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Skies of Arcadia Official Thread


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I've got my game and been playing for 8 hours already.


It's good, but not really got me the way Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos did. And I doubt it will. The battles are ok, but not quite as interesting or spectacular as the other 2 RPG's. Also, the musical score is not even nearly as good.


Obviously, the graphics are dated and they do make me cringe sometimes. I'm sure the Dreamcast could have done better. Some of the character models are shockingly awful, just ugly in fact.


Also I didn't realise you had to boot the GC up with the freeloader everytime you want to play import game. That would mean alot of swapping discs for this game.

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I got this game a while ago. Played it for a bit then got put off by an annoying boss. I should go back to it. Anyway, does anyone else find the battles stupidly slow? It takes ages for an enemy to attack me... My GC's mucked up a bit too, when it zooms in on me it stops for second.


edit: Almost completed ToS but I just can't be bothered playing it...

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why oh why do you have to watch the ships fly around. these battles really let the game down in a big way

I think its a nice touch, it makes it more laid back and cinematic, with the epic music as you await moves in anticpation.


Bah I hate all the dissing the battle system(s) get.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think its a nice touch, it makes it more laid back and cinematic, with the epic music as you await moves in anticpation.


Bah I hate all the dissing the battle system(s) get.


Ha, just came to post here to express my dislike of the battle system. :rolleyes:


Anywho, I think I would've enjoyed this more had I purchased it at the time it was release because then was a time when turn based battles was primarily all that was on offer (this game was produced at least 3/4 years ago) and was just an accepted part of RPGing. However I bought it late, after experiencing the RPGs that were produced in the later years of the Gamecube like Tos and BK. Now there are some amazing battle systems.


ToS is just so fun always with the constantly changing and upgrading moves which you press that have some relation to the movement. For example upward thrust is up and B where as in Skies to execute a move it’d just be repeated pressing of the A button, Tos really gets you involved especially with making combos and such. Kind of like a beat em up game.


BK is fantastic just because it is so radically different to all other RPGs I;ve played (and I've played quite a lot). Simply a huge breath of fresh air that constantly keeps you on your toes, again you always have to be looking out to make those combo cards while considering elemental factors and such. I just hate the way though that people sometimes write the game off and condemn just when they hear the mention of "card battling"


Skies on the other for me, when I was traipsing through the land and skies boiled down do uninterested repeated pressing of the A button, I even resorted to reading a magazine while doing it as the random encounter rate was so high in one dungeon.


In conclusion, my opinion is that one of the main reasons, along with story etc, to what makes a wonderful RPG is its battle system as it is were you spend most of your time, you want a battle system which will always keep the player interested and active, Skies did not unfortunately. : (


However, it's all down to opinion in the end. For example I didn't mind the BK voice actors at all yet other people claimed it ruined the game for them! : o

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I agree with u Laguna. I'm giving Skies a chance, but beginning to run short of patience. The battle system is pretty boring compared to ToS and BK. Only the boss battles get a little more exciting. And the ship battles are so tedious. All battles are too slow.


The random encouters are well annoying, far to frequent (every 5 secs) especially when in ship searching for something.


I am currently stuck looking for the Lost City if someone can help me out. Otherwise I will use a guide because I've spent hours looking for it and keep getting these random battles.

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I can see your point. After playing through ToS and BK which both have fast paced battle systems, I'm sure if I was to play SoA again I'd be so spoiled that it would feel so tedious.


However, Skies of Arcadia was my first 3D RPG (only played Golden Sun and Pokemon before it) and many say that your first big RPG usually sticks in your heart for ever, and I can see what they mean. Everything felt so huge, magical and epic, and it was really the first big journey of my gaming life. That is probably one of the primary reasons I love the game so much, and at the time I really enjoyed the battle system.


To be honest, I agree that just pressing the A button to select moves is repetitive, but then again it makes it more strategic and dependant on big decisons, which I personally really like. I don't mind Turn Based battle systems really because of this, what I do hate though is random battle encounters. That has to be my main(and only) complaint about SoA.

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Well... I'm a old school gamer concerning RPG's I don't see battles in SOA as a chore or something that I rather not do... but I understand your point with BK and TOS you have a game fun playing it everyday, while with SOA you don't...


Anyway... I also think of BK and TOS as better games, but I also like SOA (including the battle engine) but there's old school RPG's that I consider better than BK and TOS.

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Off Topic:


I just saw Skies of Arcadia Legends in Gamestation today for £30 pounds. The box isn't in that bad condition and it is second hand but i was wondering if it was worth getting in these circimstances cosidering it's meant to be a lost gem.

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Guest Stefkov

I actually saw it in GAME for £27.99 i think, that was not long ago and it was preowned. i think £30 is way too much for a preowned and quite old game. back on topic, i may get this. i really need a good RPG, i know ive asked questions, so i may get this depends, when i have the money and which one is cheaper, (TOS and SOA) i tried playing some old games earlier wile my pc was doing stuff and it couldnt really play any ive already played.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i wanted to get it when it came out but i couldnt find it! grrrr


i know legends is just a dreamcast port so which version is best?

Legends... because it is a directors cut, you see... :)


but I might aswell warn ya... that game is getting pretty rare (even more than before), specially the PAL version.

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better jump on it quick then! . . . i have a feeling that odama will get rare too so i wanna get that too even though a friend hs said that its crap its too weird to not join my collection-i also want donkey konga 3 from japan! the advert for that had me in stitches . . . repeatedly! :D

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Stop dissing it so much it's an old game ,it's like saying the NES had crappy graphics and you need to make the battles more fun by the moves you have and your stratedgy.And yea I would agree with the Random Battles they are quite a lot.Boss battles are amazing if you use the right stratedgy and make more fun with certain moves.You can't blame them for the 'ugly' -didn't think they were- character models because again it's old and at the time were great.And you can't compare Skies to Tales and Baten because they are so different and from different generations and of course Tales and Baten will probably be better because it's fresh and new and there was more ideas implanted in the game to make it more entertaining.Because this gen RPGs are faster and fresher you have to think what the game was like at the time it was released those years ago and how it stood out from others at the time.You would have to set yourself back to the DC era and forget about this gen RPGs to appreciate how good it is,your just moaning like it came out the other day and not even setting yourself back so you can't even make a fair judgement.Not meaning to moan at you or anything but your giving it far to little credit and making it sound bad,it doesn't deserve that.

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  • 4 months later...
For everyone that doesn't have Skies of Arcadia as its so rare and when found expensive, well Play.com has been selling it for a while at £24.99, and it's in stock now :awesome:





they won't ship it here though:


-> http://www.play.com/HOME/HOME/6-/AboutUs.html?page=del


Might contact them by mail, but I won't be expecting much. :(

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