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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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Too bad they used Spider Man 3 on the cover... and just used a really small square for NiGHTS.


I guess Spider Man sells more :heh:


I just saw the spider.... And decided not to buy it. Now this appears.... BAH! :p






and Nights.........:cry:

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Im still thinking how in the world did Maxi Consolas got this!!!


Wait... WHAT!?? You've got to be kidding me. How the f*ck?


Too bad they used Spider Man 3 on the cover... and just used a really small square for NiGHTS.


I guess Spider Man sells more :heh:


LOL, it's really ridiculous. But predictable, if you ask me.


Also, online content? Hmm, interesting.

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According to some portugese GAF member it is only a timed exclusive - he translated some parts of a gaming mag from Portugal where the pictures came from.

Hmm, that's odd. If it's just a timed exclusive, why did the project leader make a big deal out of the Wii's controls? He was saying that NiGHTS 2 took off because of the Wii's innovation, and that they didn't want to just have shinier graphics.

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Hmm, that's odd. If it's just a timed exclusive, why did the project leader make a big deal out of the Wii's controls? He was saying that NiGHTS 2 took off because of the Wii's innovation, and that they didn't want to just have shinier graphics.


I dunno, maybe it was a missunderstaning or a translation error. I just post what I read.

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I dunno, maybe it was a missunderstaning or a translation error. I just post what I read.
Translation error; nobody said it's going to be ported he just said "Right now, it's a Wii exclusive." in response to wether the game was exclusive or not.


So yeah, it's exclusive, and if it sells well they'll probably never port it. And if it flops they might think of doing it.


He didn't kill the idea of a port though, but it's similar to Sonic and the Secret Rings... Could be ported but such thing is not being planned.

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It won't be ported, if it's built around the Wii controls (He says that the reason why he's waited until now to make a sequel is because they wanted to evolve the game beyond graphics and instead create a new way to play the game, the Wii Remote) it can't be ported to anything else, it would be impossible.

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Well, while I think it'll most likely stay on the Wii, the whole unthinkable port argument pretty much relies on how they use the Wiimote.


Secret Rings doesn't do anything the sixaxis couldn't do, and if this never employs pointing controls then it'd work fine on the PS3 too.


That said, I still think it unlikely. It's a niche game for a special fanbase, and the development costs (or lack thereof) on the Wii is a perfect fit for the limited appeal of NiGHTS.

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I bought the magazine earlier today after reading about this. The screenshots look nice, I'm really looking forward to the game.

From the few info available on the preview it seems the controls will be exactly what I expected, and the character will enjoy a much bigger freedom of movement.


OK, Nights 2 is finally revealed. Now how about Shenmue 3 and a Snatcher sequel? :grin:

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I guess I'm the only person who isn't excited then. I just didn't get Nights on the saturn.


But Dom...it's a nice, new game...to stroke.


Are you ok? Shall I get the doctor? :(


I'm surprised at all this. Online features, too! It just seems a bit..too good to be true. I mean, a game that some of us have wanted for years, appearing in the best possible way.

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I guess I'm the only person who isn't excited then. I just didn't get Nights on the saturn.


I liked it but I had to sell my Saturn, and much like Mario 64/Zelda OOT I played it a year ago years after it first came out and so I didn't quite understand all the fuss.


Definitely a fun game though, and NiGHTS is one of Sega's big games, I just need them to get on with Shenmue 3, bringing Sega Saturn to the VC, and I'd also like Panzer Dragoon and Jet Set Radio Future to work on my 360 (I know, not Sega's job, but still Sega related.)


But Dom...it's a nice, new game...to stroke.


Are you ok? Shall I get the doctor? :(


I'm surprised at all this. Online features, too! It just seems a bit..too good to be true. I mean, a game that some of us have wanted for years, appearing in the best possible way.


Yeah, and NiGHTS is a pretty big announcement (for a lot of people anyway) and for it to be a Wii exclusive, it's a reason to buy a Wii (unless it's crap).


And I keep forgetting about the biggest reason everyone will buy a Wii... My Sims.

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I played Nights back in the day and never understood why it was praised so much, just seemed like a flying through circles game to me, some sort of extreme time attack or something.


So yeah, don't think I'll be getting it at launch unless it somehow plays differently from the first game. So not big for me

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I'm just one of the happyies videogame players in the world, today. :D


Anyway, imho the screenshots are from a demo used by the developers or an unfinished version of the game, it still had to be polished. But they got the style and the design right, and that is what really counts. Now, please make it be that the music and especially the gameplay/controls are as good as the original game! :heart:

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