lot of ya. :heh:


Do you reckon there's an alternative ending on the DVD? Where they just...don't crucify Jesus?


"crucify him!"






*cuts to credits*


I think a clip of rob sneider shouting "You can do it! Stick him on the cross".


Would produce more hilarious results.

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Ahh, that's another debate entirely. :)

And one with no right or wrong answer, I feel.


True, except for the wrong/right answer thing, and I would be up for destroying anyones argument for that mumbo jumbo! :grin:


Back to the film, I thought it was just a bit dull. (excluding he subject matter) I felt Apocolypto is a better made film as a whole and if Mel's next film is anything like it, I can't wait.

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I think a clip of rob sneider shouting "You can do it! Stick him on the cross".


Would produce more hilarious results.


Haha. :)


True, and I would be up for destroying anyones argument for that mumbo jumbo! :grin:


Back to the film, I thought it was just a bit dull. (excluding he subject matter) I felt Apocolypto is a better made film as a whole and if Mel's next film is anything like it, I can't wait.


I haven't actually seen Apocolypto (however you spell it), but I'm not tempted to.


I did actually think this film was pretty good, though. You really did feel for Christ as he got beaten, and I thought the scripting was good, as well as the decision to subtitle the film.

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I haven't actually seen Apocolypto (however you spell it), but I'm not tempted to.


I did actually think this film was pretty good, though. You really did feel for Christ as he got beaten, and I thought the scripting was good, as well as the decision to subtitle the film.


Tbh, I didn't want to see Apocalypto either but my sister did so I went. I was suprised, its really enjoyable especially on such a large screen and I think it will probably lose something with the transition to tv.

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I did actually think this film was pretty good, though. You really did feel for Christ as he got beaten, and I thought the scripting was good, as well as the decision to subtitle the film.


I'd like to have watched it (didn't know it was on), I'm not religious really, but still want to see how the film portrays Jesus.


Also because the sequel looks amazing staring Chris Tucker!




Picture cleverly stolen from a site that thinks its racist. O_o

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Tbh, I didn't want to see Apocalypto either but my sister did so I went. I was suprised, its really enjoyable especially on such a large screen and I think it will probably lose something with the transition to tv.


You know, you reminded me of that piracy ad that they always show in the cinemas.


"but many people will choose to watch this film at home, with a reduced picture, crappy sound, and the one person who desperately needed the loo"




I'd like to have watched it (didn't know it was on), I'm not religious really, but still want to see how the film portrays Jesus.


Also because the sequel looks amazing staring Chris Tucker!




Picture cleverly stolen from a site that thinks its racist. O_o


If you have the opportunity to watch it, do it, I reckon. Even if you then find you dislike it, I think it's one of these films that needs to be given a chance.



The only reason he was put on the Earth was to suffer for our sins, wasn't it?


True, true. But, when you see someone take a beating like that, it's a bit hard not to feel sorry for them, whoever they are.

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The only reason he was put on the Earth was to suffer for our sins, wasn't it?


And even that doesn't make any sense! How can anyone believe this rubbish...


You know, you reminded me of that piracy ad that they always show in the cinemas.


"but many people will choose to watch this film at home, with a reduced picture, crappy sound, and the one person who desperately needed the loo"




Well....in this case it is true. Cheers actually, you remind me how much I hate those ads, now I can moan even more! :grin:

They are so lame! You can get good quality downloaded films and even if someone does get up to got to the loo they aren't going to be doing it at a) a crucial point b) every 5 -10 seconds! And they arn't going to block the whole bloody screen! Another reason to download films is because we are charged SO much more here than on mainland Europe and America to go to the cinema! AND the films normally come out in America a month or so before! I mean common, they don't need to be subbed!!! [/rant]

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I saw it at the cinema and thought it was a riot. The scene in court, where Jesus' gives that speech is the best part. "Do what you like man, I'll just come back twice as big, with giant claws. And i'll peck you to death for cutting my hair."


Oh Jesus, you slay me!

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This movie really shows what a sick **hole Mel Gibson really is - and I say that as an atheist.


By the way, that Passion of the Christ 2 trailer can be found here. It's one of the best Family Guy jokes ever :heh:

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Guest Stefkov
Idiots, the lot of ya. :heh:


Do you reckon there's an alternative ending on the DVD? Where they just...don't crucify Jesus?


"crucify him!"






*cuts to credits*

*jesus dons on full body armour and sunglasess kiling everyone with his uzi nine milametaaaaa*

However you spell it:p


I've seen it, last year sometime. I thought it was cool that the whole movie was spoken in that dialect. But uncool that someone can make millions of something like this. I mean we already know the fookin story.

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