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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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What I meant was for example: tales of: SymphonIA PhantasIA LegendIA EternIA. They seem to have stopped all this and have just gone for plain simple endings like tempest, abyss, Destiny, Howling, world etc. So yeah that is basically what I meant by that.
Oh, I see... I didn't pick that up; you're right, now that you mention it none of the newly registered tales name has that ending to it... I hadn't noticed, do you think it'll reflect a big change in the series?
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  • 2 weeks later...

tales of phantasia is conected to tos it happens after.

mithos created the summon spirits then summoned them sheena broke that pact and created a new one meaning she was the second to summon them later (in top) clause summons them and so that is proof that top happens after tos.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for bringing back this thread from the dead ^_^ but i've just completed it again. What an epic adventure.:love::heart::love:

I really want a prequel of Tales of Symphonia for the Wii.

It would be great if in the prequel the story was about the chosen before Collet. Would be cool if Yygdrasiville (sp) is a player in your group but then betrays everyone because of his own wishes. Krastos would be in it. Lloyd's dad and mum would be in it. The game should also tell us where the exphere's were first created.And about the elfs and half-elfs. Rain would be in it.


I just want another one, this game is soooooooooooooo GOOD. I'll play it again in the summer. ^_^

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Sorry for bringing back this thread from the dead ^_^

Dude there's no need to apologise for bumping a thread dedicated to a game as marvellous as Tales of Symphonia.

And yeah I really hope for a prequel or just another game with the same characters.

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How many times can you play TOS????:shock:


With RPG's I find that once I've completed them I'll never go back to them. There is no replay value in RPG's (IMO) and thats why they are so godamn long in the first place.

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I rarely, if ever go back and complete games again once I have completed them, especially RPGs. Instead they last as a wonderful experience in my mind, and I listen to the music to bring back all the memories :smile: I'm tempted to come back and play the likes of BK,ToS and SoA in a few years though possibly.

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I rarely, if ever go back and complete games again once I have completed them, especially RPGs. Instead they last as a wonderful experience in my mind, and I listen to the music to bring back all the memories :smile: I'm tempted to come back and play the likes of BK,ToS and SoA in a few years though possibly.


Im quite the opposite. When playing a game I like to get 100% on everything so with Tales I have to at least finish it 3 times but with it being an RPG it will be a while before I go through it again. Its like on Baten I refused to finish the game until I got all the cards...took me ages.

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How many times can you play TOS????:shock:


With RPG's I find that once I've completed them I'll never go back to them. There is no replay value in RPG's (IMO) and thats why they are so godamn long in the first place.


ToS is an exception coz i love it soooo much. Also because when you complete it, the next time you play it again you can start the game with the money, spells, skills etc... by spending your grade points from the previous game.

There are some RPG's that i only play once e.g. Most Final fantasy games, Fire Emblem games. And loads more but the list will drag on ^_^


Dude there's no need to apologise for bumping a thread dedicated to a game as marvellous as Tales of Symphonia.

I take back the Appology .lol. Tales Of Symphonia will always be one of my all time favourites.

:bowdown:Tales of Symphonia:bowdown:

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Considering the amount of things you can do in the game, you can complete it many times over. I've done everything apart from the cursed book dungeon and get each characters affection up more than others each time. I've only done Sheena and Colette, this time I'm working on Raine.

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Im yet to do a replay, but I think the incentive of having other areas of the quest to concentrate on and maybe do the whole thing in a more chilled out manner - I really played it non stop to get it finished, so to maybe enjoy it a bit more and have a nosey about the world and find the best weapons etc would be cool.


And to see a different ending, because the Lloyd and Collette one was a bit short.


On a side note: does anyone want to predict when this will die out as a thread? I see the Baten Kaitos ones dropping off somewhat, and I plan to ressurrect that in couple of weeks time when I get back to it, so keep an eye out for it making a reappearance!

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On a side note: does anyone want to predict when this will die out as a thread?


My ToS and BK threads have been going since they originally came out and we were at CE, what great threads they've lived to be *strokes*

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Yes, much like the greatness of the game itself this thread will live forever.


You said you'd like to see a prequal of the story of "the choosen" before Colette and then mention, Kratos, Yagdrasill(sp?) etc, but those are two different stories. The whole Kratos and Yagdrasill and Mithos thing in the back story of ToS happened a few thousand years previous in fact there was no "choosen" at the time, that was something Yagdrasill made up after he went evil. Also Rain couldn't be in it either cuz she wouldn't have been born;) ... just had to make sure there was no confusion



I would love to see a prequal or direct sequal made (ie: a sequal featuring Lloyd and co in a new adventure no long after ToS), that would be like a dream come true.


I don't normally replay RPGs either, ToS and OOT (ok i know Zelda games are more Adventure/RPG's but i'm still counting it:p ) are the only ones i ever replayed and i've not just replayed them but have done so more than once, i've been through ToS 4 times and OOT 11 times:D

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You know they will do tales for Wii. They would be stupid not to do tales for Wii. If they do, do a sequel on Wii wouldn't it be great if you could unlock bonuses from having your cube memory card in?This play through I'm going to finish that cursed book quest, all 70 floors/ 10 areas, thats top on my to do list.

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You know they will do tales for Wii. They would be stupid not to do tales for Wii. If they do, do a sequel on Wii wouldn't it be great if you could unlock bonuses from having your cube memory card in?This play through I'm going to finish that cursed book quest, all 70 floors/ 10 areas, thats top on my to do list.

like a title :wink: ('Legendary Swordsman' or something)

sounds about right.

would really enjoy a tales game on the wii.

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So if we want a sequel with all the same characters, just set in the future a bit, does that mean that youre itching for a more mature Tales with older badder characters that swear even more often than their kiddy cel shaded counter parts?


Replace the sword fighting with gunplay...?

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But anyway back to Tales of Symphonia...although there are many Tales games i'd personally love a sequel as the characters are so likeable. I had a thought a while ago and I wonder if its possible for IN GAME graphics of a next gen Tales game to look like the FMV in ToS. It would be incredible.








Now this would be AWESOME.


So if we want a sequel with all the same characters, just set in the future a bit, does that mean that youre itching for a more mature Tales with older badder characters that swear even more often than their kiddy cel shaded counter parts?


Replace the sword fighting with gunplay...?


I wouldn't want the sword play changed to gunplay coz it wouldn't suite it imo. The swearing wasn't a major part of the game but if they do make another Tales, they should keep the swearing how it was not too much.

I would like the grpahics to be like the pics above. Allthough the cell shaded graphics were ok.

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Well I have just started playing this again. Im about 2 hours into it and im falling in love with it all over again. I wanted to play an RPG but I still cant bring myself around to starting Fire Emblem and seeing how I havent played this since I last finished it ( a couple of weeks after its release ) I thought what the hell and put it in my Cube. Kratos still ownz!

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Well I have just started playing this again. Im about 2 hours into it and im falling in love with it all over again. I wanted to play an RPG but I still cant bring myself around to starting Fire Emblem and seeing how I havent played this since I last finished it ( a couple of weeks after its release ) I thought what the hell and put it in my Cube. Kratos still ownz!
I finally finished ToS this week, I didn't get stuck, just played to much one (or two) weeks and reached 40 playthrough hours then I was at the elf village and all I decided to stop to spare the game more... I got back to it last week so I finished it at 42 hours or so on the first run (small game). good RPG but the argument was so cliché... I hoped Collete would just have a heart attack and die throughout the game, or stayed without voice forever for that matter.


This game could be even better, that's where I'm getting at, loved it anyway though...


I started Baten Kaitos again, I was stuck at 22 hours, so I made a fresh start, I'm now at 3 hours playthrough. :)

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this game is crazy addictive i hate it, once you start playing even if its just for fun you cant stop until you beat it. I member I was browsing the Internet for info about Tales of Symphonia and i found C-E and thats how I registered ahh good memories.

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