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What the hell does Ulrich Schnauss have to do with it? oO


Anywho, Takk isn't the place to be, regarding Sigur Rós... Ãgætis byrjun is. Takk's also fantastic, mind... the fact that you "loved" the least interesting song in the entire album frightens me.


I just don't see the appeal. Most of their stuff sounds like the same faux bombastic meaningful structure with the same faux meaningful gibberish vocals that are basically just some dude wailing nicely for a bit.


Ulrich Schnauss, whilst definitely not similar in production/methods, in my eyes (or ears, even) produces a very similar style of sound to that of Sigur Rós...and does so better.


As for Hoppipolla, I put that down to the fact that I recognize it. Was a pleasant surprise to hear it.


I've slowly come to realise how fantastic Michelle Branch's debut album "The Spirit Room" is. I've always liked it, but I've never really given it enough time to love it. She has a great talent for song writing (She wrote "Goodbye to You" when she was 15) and has a rather nice voice. She's also a little..odd looking which makes me all the more endearing. The album has some of my favourite songs in my collection on it. Tracks like "Everywhere", "Goodbye to You" are so awesome. Infact, Everywhere is probably my favourite song, I just love the lyrics, however cliche some might be.



I've already said it before but...Damn I love Kyuss.Heavy, but chilled so the sound just washes over you, fills your brain and you can feel every subtlety in your bones. Fantastic.


Listening to A Great Day For Freedom at the moment from David Gilmour's Live In Gdansk CD - it was available as a free download. I have to say I like it quite a lot - may even buy the album now :) I would like the deluxe vinyl version but it costs £75!! =( Kind of ironic this was released just after Richard Wright passed away. R.I.P RW.


Seeing Chicago on stage reminded me why it's so effing good.


The music is just brilliant.


Oh, I love my life

And All




Getting back in to Deftones today. White Pony is an amazing album, and so far above the nu metal doldrums it's amazing they were even considered part of the genre at the time. It's fucking awesome.


So The Hoosiers then, saw them last night and it's still not made up my mind about them. They put on a good fun show, but there is a severe lack of depth to their songs. It's all a bit samey for me.

New Ben Folds is out.


awww yeah!


Thought I was the ONLY Ben Folds fan here! HELLS YEAH :heart:


Currently listening to Keanes new album - "Perfect Symmetry"

Not really feeling the vibe of it at the moment. I'll have to give it more time. 'Love is the end' is akin to their best tracks and 'spiralling' is as brilliant a pop tune as you could expect from Keane...


Certainly a more accessible album than Under the Iron Sea. Although, sadly, it's instantly apparent that this album doesn't hold as many classics as Hope and Fears, which is still one of my favourite albums of recent times.


EDIT: Scanning back there's some major backlash about KEANE on here. Personally like their piano stance. It's easy to shoehorn them into "coldplay" boxes (it's a 'human' comfort thing obviously) but they have a lot of songs with memorable chorus' and melodies. Keane are like harmless pop which, at least isn't maufactured.


Now...back to Ben Folds... LOVE!



Kate Bush is so awesome. I much prefer all her less known singles and album tracks for some reason. Maybe it's because I've heard Wuthering Heights and Babooshka etc too often already.


Currently listening to Keanes new album - "Perfect Symmetry"

Not really feeling the vibe of it at the moment. I'll have to give it more time. 'Love is the end' is akin to their best tracks and 'spiralling' is as brilliant a pop tune as you could expect from Keane...


Certainly a more accessible album than Under the Iron Sea. Although, sadly, it's instantly apparent that this album doesn't hold as many classics as Hope and Fears, which is still one of my favourite albums of recent times.


EDIT: Scanning back there's some major backlash about KEANE on here. Personally like their piano stance. It's easy to shoehorn them into "coldplay" boxes (it's a 'human' comfort thing obviously) but they have a lot of songs with memorable chorus' and melodies. Keane are like harmless pop which, at least isn't maufactured.


Great post tapedeck : peace:


I have absolutely no idea why, but Sensitized by Kylie Minogue has been in my head for the last 4 days.


I only know the opening line of the chorus, and that's whats in my head. I don't even like it as a song!




Currently listening to german songs of longing and yearning.


Chairdriver's Playlist Of Today



Number 24 - Polly Scattergood

The Wedding List - Kate Bush

A Perfect Day Elise - PJ Harvey

Red Sock Pugie - Foals

Dusk Till Dawn - Ladyhawke

Be Mine! - Robyn

Teenage Hustling - Tori Amos

Nitrogen Pink - Polly Scattergood




Loves it.


Christina Aguilera's new single "Keeps Gettin' Better" is out tomorrow on itunes YAYAYAYAYAYAYA


Can't fucking wait.


I have only heard it twice, first time when it premièred at MTV's Video Music Awards, then again on the radio.


Since then I have been avoiding listening to it and stopped myself "acquiring" it until it officially comes out here in the UK....


So excited :D

I've decided today that I'm in the mood for some songs with a few cheeky trumpets half way through to jazz things up a bit. :)


I was wondering whether anyone had some songs they know that do this? :D


For funs:


Rumble Strips

Mistys Big Adventure



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