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The GT Bonus Round this week is all about GT4 and looks to be like that the next few weeks aswell.




Im still unsure which version to get at the moment. Sure the 360 version has achievements and the new content but I have played all of the last gens GTA games on Sonys PS2 and it just feels that a Sony machine is its home for me. Strange but true :)

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In the end you can always get both versions mate.


I was looking at shopto and it said this was out in 9 days. I panicked, I havn't any money. I panicked thinking I didn't have any money for it. Found out it wasn't so I was at ease.

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Loads of people are posting topics on other forums that GTA4 has been delayed again. This is just one of them




April 1st isn't till next week you know!!


It obviously fake.... I read the article in horror only to notice lyrics from the opening title sequence for fresh prince of bel air, kinda made it obvious then...

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The new Xbox World 360 magazine will have a 17 page blow out on the multiplayer mode in their next issue.


They've also done a podcast and here's some of the highlights


  • They love the multiplayer mode. They talk about how in other games you're able to forgive it for having a poor multiplayer mode because it might have an amazing single player mode. But then you see GTA4 and it has as big of a single player mode as those games and an amazing multiplayer mode to go along with it.
  • They say it's one of the best looking games on the 360. The lighting is what makes it according to them. They go on to talk about how games like Oblivion are hurt visually because of it'll chug sometimes and how something like Gears is really beautiful but it's very linear. But GTA4 has the size of Oblivion and the beauty of Gears.
  • The framerate is really smooth. They mentioned the only time it started to chug is when 4-8 of them were shooting rocket launchers at a gas station to make it blow up.
  • It's mentioned that at any time you can just pull out your phone and jump into a game.
  • One of them mentions how he's always felt that the series has been a "jack of all trades, master of none" type game, and now it's a master of them all.
  • The combat is amazing. They said it feels like Resident Evil 4.
  • The driving is really good although it's harder than any of the previous versions. They mention that if an actual racing game used its driving model you'd be happy with it.
  • You'll be able to take photos and upload them to share with people.
  • There's a bunch of references to Crackdown in it.
  • If you rob a bank or murder someone people will find out about it by news tickers around the city. The news tickers will also give your description.
  • They point out how there are little graphical details that are really nice. Specifically how in one screenshot you can see that one driver is checking his rear view, another is looking forward and another is looking out the side of his window.
  • Videogeddon arcade has a bunch of tongue-in-cheek games as well as posters that reference people that bash games.
  • It's twice the size of Vice City.
  • Peds will call the cops on you if they see you attacking people on the street.
  • They talk about how you can go to the top floor of the Empire State building and you won't see any pop up.
  • Niko's hand to hand combat comes from Bas Rutten.

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One of them mentions how he's always felt that the series has been a "jack of all trades, master of none" type game, and now it's a master of them all.


Thats the point I've always thought. Been playing them since the original, and I've always thought whilst fun, they've never been brilliant on a particular, the games just cover so much you forget that.


Really looking forward to this now.


Anyone know if custom soundtracks are allowed, or do you have to listen to their radio stations?

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Thats the point I've always thought. Been playing them since the original, and I've always thought whilst fun, they've never been brilliant on a particular, the games just cover so much you forget that.


Really looking forward to this now.


Anyone know if custom soundtracks are allowed, or do you have to listen to their radio stations?


Yeah its what has got me really hyped for this. I have played all the other GTA titles but apart from the 1st and second (2D originals) have never picked them up close to launch as never been that fussed, there are so many games out there that do better parts of the individual game parts...Like the aiming system, the driving mechanics, the close combat. But now it looks like they have really upped the ante and tbh they needed to, there are far more open world games out there that are getting better all the time and coming close to being very good competitors.

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re: soundtracks.


I've always considered the in game soundtracks as important to GTA as the city itself. To ignore it is to abandon an essential element of the game.


besides, it sounds like they've gone batshit with them this time- jazz is in, classical etc, and expect a truly eclectic mix from the rock and pop sections.


If they can top Vice City though...man that had *great* music.

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If they can top Vice City though...man that had *great* music.


Yeah I agree, the soundtrack was superb. Have you played Vice city Stories? I think the soundtrack is just as good.


Also:I wonder if we'll see a return of Chatterbox, the talk station from GTA 3. I downloaded mp3s of all the talk stations from the different gta games because they are so well written and hilarious.

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Yeah I agree, the soundtrack was superb. Have you played Vice city Stories? I think the soundtrack is just as good.


Also:I wonder if we'll see a return of Chatterbox, the talk station from GTA 3. I downloaded mp3s of all the talk stations from the different gta games because they are so well written and hilarious.


I've not actually. I should just man up and buy a psp really, they rock for many reasons.


oh and chatterbox is in, along with stand up routines in comedy clubs for more spoken word.

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I've not actually. I should just man up and buy a psp really, they rock for many reasons.


oh and chatterbox is in, along with stand up routines in comedy clubs for more spoken word.


They did release Vice city stories on the PS2 also ( which is what I have). As I understand it, its a straght port with the local multiplayer taken out from the PSP version. It came out about a year ago for £20 so it should cost about a tenner now at the most.


Glad to hear about chatterbox the stand up comedy clubs sound really intresting...I wonder what stand up comedians they picked

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