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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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that's one of the best rpg game that i played on gamecube. it's great. hopefully there will be tales of symphonia 2 on revolution.
PS2 is getting Tales of Legendia exclusive, after tales of Symphonia selling better in gamecube on Japan (were it also came in PS2) and selling pretty good worldwide (It's "players choice" in US...).


from a narrowminded view I kinda hope it sells badly, because they shouldn't ignore a install base like us, who even supported them, tales of destiny and tales of eternia came out on US on PSone and sold crap.


It's not like I mind a PS2 version, but I don't like them ignoring the cube after releasing a best-seller for it, above all symphonia pretty much put "Tales" series on the map in US and europe, the sequel being exclusive to other system is like turning their back on us, I for one can't really buy a PSTwo for it.


Although I heard Tales of legendia is not as good... It'll also sell based on the name of it's predecessor, a exclusive gamecube game (outside of japan). I bought a PSone almost for Tales of Phantasia (NTSC JP), Tales of Destiny and Tales of Destiny II/Eternia (NTSC), the later two not up to the standard of the original Tales of Phantasia, but still I didn't complain, I will do so this time, after tales of symphonia outing, letting it out of GC is just... stupid...


I remember Legendia being also stated as a gamecube game, I wonder why it isn't (they should still port it, dammit).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just a heads up for any fans of Starry Heavens, the Japanese opening theme to Tales of Symphonia by Day After Tomorrow. I was browsing some forums last night and came across a sort of instrumental version of the theme. It's pretty good if you like the original piece:


It can be obtained here

yay... this should be the one to be on europe and US versions of the game, if they thought europeans would dislike j-pop... In my opinion, so much better than the "final" music, because the trailer was made for "day after tomorrow" not the new orchestrated music made for it (not saying it's bad though).


It sounds too... midi... though, the original rock version would be better, only without lyrics...

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Guest Stefkov

im not the guy to make a thread for myself unless its of real inmportance, so ill post it here as it does have some relevnace to TOS.

my question is, which of these three games should i get: TOS, mario strikers or battalion wars. i only have enough for one:( hopefully i can get one of them cheaper than £30, i really want a good rpg to play through before the rev and zelda get here. however i want something wih a load of action in it, like mario football and battalion wars. so could someone please tell me which one i should get which would please me the longest? and is the most fun

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im not the guy to make a thread for myself unless its of real inmportance, so ill post it here as it does have some relevnace to TOS.

my question is, which of these three games should i get: TOS, mario strikers or battalion wars. i only have enough for one:( hopefully i can get one of them cheaper than £30, i really want a good rpg to play through before the rev and zelda get here. however i want something wih a load of action in it, like mario football and battalion wars. so could someone please tell me which one i should get which would please me the longest? and is the most fun

Just don't hesistate and go and buy Tales of Symphonia. You won't regret it.

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im not the guy to make a thread for myself unless its of real inmportance, so ill post it here as it does have some relevnace to TOS.

my question is, which of these three games should i get: TOS, mario strikers or battalion wars. i only have enough for one:( hopefully i can get one of them cheaper than £30, i really want a good rpg to play through before the rev and zelda get here. however i want something wih a load of action in it, like mario football and battalion wars. so could someone please tell me which one i should get which would please me the longest? and is the most fun


If you want a long game then go with Tales but if you want a fun game get Battalion Wars. Im not saying Tales isnt fun im just saying that I got more enjoyment out of Battalion.


The problem for me with Tales is although I enjoyed it the battle system was annyoying. All you really have to do is hammer away on the A button. There were many a time when I was reading a mag while playing and I wasnt even looking at the screen as I was just pressing A and I still won. It does have a great storyline though. Personally I would recommend Baten Kaitos over Tales if you havent got it yet.

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Guest Stefkov

cheers for the replies, no ones said about mario football yet, im guessing it isnt great or last longing. Is battalion or Tales mulitplayer? cos id like a multiplayer game, so i can have more fun. mario football is multi i think and it looks fun.

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cheers for the replies, no ones said about mario football yet, im guessing it isnt great or last longing. Is battalion or Tales mulitplayer? cos id like a multiplayer game, so i can have more fun. mario football is multi i think and it looks fun.


For some reason they didnt make Battalion Wars multi-player, the fools. I havent played mazza footy but I will pick it up as it looks great and sounds great plus the mulit-player is supposed to be very hectic and fun. If you want to read about it look at the Mario Footy thread somewhere on the cube board as many are playing it and loving it.

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I think legendia's look and feel isn't as appealing as Symphonia everything just looks hard and sharp while symphonia had that warm soft glow to everything aka the "muddy" look. As for our version of the symphonia intro, I have an mp3 for it but it refuses to play in anything other than winamp.

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I think legendia's look and feel isn't as appealing as Symphonia everything just looks hard and sharp while symphonia had that warm soft glow to everything aka the "muddy" look. As for our version of the symphonia intro, I have an mp3 for it but it refuses to play in anything other than winamp.
They say legendia has a good story although the artwork didn't really grow on me... They also say the game in the whole is worse, the thing is... We all know that if the game was coming out on GC like it should we'd buy it.


I'm currently finally playing Tales of Symphonia, and it is the best "Tales of" game since phantasia, but it's not better than phantasia, not even on-par with it... Symphonia some times appears to be a ToPhantasia in 3D and it's beautiful, no other game in the series does it.


Here's a new interview about Tales of Phantasia... it talks quite a little about Symphonia and all:

When it comes to epic role playing games, the "Tales" series is building quite a reputation; Tales of Symphonia has already proven a sizeable hit on GameCube, and now Tales of Phantasia is set to do the same on Game Boy Advance.


What is it that sets Phantasia apart from the other fantasy titles out there? We spoke to Makoto Yoshidumi, the Producer behind the game - and he had plenty to say.


Nintendo of Europe: Can you briefly introduce the story in Tales of Phantasia?


Makoto Yoshidumi: "The story centres on two young boys - Chester and Cress. Cress has been schooled in the art of swordsmanship by his father Miguel, a master swordsman. One day the two young lads set off for the woods and while they are away something attacks their village, killing their families. The two boys run around trying to confront and defeat this enemy but it soon becomes apparent that the incident in the village is part of a larger plot. Soon our two heroes are joined by Mint, a healer, Arche, a sorceror and Class, a bounty hunter and their adventure unravels across time and space. Where will it take them in the end?"


NoE: When Tales of Phantasia first appeared, it was never released outside of Japan. Can you tell us why you feel the time is right now to bring the game to Europe?


Yoshidumi: "Our initial opinion was that 'RPGs with a strong animation element' would not be well received overseas. Recently however, with the release of certain games and in particular Symphonia for the GameCube our approach to this matter has undergone a significant change."


NoE: Are there any differences between the original game and this version for GBA?


Yoshidumi: "New sub-scenarios and mini games, in addition to new characters that have been added to these new sections, will appear for the first time in the Game Boy Advance version."


NoE: Can you tell us about some of the hardships that await the hero Cress?


Yoshidumi: "Standing in Cress' way is Daos - not merely the 'embodiment of evil' looking to wipe out all life on this planet - instead Daos is looking to rescue this planet and the rest of the universe in his own way. There is a big difference between the concepts of 'peace' as thought of by Cress and by Daos. This gives Cress a lot of food for thought as his adventure unfolds."


NoE: The combat system is unique for a handheld RPG. Can you explain what makes it so compelling?


Yoshidumi: "Up to this point in time, most RPGs had a 'command input' approach to combat elements in their games. The "Tales of..." series of games uses a combat system that is close to that of an action game. The reason for this is to allow the gamer to sense the stress and nervousness of combat against the various enemies and monsters that one encounters during the adventure. Combat like this - 'let's team up and fight' - prompts the gamer to feel a stronger bond with the other characters."


NoE: There is even a cooking system in the game, which enables players to cook their own food and even create potions from the ingredients they find on their adventure, correct? Is this a major part of the game and what are the benefits for the player?


Yoshidumi: "I would not say it was a major part of the game, but I do believe that gamers will enjoy this aspect. During the development of the game someone said "Won't these guys get hungry on such a long adventure? If they take it in turns to prepare and cook food for the others, that will make them closer as a group.' The concept stems from a sincere attempt to enrich the gameplay."


NoE: What would you say it is that makes Tales of Phantasia stand out from typical RPGs?


Yoshidumi: "In terms of the game systems, I think it's the unique combat system and cooking sub-system that make us stand out from the crowd. That and the audio (despite the fact that the game is stored on a ROM cartridge!) together with the affinity that our audience now has with our animation style, the landscapes and the character depiction. The other important factor is the story and our emphasis on a good yarn. Any game that carries 'Tales' in the title cannot be a mere linear story-based RPG."


NoE: Many GameCube owners loved Tales of Symphonia. In what way is Tales of Phantasia linked to that title?


Yoshidumi: "The two games - Symphonia and Phantasia - are set in the same world. Phantasia decribes a world a few thousand years older than that of Symphonia. In this respect, several proper nouns and names are the same in both games. If you choose to play Symphonia through to the end of the game and then you begin your adventure with Phantasia, you'll see that many puzzles and riddles are answered."


NoE: Can we expect to see further "Tales of..." games coming to Europe in the future?

Yoshidumi: Please look forward to some more "Tales of..." games appearing in the future. We are all working hard on the next game in the series.


NoE: Thanks for your time.


Tales of Phantasia is released on Game Boy Advance on 31 March.

Source: http://www.nintendo-europe.com/NOE/en/GB/editorial/article.do?elementId=4L4kW3R6D3wg1x7sRqr0ftnCRgp4UUOI


All this said... I seems to me like we're getting ToP as a change tip from namco, I mean... ToP is my favorite game ever and all... but porting it to the GBA is very cheap (specially when that port was already made in 2003 in Japan), cheap compared to porting Legendia for us... they say that Symphonia is the game that put Tales on the map outside japan, and this is true...

The first two outings on Psone sold pretty badly in US... Symphonia is "players choice" on GC and the first "Tales of" to be released in Europe... it's like they are ignoring us releasing Legendia exclusive on PS2, it feels pretty bad, we did all we could to secure a follow up with the sales we gave the to ToS.

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Well the GameCube is dead, so why would they release Legendia on it?
I'm not saying they should make it exclusive just that we should get it aswell, they go to a interview saying what symphonia did for the good of the series outside of Japan (and it's true), but somehow we don't get a sequel, PS2 had Tales of Symphonia ported over, either way... they wouldn't loss profits on doing so.


And GC is not really dead... that's the same as saying "why releasing Baten Kaitos II there" for example, the cube is RPG starved. the truth is Symphonia sold good... they ought to keep a audience satisfied, as it'll pay off in the future.


If they really wanted to release it and sell shift lots of units they could easily do it... like releasing Legendia in US and european shores right before Revolution launches... Even if it was already released on PS2 for months, lots of people would pick it up when buying a revo, revolution will not have lots of RPG's at launch, a GC game released at that time to cover this could shift some considerable units... It's not like Namco wants to release the game and can't it's more like: "they don't want to".

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I'd be happy with even a TOS directors cut or special edition. For some reason I just crave the action rpg genre. I've always hated FF games due to the amount of waiting that you had to do only to die at the last hurdle. One thing I've never liked about some of them (they worked round this in Kaitos so I was ok with it) is the fact you can't defend yourself. Sometimes you manage to block an attack but you never know how or why you were able to do it. Enough rambling, I'll just work on a 100% complete save file.

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I'd be happy with even a TOS directors cut or special edition. For some reason I just crave the action rpg genre. I've always hated FF games due to the amount of waiting that you had to do only to die at the last hurdle. One thing I've never liked about some of them (they worked round this in Kaitos so I was ok with it) is the fact you can't defend yourself. Sometimes you manage to block an attack but you never know how or why you were able to do it. Enough rambling, I'll just work on a 100% complete save file.
Tales of Phantasia is coming to GBA in Europe, in March 31st I'd advise you to get it then, it's the game who started it all, and ToS is a prequel to it, there are familiar places and all... you can't go wrong, what I'm afraid of, is the localization, things cut and all, and I really don't like to see Psone"ish" sprites on the original SNES backdrops and engine (who seems to have taken quite a cut in backdrop detail and color in battles), the opening music and artwork scene at the end were simply cut, and that's a real shame... still that's just some features... if you are craving for a fix in the genre get it, the original overall package was even better than symphonia.
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Tales of Phantasia is coming to GBA in Europe, in March 31st I'd advise you to get it then, it's the game who started it all, and ToS is a prequel to it, there are familiar places and all... you can't go wrong, what I'm afraid of, is the localization, things cut and all, and I really don't like to see Psone"ish" sprites on the original SNES backdrops and engine (who seems to have taken quite a cut in backdrop detail and color in battles), the opening music and artwork scene at the end were simply cut, and that's a real shame... still that's just some features... if you are craving for a fix in the genre get it, the original overall package was even better than symphonia.


If that's all true I don't think I'd rather play it over my perfectly translated SNES rom... I'd probably get it anyway because it's portable and we need to show Namco-Bandai that the "Tales of..." series is gathering momentum in Europe.


...they're going to cut the "mature" scenes aren't they? :cry:

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I didn't get very far playing the rom of phantasia. Yes I'm sorry I know this is sensitive context on the forums. Anyway the difficulty I faced kinda puts me off getting Phantasia, basically I was left not knowing what to do. I'll probably buy it anyway.

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If that's all true I don't think I'd rather play it over my perfectly translated SNES rom... I'd probably get it anyway because it's portable and we need to show Namco-Bandai that the "Tales of..." series is gathering momentum in Europe.


...they're going to cut the "mature" scenes aren't they? :cry:

I don't know, but at least tone them down, I can't imagine the game without some of them... and ToS was toned down (specially Zelos), but it still came across though, I think it was well done for ToS at least, the irony is there. As for ToP jokes... seems a little over the line compared to what we've seen in ToS.


And yes lets show them Tales series sells in Nintendo consoles, while a 11 year old port sells better than legendia in europe, they'll wish they ported Tales of legendia over :maniac laugher:


Also I've been playing the European version of Tales and sometimes... mainly in skits and zelos pickup lines... it appears to have some charater errors like □â„¢ mainly at the end of the phrases... is this normal? :( I'm playing it in english.



I didn't get very far playing the rom of phantasia. Yes I'm sorry I know this is sensitive context on the forums. Anyway the difficulty I faced kinda puts me off getting Phantasia, basically I was left not knowing what to do. I'll probably buy it anyway.
If you buy it you will have the urge to finish it, the game just gets better and better, If you stayed at the beggining you probably didn't reach Arche, from there... it's all good, I for one... couldn't stop playing :D


let's hope they don't tone down arche to a "collete" type of girl... yes... I hate collete in ToS, I even roll my eyes every time she says she wants to "regenerate the world" : peace:

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