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Planning a holiday in Japan/Tokyo


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Dabookerman hasn't actually been to Japan yet and he is the one who told me to come to this thread to tell you to stfu..... Just a little note about that..... :-/

He would also like to add that he deleted Zelda Freak from his msn ages ago, and doesn't agree with him.

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He would also like to add that he deleted Zelda Freak from his msn ages ago, and doesn't agree with him.




Kelly Osborn = most retarded person I've ever seen in my life..... Her show in Japan was only watchable for the humour of how stupid she is. o.o;;


I like Kelly Osbourne, she seems like fun. Plus she did well in 'Life As We Know It'.


Anyway thats neither here nor there. I would like to visit Japan at some point in my life. Make sure you get the most of your trip, im sure it will be fantastic :D

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I find it sad that there is a distinct negative interpretations of what you see/hear in some posts. A negative overtone is cast over a perfectly reasonable piece of news article or hear-say, as if you were determined to make everything sound bad.


A lot of what has been discussed is a generally neutral subject which has a deep origin. Stop putting a negative spin on them when your souces are limited, else you'll end up with a premature and wrong interpretation. I can go on to nail every and each individual points raised, but I won't since it'll become too long for some of you to bother reading.

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Dabookerman hasn't actually been to Japan yet and he is the one who told me to come to this thread to tell you to stfu..... Just a little note about that..... :-/


Yeah right and I'm the South Shields Samurai.


He would also like to add that he deleted Zelda Freak from his msn ages ago, and doesn't agree with him.


I deleted him from my contact list ages ago like in January or something. So meh

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Yeah right and I'm the South Shields Samurai.




I deleted him from my contact list ages ago like in January or something. So meh




Ermmm so yeah, just now Dabookerman started a convo with me in MSN....... He sent me a very interesting file which I'm going to share with the class.....


Zelda Freak adds me on: Session Start: 21 February 2007


(13:40) Dabookerman/Adam: Hello

(13:40) Phoenix Wright *: How totally crap is N-Europe going/gone

(13:41) Dabookerman/Adam: Its rubbish, hence my bannage, was rubbish for over a year

(13:41) Phoenix Wright *: I know and if you make a slight opinion on their the portuguese mafia jump on you and say your a fucking n00b

(13:42) Dabookerman/Adam: Who are you anyway? Zelda freak?

(13:42) Phoenix Wright *: Yes my friend, actually want to talk to you about JET?

(13:44) Dabookerman/Adam: Go for it

(13:44) Phoenix Wright *: Do you know anything really in depth about it - like sites kind of like gaijin smash?

(13:45) Phoenix Wright *: from views of current JETs


bla bla bla


(15:24) Phoenix Wright *: so is that when you will graduate. Your the coolest - but anyway if you get in you got a tell me what its like because I have heard so many stories about shit accomadation now I feel depressed

(15:25) Dabookerman/Adam: Hah, well, many people that go want to go there for experience. Im fully prepared for the changes that await me.

(15:25) Dabookerman/Adam: Im more worried about getting there first

(15:26) Phoenix Wright *: yeah especially having to pretend to give a talk to a group of jap kids

(15:27) Dabookerman/Adam: You have to ask yourself the most important question though. Why do you want to go there?

(15:27) Phoenix Wright *: And why you would want to work as a teaching assistant

(15:29) Phoenix Wright *: such as in the future if I did manage to have a go at the Jet programme - I would combine it with other studies that I have taken in order to create japanese learning tools for english speaking kids and vice versa.

(15:30) Dabookerman/Adam: put it this way, i want to do it for the following reasons (i wont necessarily say the reasons at the interview):

(15:31) Dabookerman/Adam: - i have for a very long time wanted to live in japan, long time = 10 years roughly

- i want to become fluent in japanese

- i want to persue either a games or movie career, and japan is a good means to an end.

- because england is shit, and i know without having been there that japan is better, mainly because 90% of my interests lie in japan

(15:34) Phoenix Wright *: Its funny how the whole world thinks japans weird apart from the video game and anime otaku, yet japans hates foreigners

(15:35) Dabookerman/Adam: japanese dont hate foreigners lol

(15:35) Phoenix Wright *: Yes they do they absolutely can't stand foreigners in their country.

(15:36) Phoenix Wright *: Hey wate thats an oxymoron doh

(15:36) Dabookerman/Adam: where did you get that from?

(15:37) Phoenix Wright *: from one of the articles on bigdaikon.com

(15:37) Dabookerman/Adam: one article lol

(15:37) Dabookerman/Adam: oh well, im going in june, i will find out first hand

(15:37) Phoenix Wright *: this june I take it

(15:38) Dabookerman/Adam: yes

(15:38) Phoenix Wright *: cool go to sweet potato



We had a few crappy convos after that. But nothing of interest




Wait, theres more..


21st of February:


22:36) Phoenix Wright *: would you care to type something in japanese mate

(22:37) Dabookerman/Adam: ok

(22:38) Dabookerman/Adam: ???????

(22:38) Phoenix Wright *: cool

(22:38) Phoenix Wright *: is that dabookerman or is it adam esat

(22:39) Dabookerman/Adam: my name is adam

(22:40) Phoenix Wright *: that view letters I personally prefer japanese like wriien with roman characters is easier to translate

(22:41) Dabookerman/Adam: Romaji?

(22:41) Dabookerman/Adam: you prefer romaji?

(22:41) Phoenix Wright *: than kanji? yes

(22:41) Dabookerman/Adam: pretty useless if you ask me, will do you no good in japan

(22:41) Dabookerman/Adam: and plus

(22:42) Dabookerman/Adam: theres hiragana, katakana, and kanji

(22:42) Dabookerman/Adam: what i wrote has all 3

(22:43) Phoenix Wright *: don't know what the differences are

(22:44) Dabookerman/Adam: hiragana is the phonetic symbols, its what kids use in the beginning, because in theory you can write everything in hiragana, there are 46 different symbols, then there is katakana, which is the same as hiragana except for the symbols, they are different, and are used to write foreign letters, kanji is used to shorten words, taken from chinese characters

(22:45) Phoenix Wright *: oh

(22:46) Phoenix Wright *: its if im speaking japanes to people its easier to read with romanji

(22:49) Phoenix Wright *: so does it get any easier to under stand them adam and does it begin to sink in at all

(22:49) Dabookerman/Adam: It does, you just need the motivation

(22:50) Phoenix Wright *: I am probably going to do an open university to course in a year out



Oh and the next day:


(12:25) Phoenix Wright *: Do you know if naruto has started to air in japan yet?

(12:25) Dabookerman/Adam: i dont watch naruto

(12:25) Phoenix Wright *: I thought you did - what do you watch

(12:26) Dabookerman/Adam: Where did you get that idea from?


I hardly watch anime

(12:27) Phoenix Wright *: I thought you did why if you go to japan its anime this and anime that.

(12:27) Phoenix Wright *: ;)

(12:32) Phoenix Wright *: So why do you want to go to japan

(12:34) Dabookerman/Adam: So the only reason you wanna do JET is because of anime then eh

(12:36) Phoenix Wright *: Hehe no and to make some contacts out their hopefully for a a programming job to sell design ideas to - been givin a name of a japanese mvp for microsoft by a lecturer to send an e-mail to

(12:36) Phoenix Wright *: plus games lest we forget

(12:36) Phoenix Wright *: so you didn't actually say why you want to go adam

(12:37) Dabookerman/Adam: 21 February 2007 (had to explain the whole shit to him again)


Later that day:


(13:36) Phoenix Wright *: Have you got any lectures today?

(13:36) Dabookerman/Adam: no

(13:37) Phoenix Wright *: good for you mate

(13:38) Phoenix Wright *: Get any good games lately

(13:38) Dabookerman/Adam: crackdown

(13:39) Phoenix Wright *: I heard its meant to be shit is it

(13:39) Dabookerman/Adam: i havent played it yet

(14:16) Phoenix Wright *: kk


Finally 26th of February:


(12:39) Phoenix Wright *: Did you go back to rev-europe over the weekend. What happened?



Thats when i got rid of him.


So what have we learned?


Zeldafreak is a gullible ****.


Thank you


Oh and for Darkcloud


(21:04) Dabookerman/Adam: Oh yo

(21:05) Dabookerman/Adam: i need you to do me a favour

(21:05) DarkCloud: ?

(21:06) Dabookerman/Adam: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13724


Tell zeldafreak he is a ****. Well dont, but read what hes been saying, assuming hes not actually pissing about, he is a big retard.

(21:06) DarkCloud: rofl

(21:06) DarkCloud: ok

(21:06) Dabookerman/Adam: yeah, and hes making these comments as if hes actually been there

(21:07) DarkCloud: rofl it's funny

(21:08) Dabookerman/Adam: Just make him look like a fool basically. I would myself, but, like, i got myself banned, which was what i wanted

(21:08) Dabookerman/Adam: and i dont want to make yet another account just for that lol

(21:09) DarkCloud: done

(21:09) Dabookerman/Adam: bravo


Spin away! ^^d



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Ollie bring back some authentic ramen noodles for me. I will wub you forever!


You will have to remind me closer to the time, infact, depending on what people ask for I might bump this thread closer to the time incase people do want stuff, but we'll see :)

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Ermmm so yeah, just now Dabookerman started a convo with me in MSN....... He sent me a very interesting file which I'm going to share with the class.....




Spin away! ^^d




Em ok, so what I basically learned is dabookermans a **** for banning me for asking him whether he came back on this site over the "weird" weekend.


And to dabooker if your reading this I never stated I have been to Japan, but I h*** ***e *a**** **** *o* t***.


Oh yeah, darkcloud you think Japans awesome because you have your 10X rose tinted glasses on - you should be more partriotic to the country where you were born. But you don't think the UK is awesome because you have a japanese kid, which isn't japanese - just to make you look cool.


And if you want to know why I personally think japan culture is racist - 1) they always portray black people in their society as evil/thiefs or some low life form which is just plain nasty. 2)To live in the country you have to speak japanese. While in both the majority of north america and europe you can speak any language to live in that country legally.

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Oh yeah, darkcloud you think Japans awesome because you have your 10X rose tinted glasses on - you should be more partriotic to the country where you were born. But you don't think the UK is awesome because you have a japanese kid, which isn't japanese - just to make you look cool.


And if you want to know why I personally think japan culture is racist - 1) they always portray black people in their society as evil/thiefs or some low life form which is just plain nasty. 2)To live in the country you have to speak japanese. While in both the majority of north america and europe you can speak any language to live in that country legally.

I don't wear rose tinted glasses, ZeldaFreak. I'm pretty sure I've researched the subject deeper than you ever have as well. Yet, I agree more with darkcloud.


I see bad side to Japan as much as you do, just as much as I see bad side to any country. The difference between you and me is that I don't pick on particular negatives to stereotype a country. Every country is shit if you see it your way. And every person too. Yourself included.


You might just as well call yourself shit, working by that logic.


EDIT: edited for clarity

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I don't wear rose tinted glasses, ZeldaFreak. I'm pretty sure I've researched the subject deeper than you ever have as well. Yet, I agree more with darkcloud.


I see bad side to Japan as much as you do, just as much as I see bad side to any country. The difference between you and me is that I don't pick on particular negatives to stereotype a country. Every country is shit if you see it that way. And every person too. Yourself included.


You might just as well call yourself shit, working by that logic.


So by your logic your calling everyone in the universe shit awesome.

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So by your logic your calling everyone in the universe shit awesome.
Hm? You may have misread.


It is by YOUR logic that concludes that everyone is shit. I only demonstrated the consequence of your mindset.


EDIT: Ah, yes I see what you mean. I think my sentence was confusing so my apologies. What I had meant in #64 was that if you see things the way you do, it derives that everything/everyone is shit. I concede that the paragraph can be read in 2 ways and I should have articulated it better.

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Em ok, so what I basically learned is dabookermans a **** for banning me for asking him whether he came back on this site over the "weird" weekend.


And to dabooker if your reading this I never stated I have been to Japan, but I h*** ***e *a**** **** *o* t***.


Oh yeah, darkcloud you think Japans awesome because you have your 10X rose tinted glasses on - you should be more partriotic to the country where you were born. But you don't think the UK is awesome because you have a japanese kid, which isn't japanese - just to make you look cool.


And if you want to know why I personally think japan culture is racist - 1) they always portray black people in their society as evil/thiefs or some low life form which is just plain nasty. 2)To live in the country you have to speak japanese. While in both the majority of north america and europe you can speak any language to live in that country legally.


I can't actually read what you said aimed at dabooker but whatever. :-/


The comment to me... Holy shit. lol I have a Japanese kid that isn't Japanese to make me look cool? I should be more patriotic to my home country? I this Japan's awesome because I have rose tinted glasses? roflmao WOW!


You mean to say that I decided to get my girlfriend pregnant, and have to look after a kid for the next 18 years to be cool? Now, I don't know about people you know, but, most people don't think I'm cool because of it.... Infact most my friends don't think I should have had a kid, but whatever... This is cool to you, I'm glad you think so. ^^d

As a matter of fact I am patriotic in my own way..... If someone who had never been to England before said it was shit, I would argue they should come down and see for themself as despite the fact the culture here isn't particularly suited to me, I know a lot of people love the country, think the cities are awesome, and love the atmospher here.... I've had arguements over this! Dunno why, but, it's true..... I also show my true patriotic spirit when it comes to sport as I don't understand how people can support countries other then there own. It's just not right. =P

As for the rose tinted glasses, well if they exist I love them, please by me another pair just incase this one breaks. ^^d


Finally, your reasons for thinking Japan are racist are way off.... It shows how little you know about the country really. I mean there are valid reasons to have that opinion, but, the ones you listed are just miles off..


First of all, not all black people are portrayed as thieves etc.... Stevie Wonder was on SmapxSmap for example which just happens to be one of, if not the most, popular tv shows in Japan which is hosted by the most popular band in Japan, and he was portrayed as a god...... This is infront of all of those viewers who would be watching and I'm pretty sure they weren't thinking omg a thief! >.>;; Maybe you think a god is a low life or scum or something though.... Not sure. =P


Next up, your second reason is just a lie. lol Whilst it could be seen as hard to live in Japan without knowing Japanese, to say it is against the law is a lie plain and simple..... Once again I refere to the JET program which is run by the Japanese Government to get English speaking people to teach English in Japanese class rooms.... They specifically say you don't need to speak Japanese... Many people who go to Japan to work for JET end up living there permenantly..... So much for that one huh? Obviously those who decide to live in Japan on a permanent basis would do well to learn the language though...... Would be stupid if you didn't. :-/


if you like chickens in cages, wierd computer game posters, shitty music, tv that makes no sense, raw fish, shiny buildings that hurt ur eyes and a near impossible language to understand - then, japan is the place to be!!!


I don't get the chicken cage thing..... I didn't see any chicken cages in Japan. ; ;


Weird game posters? :-/


The music is far from shitty although it doesn't agree with some peoples tastes...


The TV can be a bit random yes, but, if you understand what is being said it actually does make sence... Watch with subs next time. =P


Raw fish... Hmm, Not really all that important... In my 3 weeks in Japan I had 1 meal with raw fish.... I had sushi quite a lot though..... Sounds strange I know.. =P


The buildings rock..... The ones you're talking of would only be found in main cities, but, they are awesome... Walking round with a low skyline made me miss Japan when I came back to England actually... Things seemed too plain I guess. :)


A near impossible language is a bit of an exageration, but, it is indeed difficult. ; ;



I said all that despite not knowing if you were serious. :-/ I kind of hope you were now. ^^;;


Ollie if you do bring things back from Japan, be careful not to bring anything that isn't allowed. lol Lots of asian foods can be stoped when going through customs and it would be a bitch to get stuff taken away after paying for it...


Infact, the best thing to do is mail foods back to you before leaving Japan. lol Then again, in heathrow (assuming you're from London) had 0 customs when I came back.... I was scared because one of my suitcases looked like the stock from a shop. o.o;;

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darkcloud yes the JET scheme is run by the government but I'm on about if you want to move out they via their visa scheme on the japanese government say that you need business level japanese.


But I digress I have many four lettered words to describe you but cool is not the word.


Can you just agree to disagree, and cut the bullshit and realise that some people think japans isn't that good - no I know I haven't been, never even implied, that I have done so. However based on frends opinions of who have been they didn't like it - why can't you get this into your head- most people in the world don't like Japan itself, people may enjoy the cultural imported stuff e.g. sushi/easten made video games'/anime/manga. But hate the country, for instance I have a load of american friends in florida - who hate the UK as a country but like all the imported stuff like chocolate/tea/etc.

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darkcloud yes the JET scheme is run by the government but I'm on about if you want to move out they via their visa scheme on the japanese government say that you need business level japanese.


But I digress I have many four lettered words to describe you but cool is not the word.


Can you just agree to disagree, and cut the bullshit and realise that some people think japans isn't that good - no I know I haven't been, never even implied, that I have done so. However based on frends opinions of who have been they didn't like it - why can't you get this into your head- most people in the world don't like Japan itself, people may enjoy the cultural imported stuff e.g. sushi/easten made video games'/anime/manga. But hate the country, for instance I have a load of american friends in florida - who hate the UK as a country but like all the imported stuff like chocolate/tea/etc.


About the Visa scheme...... No....... As well as the JET program there are also quite a few other English teaching companies that get you a Visa on that very same scheme.... :-/ There are infact many people living in Japan who can't speak Japanese and this isn't talking about English teachers..... I'm not going to go too deeply on this though as you're really quite wrong. :-/

I think what you were looking for is that Japan's immigration laws are tighter then other countries laws.. :-/


You don't think I'm cool? ; ; I'm hurtededed. ; ;


As for your last thing...... I never said you aren't allowed to dislike the country..... I'm saying to stop throwing BS arguements against the country and the people living in the country unless you can back them up with evidence.... You're going around calling everyone in Japan racist etc when infact it's you who I'm seeing as being more racist in this situation... I would however not calling racism, rather, just being really fucking ignorant. :-/

And look there you go again with facts you pull out of your arse.... Most the world hates Japan? And this has been backed up with the fact some of your friends hate England, but like tea and chocolate.. :-/ I'm not really getting any kind of connection here..... o.o;;


Saying most people in the world don't like Japan itself is to say they don't like the land mass situated within that area of the globe.... Why would this be true? Or are you saying most people in the world don't like Japanese people? Racist? :-/ Infact there are specific countries that don't exactly get on with Japan (to use loose terms) but it doesn't really equate to most of the world and has no real baring on this thread as I'm guessing you couldn't even cite the reasons for this. :-/


Basically right now you're running off of blind hatred built up from one shit article you read (infact I've read it as well, the one with "gaijin-smash") which was barely serious in itself and some experiences of a couple of people who had a bad time in Japan, most likely because they were never able to get over the cultural differences of the countries....... Why not try looking up some positive experiences, they really aren't hard to find. lol

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Let me ask you a question how did you know that japanese people weren't being racist. My point being is your girlfriend was protecting you from the truth. Therefore I will accept the situation that maybe my friend was just in not in the same areas as you were.


But I was on about imported culture, you know like we import french culture i.e. french films, comics(XIII, Tintin), food(cheese, wine, escargots(v.nice infact). That type of stuff.

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Let me ask you a question how did you know that japanese people weren't being racist. My point being is your girlfriend was protecting you from the truth. Therefore I will accept the situation that maybe my friend was just in not in the same areas as you were.


But I was on about imported culture, you know like we import french culture i.e. french films, comics(XIII, Tintin), food(cheese, wine, escargots(v.nice infact). That type of stuff.


Actually no, my girlfriend wasn't "protecting" me. lol People were actually nice to me. lol There are infact things that could be seen as racism that go on in Japan, as there are in all countries, but, to come out and say "JAPAN IS RACIST!" is stupid....... As for not the same areas, I was in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hokkaido..... The first 3 areas are in themselves very touristy and people are perfectly used to seeing people from around the world every day... Hokkaido isn't so much so... I was staying in Hakodate and I saw 0 other non Japanese people..... This just made people more curious about me though... Quite a few people in restaurants were asking my girlfriend to ask me questions. lol


In the end I experienced no racism, but, a couple of strange moments like a group of people wanting a photo with me....


As for knowing people weren't being racist, I understand some basic Japanese and from the words I understood I know my girlfriend was translating properly for me. :-/


You were on about imported culture...... I did see this...... I just don't get what it had to do with anything.... How does showing people like imported culture show that they hate the country? :-/

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Let me ask you a question how did you know that japanese people weren't being racist. My point being is your girlfriend was protecting you from the truth. Therefore I will accept the situation that maybe my friend was just in not in the same areas as you were.
Just accept your misjudgement. I've pointed out why it is so and it's going in full circle. You should realise something has gone wrong in your judgement when you start making remarks like "most people in the world don't like Japan itself"; an average intellect would be able to see how absurd it is to pluck such a generalized statement out of thin air.


There are many people out there, myself included, who have researched Japan for years. I have come to love, hate, fancy, loathe, despair, admire then hate Japan again, at various occasions. But, going through that process, I have gained understanding of their culture. Understanding another culture requires you to put aside what you know, and take in a completely new mindset. I've found it to be a deep, complex and long process, but extremely rewarding. You grow as a person doing this because you realise that a wide vision and perspectives are precious and hard to come by.


You are nowhere near matching it. I can tell from your posts. By the sound of it, I'm beginning to suspect even your sources lack understanding. You're just digging your own grave by trying to debate with such an obvious display of incompetence.

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Just accept your misjudgement. I've pointed out why it is so and it's going in full circle. You should realise something has gone wrong in your judgement when you start making remarks like "most people in the world don't like Japan itself"; an average intellect would be able to see how absurd it is to pluck such a generalized statement out of thin air.


There are many people out there, myself included, who have researched Japan for years. I have come to love, hate, fancy, loathe, despair, admire then hate Japan again, at various occasions. But, going through that process, I have gained understanding of their culture. Understanding another culture requires you to put aside what you know, and take in a completely new mindset. I've found it to be a deep, complex and long process, but extremely rewarding. You grow as a person doing this because you realise that a wide vision and perspectives are precious and hard to come by.


You are nowhere near matching it. I can tell from your posts. By the sound of it, I'm beginning to suspect even your sources lack understanding. You're just digging your own grave by trying to debate with such an obvious display of incompetence.





Well said, well said.

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Guys, I don't care who's right and who's wrong in this, please leave it. This thread isn't designed for you guys to have a slanging match. It is for Ollie.


Here is his first post, again:


Hey guys and gals, myself and fellow forumite Lintendo and planning a holiday to Japan/Tokyo for October so I have come to ask some advice. I know some of you have been and some of you want to go, so here are some questions I would like your opinions on:


If you have been, where did you stay, what parts of Japan, and where abouts in Tokyo?


Where did you go when you were there, shopping, entertainment, etc, or if you havent been, where would you like to go?


What was the weather like, we are planning to go in October, which according to my research is a good time to go.


Anything else we should know?


We are still in preliminary planning stages atm, so anything you can tell us will be great, thanks in advance!


Either you help him, or stay out of this thread. Anymore shit stiring and I'll clamp down even further.

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Guys, I don't care who's right and who's wrong in this, please leave it. This thread isn't designed for you guys to have a slanging match. It is for Ollie.


Here is his first post, again:


Either you help him, or stay out of this thread. Anymore shit stiring and I'll clamp down even further.


Well said that man, thanks chief!

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