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Rate the band above you!

mcj metroid

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Woah, that was unexpected from OW. Bjork, hmm, she's been around awhile, reminds me of the crappy old 80 electronica acts like Cher, except less crappy :heh:. Alright if you're pasted and you want some easy listening with your mates, but not so good otherwise 5.5/10.

Blind Guardian. (Yeah, I know OW is probably gonna answer this one aswell, but if he doesn't give them 9/10 or higher, I'm going to explode :heh:)


Actually I hate Blind Guardian... I know they're great, but I'm entitled not to like them. Taking this into consideration I will let someone else reply. :D (And btw, I absolutely love Björk... is it weird that both Björk and Nile are in my top 10 artists of all time?)

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Bullet For My Valentine: Talentless "musicians" trying to make their music sound complex, while simultaneously trying to hide the fact that they actually only play about 3 different notes every half minute. The whole strummy chord thing really doesn't work for "metal" bands either. 4/10.


Actually I hate Blind Guardian... I know they're great


Now that just doesn't hold water.


(And btw, I absolutely love Björk... is it weird that both Björk and Nile are in my top 10 artists of all time?)


Yes. Yes it is. But hey, I don't take issue with Nile being there. They're in my top 20 too ;).


Edit: Crap, forgot to say a band. Here's something most people should know:



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10/10 ;)

P.S. When it comes to Maiden albums, The X Factor is easily the most mature and epic. Even if it isn't the most 'metal'.

I'm seeing Blaze this christmas :D

EDIT- Oooh, uhh... The Wurzels.


That's a triple mess-up. Rating In Flames 0/10 is a very good indicator that you are indeed retarded... that combined with the fact that you actually think The X Factor is a good album, makes two and to go out in great fashion, you mention a below average one-hit-wonder band with no extraordinary talent like The Wurzels. It's now a scientific fact, you are, how should i put this?... Darn, you're worst than me, and that's saying a lot.

Anyway.... 3/10.


Tom Waits or Cult Of Luna.

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That's a triple mess-up. Rating In Flames 0/10 is a very good indicator that you are indeed retarded... that combined with the fact that you actually think The X Factor is a good album, makes two and to go out in great fashion, you mention a below average one-hit-wonder band with no extraordinary talent like The Wurzels. It's now a scientific fact, you are, how should i put this?... Darn, you're worst than me, and that's saying a lot.

Anyway.... 3/10.


Tom Waits or Cult Of Luna.


Look again genius, I gave In Flames 10/10. Although you're probably a bit too up your own arse with generic musical snobbery to notice.

I like the X Factor, guess what? I'm allowed to. I'm not going to call someone a retard because they don't. I am, however, going to call you one for even asuming for a second that your opinion carries any weight with me. Get over yourself.

And The Wurzels were obviously a joke? You're really on top form today. Are you always so stupid that you have to rush head first into arguments you can't win.

You don't have to reply if you don't want to, I have owned you pretty badly here. Kicking your ass on every single point. Maybe next time you'll think before posting? Although looking at some of the other things you've said I suppose it's just wishful thinking.

Don't ever, ever insult me for my opinion again.

EDIT- Christ, you've been typing a reply for ages. It had better be good, because it's more of the same depressingly stupid shit I'll be dissapointed.

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Look again genius, I gave In Flames 10/10. Although you're probably a bit too up your own arse with generic musical snobbery to notice.

I like the X Factor, guess what? I'm allowed to. I'm not going to call someone a retard because they don't. I am, however, going to call you one for even asuming for a second that your opinion carries any weight with me. Get over yourself.

And The Wurzels were obviously a joke? You're really on top form today. Are you always so stupid that you have to rush head first into arguments you can't win.

You don't have to reply if you don't want to, I have owned you pretty badly here. Kicking your ass on every single point. Maybe next time you'll think before posting? Although looking at some of the other things you've said I suppose it's just wishful thinking.

Don't ever, ever insult me for my opinion again.


I must apologize for the In Flames bit, didn't notice that. :D


I never said you weren't allowed to like The X Factor, I simply said it implied you were retarded in doing so, and I stand firmly by that.


Bad jokes are still bad, even if they are jokes...


Yes, I am that stupid, that's why I used myself as a comparison to how "retarded" you are, I am a complete retard, and guess what? I'm proud of it. :)

Is it always win or loose with you in these arguments? Is your objective really winning? I'm guessing that's a reflex, over-compensation, of some sort.

You kicked my ass? If that's what you need to think it to leave your mind at ease, so be it, amigo. Should I retreat in fear now?


Thinking before posting, that's against my nature, I act on reflex. :D (otherwise I probably would have spotted that "10/10")


And as for insulting you for your opinion, I have the freedom to do it, just as you have the freedom of insulting me from mine, can't you deal with a little criticism and offer constructive argumentation to defend your ideals, the things you stand for?? I will insult who I want, when I want it and how I want it, if there are consequences for being like this, I will deal with them. I am free to judge whom I want. :laughing:

Don't ever test me. :)


(just a little side note, if you really wanted to prove your superiority, you should have just PM'd me, don't you think, that would have been more civilized, but hey, this way we have an audience, right? Hey! Look at me, I've stooped down to your level.)

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Christ, you've been typing a reply for ages. It had better be good, because it's more of the same depressingly stupid shit I'll be dissapointed.


I must apologize for the In Flames bit, didn't notice that. :D

So you should.

I never said you weren't allowed to like The X Factor, I simply said it implied you were retarded in doing so, and I stand firmly by that.

That's great, but unfortunately for you, this site has rules. Don't start flame war/randomly insult people. I don't even know why they're part of the rules, it's fucking common sense.

Yes, I am that stupid, that's why I used myself as a comparison to how "retarded" you are, I am a complete retard, and guess what? I'm proud of it. :)

That's your prerogative I guess :confused:

Is it always win or loose with you in these arguments? Is your objective really winning? I'm guessing that's a reflex, over-compensation, of some sort.

You kicked my ass? If that's what you need to think it to leave your mind at ease, so be it, amigo. Should I retreat in fear now?

Winning isn't important to me, it just comes naturally. I have no need to put my mind at ease, don't even think for a second you are more than a blip on my radar :D

Thinking before posting, that's against my nature, I act on reflex. :D (otherwise I probably would have spotted that "10/10")

I get the feeling you're an irate In Flames fan who wouldn't have said anything at all if he had seen the 10/10. You thought I insulted your favourte band, you thought you'd insult my favourite album?

And as for insulting you for your opinion, I have the freedom to do it, just as you have the freedom of insulting me from mine,

Bzzt. This site is a privelidge, not a right. We all adhere to the rules here, if you can't follow them, you get banned. You were not offering anything constructive to say, you were calling me a retard.

can't you deal with a little criticism


and offer constructive argumentation to defend your ideals, the things you stand for??

Defending my ideals and what I stand for? Some idiot called me a retard, it's hardly tearing me apart at the seams.

I will insult who I want, when I want it and how I want it, if there are consequences for being like this, I will deal with them. I am free to judge whom I want. :laughing:

That sounds like a pretty piss poor excuse. As far as I can see, you honestly thought it was okay to say that and assumed I wouldn't reply. Unfortunately, you are way out of your league here.

Don't ever test me. :)

Why? What are you going to do? Miss the point and jump to conclusions again? :D

(just a little side note, if you really wanted to prove your superiority, you should have just PM'd me, don't you think, that would have been more civilized, but hey, this way we have an audience, right? Hey! Look at me, I've stooped down to your level.)

I don't want to prove my superiority. It's obvious to everyone. If you honestly wanted to be mature you could simply have not posted in the first place and avoided all of this. But you obviously think you're some kind of hilarious scamp who is above the rules. Why on Earth should I PM you? This is an open forum for reasonable disscussion. Just because you aren't capable of it doesn't mean i'm not.

Man, all this to try and defend your hideous little trollish comment. But yeah, if you want to take this to PM's or stop this on mutual grounds, be my guest.

EDIT- This really is all because of the In Flames thing, right? :D I've seen them live man, they're one of my most beloved bands. I can't help that think in another reality in which you saw that 1, I could have called you brother.

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So you should.


That's great, but unfortunately for you, this site has rules. Don't start flame war/randomly insult people. I don't even know why they're part of the rules, it's fucking common sense.


That's your prerogative I guess :confused:


Winning isn't important to me, it just comes naturally. I have no need to put my mind at ease, don't even think for a second you are more than a blip on my radar :D


I get the feeling you're an irate In Flames fan who wouldn't have said anything at all if he had seen the 10/10. You thought I insulted your favourte band, you thought you'd insult my favourite album?


Bzzt. This site is a privelidge, not a right. We all adhere to the rules here, if you can't follow them, you get banned. You were not offering anything constructive to say, you were calling me a retard.


Yes. I can deal with morons who honestly think they can get away with


Defending my ideals and what I stand for? Some idiot called me a retard, it's hardly tearing me apart at the seams.


That sounds like a pretty piss poor excuse. As far as I can see, you honestly thought it was okay to say that and assumed I wouldn't reply. Unfortunately, you are way out of your league here.


Why? What are you going to do? Miss the point and jump to conclusions again? :D


I don't want to prove my superiority. It's obvious to everyone. If you honestly wanted to be mature you could simply have not posted in the first place and avoided all of this. But you obviously think you're some kind of hilarious scamp who is above the rules. Why on Earth should I PM you? This is an open forum for reasonable disscussion. Just because you aren't capable of it doesn't mean i'm not.

Man, all this to try and defend your hideous little trollish comment. But yeah, if you want to take this to PM's or stop this on mutual grounds, be my guest.

EDIT- This really is all because of the In Flames thing, right? :D I've seen them live man, they're one of my most beloved bands. I can't help that think in another reality in which you saw that 1, I could have called you brother.



Actually, no, it wasn't the In Flames thing... I pretty much hate them now. I mean, I loved them up until Reroute To Remain, but these last two albums were just... "crap", yep, that seems about the right way to say it. I mean, Come Clarity? Man, what a shitpile. In short? In Flames? 8/10.


No the reason for all of this was simple: I'm me, and this is who I am.


Don't cling on the forum rules, I know they're there, and I haven't violated them, have I?


Yep, my prerogative, exactly.


I'm glad I'm no more than a blip, but then again, why are you wasting so much of your precious time on me?


I wouldn't call myself an In Flames fan, I'm more of an In Flames tollerator.


A priviledge? Is it a superior gift to be able to discuss among equals? Calling you a retard is part of my way of being, and as you said, you weren't insulted, cause I'm no more then a blip, right?


Hey, you retard, you called me an idiot! (Ok, this one was just for kicks. :D), all I was saying was that you could have reacted with a little less insulting me and a little more argumentation. Or if you really needed to insult me, you shouldn't even argumentate. You should do just like I did, I just called you a retard out of thin air. Hell, I don't even know you. :D (Yes, I know I'm stupid.)


Piss excuse? No, that's actually the way I am. I speak my mind, even if it's nonsense. :D


"Jump to conclusions". Well, m'boy, you'll have to point that one out for me, for I didn't even reach any conclusions.


Are you THAT obsessed with "superiority", that you take it for granted?(ok, ignore this one sentence.)

By the way, I'm not mature, and hopefully, I never will be.

Above the rules? Did I break them?

Anyway, let's keep going, this is keeping me awake and I'm actually starting to like you. You remind me of myself, when I was your age (excluding the stupid part, you're all rational and shit). :D


(But seriously, though... the wurzels sucked. :D)

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I guess you're right (On some points :D ) I certainly could have reacted a lot better than I did.

I suppose neither one of us is going to change the other in any way, shape or forum.

And yes, The Wurzels were terrible.


Ah-ah. :D Nice answer. :P

Thanks for putting up with me. :D I know I'm a pain in the ass.

And you're obviously not a retard. I just needed someone to tease. ;)

But tell me now, why do you like The X Factor so much?


EDIT- I'm going to bed now, but I want an answer. ;)

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I really ought to delete your posts but you typed so much and put so much effort into trying to be wittier and ruder than the other person it just seems unfair to all your hard work. But please, don't turn threads into your own personal flamewar battlegrounds. If you want to discuss the music fine, but going on and on about who got owned and who's the more retarded, even if you're arguing that you yourself is the most retarded, can be saved for PM or IM conversations. They don't need to hijack a whole thread, not everyone is interested in watching your fight. "So why is this a post not a PM?" you might be wondering? Because this goes for everybody on every thread... people, be excellent to each other.


As for the band above, I have never heard of them, so I leave it to someone else.

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back on topic:


I don't know Chromeo, but the previous mentioed band was Cult Of Luna, who I really like. They are pretentious and all that stuff, butits really majestic, powerfull stuff. Excellent live too. 9/10


Isis (or chromeo, depending on who you know)

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I really ought to delete your posts but you typed so much and put so much effort into trying to be wittier and ruder than the other person it just seems unfair to all your hard work. But please, don't turn threads into your own personal flamewar battlegrounds. If you want to discuss the music fine, but going on and on about who got owned and who's the more retarded, even if you're arguing that you yourself is the most retarded, can be saved for PM or IM conversations. They don't need to hijack a whole thread, not everyone is interested in watching your fight. "So why is this a post not a PM?" you might be wondering? Because this goes for everybody on every thread... people, be excellent to each other.


As for the band above, I have never heard of them, so I leave it to someone else.


Wise words. :)


back on topic:


I don't know Chromeo, but the previous mentioed band was Cult Of Luna, who I really like. They are pretentious and all that stuff, butits really majestic, powerfull stuff. Excellent live too. 9/10


Isis (or chromeo, depending on who you know)


Isis... 10/10 without even needing to explain myself. If you have any doubts about why i rated them a 10, take a listen to Oceanic, Panopticon or In The Absence Of Truth.

(And Chromeo... 4/10. I don't like them.)



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Meshuggah, man I have some of their stuff. My friend downstairs loves that kind of music where you can't really understand the words and you get a headache after thirty seconds. But, well I can appreciate the level of skill behind the guitars and drums. It's not my thing, but 6/10.



I'm gonna go with Abba.

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