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Listened to Actually by Pet Shop Boys, I remembered it was in an "Essential Albums" book I have. It was pretty good. I do like 80's stuff in that vein.


I recognised the song with Dusty Springfield.


Now listenng to Stainless Style by Neon Neon. I've heard only good things.

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Sooo... does anyone like Pet Shop Boys or is it just the gay people?


I'm not gay and I've just listened to the latest album this week. :)


I really liked it. Kind of a chilled out experience me thinks. I've listened to it twice so far when I'm in a mellow mood at about 5 O' Clock in the morning. :D

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God, Blackout is far, far better than Circus. It's definitely Blackout > In The Zone > Circus > Others. Blackout is just so damn sexy, it's such a clubby album. Some of the beats are incredible, when played through good headphones, and her voice sounds so...whoreish, something only Britney does well.


Heaven On Earth, Break The Ice, Freakshow, Get Naked, Gimme More are all Hhnnnn.




Fucking Avril Lavigne, and her girlfriend hating whoreness. I cannot stop listening to it, in every damn language.

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I've never listened to Pet Shop Boys, but they're advertised heavily in gay magazines, so I imagine they're shit.



Gay magazines are weird in that all the music advertised is the stereotypical crap, but then the music they review is brilliant.


Attitude rated Two Suns by Bat For Lashes 5/5. A Woman A Man Walked By by PJ and John 4.5/5.


I clapped at both reviews.



Then they told me to download this song:



It's like Kate Nash and Regina Spektor shoved in a pot and left to mull.

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I was giving OK Computer a listen today. I have 4 Radiohead albums, and I like them and think they're great, but I don't...know them enough. It's like I'm on the cusp. I kinda "know" In Rainbows best, but that's pretty accessible (and it was my first album by them I listened to). I know I love bits of The Bends, and all of Kid A, but it's a bit of a case of "One Long Song" atm.


I want that to change, as they're really good. *dilemma*


Might be time for the old "listen to the albums backwards*.


Hmm you could do what I have done in the past and just listen to them chronologically, I find this helps for some reason, after that though I'll just listen to the ones I really like and then backtrack to the ones I wasn't so sure of and then listen to those until I either really like them or realise that they aren't quite as good as the other albums.


Personally though I think there is something to like about each Radiohead album and although my favourites will most likely always be OK Computer, The Bends and Kid A there is still a lot of good to be said about Hail to the Thief, Pablo Honey, Amnesiac and In rainbows. :)


I now get what I recall you saying a while ago about In Rainbows, it is a good album but I would always end up comparing it to the earlier ones >> but listening to it on it's own merits... it's more accessible yes and while the lyrics don't seem as good as the ones they used to use (still comparing but I can't help it) But! the overall sound of it I really do like from start to finish.

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Hmm you could do what I have done in the past and just listen to them chronologically, I find this helps for some reason, after that though I'll just listen to the ones I really like and then backtrack to the ones I wasn't so sure of and then listen to those until I either really like them or realise that they aren't quite as good as the other albums.


Personally though I think there is something to like about each Radiohead album and although my favourites will most likely always be OK Computer, The Bends and Kid A there is still a lot of good to be said about Hail to the Thief, Pablo Honey, Amnesiac and In rainbows. :)


I now get what I recall you saying a while ago about In Rainbows, it is a good album but I would always end up comparing it to the earlier ones >> but listening to it on it's own merits... it's more accessible yes and while the lyrics don't seem as good as the ones they used to use (still comparing but I can't help it) But! the overall sound of it I really do like from start to finish.


Yeah..I'm back in a Radiohead kinda mood, so I'll be giving them all a go soon. Relistened to The Bends this morning, really like that. Lot of classic tunes.




I just heard Beyonce's Alanis Morissette cover, on her new tour. On one hand, it's the most brilliant thing I've ever heard, on the other...it's kinda odd.





The Queen of the cylons.

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Is it true Kelly Clarkson's new song was written by Katy Perry?


It would make sense, the lyrics are so deep. "My life would suck without you"... truly outstanding.


God I hate the radio at work.




Her latest song is "I Do Not Hook Up"...which was indeed written by Perry. As was "Longshot" which is also on her album.


Broadcast Yourself


One of the best songs on her new album. And anway, why do lyrics have to be "deep" to mean something to someone? Saying "my life would suck without you" is a nice, blunt way of putting just how much she would miss someone...I see nothing wrong with that.

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I've just realised I've got two versions of "The Ballroom Blitz"; the original and an 80's cover. Currently listening to see which is better...



...Both are good. But, as usual, the original is better. :hmm:

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I've just realised I've got two versions of "The Ballroom Blitz"; the original and an 80's cover. Currently listening to see which is better...



...Both are good. But, as usual, the original is better. :hmm:


'I see a man at the back as a matter of fact, his eyes are as RED as the sun!'


lol classic track though it's one of those ones that I don't own but is fun to sing on Rock Band. :)

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'I see a man at the back as a matter of fact, his eyes are as RED as the sun!'


lol classic track though it's one of those ones that I don't own but is fun to sing on Rock Band. :)


It's fun on all four instruments IMO. It's good on vocals, but I can't do the really high note before the chorus.



I suppose that's sorta a good thing. :blush:

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It's fun on all four instruments IMO. It's good on vocals, but I can't do the really high note before the chorus.



I suppose that's sorta a good thing. :blush:


Oh yeah, it's fun on guitar and drums too but it's just the unique pace of it that makes it a laugh to sing and as for the high bit before the chorus... I can kinda... sorta... maybe... do it >> but it's pretty forced lol for bits in songs like that if you want to clear them on Expert Vocals you just adapt as best you can, some songs are a bitch to sing on that difficulty though the worst for me being the Rolling Stones 'Gimme Shelter' *shudders*.


Yeah I really need to play the drums and guitar more... :heh:

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I miss playing it on Drums. My drum kit is absolutely knackered. Desperately need a new one but my brother's set on getting the ion drum kit 'cos it looks sexy. But when in the blue hell are we ever actually going to get one?


Hmm I'm in a similar situation, I want to get back into the drums but I don't like the pedal, it's just not very good, I was tempted to go for the Ion kit as well, 'cos it looks awesome and is probably indestructable but alas it is larger and I barely have enough room for the kit that I have atm lol but still... it's only a 'bit' bigger... so I'm sure I could make it fit somehow if I sold some stuff or something. >>

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It's a sad day when more people know this as a 30 Seconds To Mars song...



Still one of my favourite songs.


FACT: The video was delayed 9 months after original slated release, due to post-production requirements. (This was 1997). The last single off the album (All Is Full Of Love) was released almost 2 years after the album, due to even more complex cgi requirements.

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I also have doubts over whether the ion kit would fit in the room.


It will fit, though. Move some stuff and voila! Space! :smile:


Lol that's pretty much my way of thinking, I will clear out some stuff first though if I decided to get one, they do look really awesome and ca be upgraded by way of installing an electronic drum brain which pretty much makes it an actual (allbeit electronic) drum kit.

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One of the best songs on her new album. And anway, why do lyrics have to be "deep" to mean something to someone? Saying "my life would suck without you" is a nice, blunt way of putting just how much she would miss someone...I see nothing wrong with that.


Its a really crap way of explaining how you'd feel. Dropping a pound down the drain sucks, having someone leave your life is emotionally worth more than that. And in my opinion should deserve a stronger word.

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All I want by the Offspring - from Crazi Taxi


Really like this song but can't get it off iTunes cause you have to buy the whole album for it. Thinking of getting Limewire but apparently it messes up the PC.


It just a history of having viruses in a lot of the files on offer.




Just watched the rest of the Tori Amos DVD I got for Xmas, her most recent one, of her earliest recorded performances at the Montreuz Jazz Festival. 91 and 92 respectively.


I love that she stops her song to tell people to stop talking. Brilliant.


Also, Me & A Gun was brilliant here. You could see at point she turned to sing it at people (presumably who were talking or whatever). And at the end, the crowd seemed to be visibly moved. (M&AG was her first single, an a capella aong about the night she was raped. It was a fair milestone)






What gigs are people going to in the near future?


Mine are Bat For Lashes (8th April), PJ Harvey + John Parish (26th April) and Antony + The Johnsons (4th June).


3 acts I LOVE...all performing within a month of each other. Tres happy. I still need to play Chair back for the tickets.

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this quote was meant to be from paj but I fucked it up


Haha - you know, I've loved the 30stm version for a while, but after seeing the video I totally remember it being a Bjork song... So very strange... I love both versions. Cheers for reminding me ^_^

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What gigs are people going to in the near future?


Mine are Bat For Lashes (8th April), PJ Harvey + John Parish (26th April) and Antony + The Johnsons (4th June).


3 acts I LOVE...all performing within a month of each other. Tres happy. I still need to play Chair back for the tickets.


Bit quiet for me on the gig front, only got two lined up.


New Found Glory - 30th May

Michael Jackson - 3rd September

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