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Proudest Moment

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High School, i had been builed for a few year by this guy and one day we were waiting for the teacher to turn up to go into science and this lad said something to me so i told him to fuck off, and hit smacked me straight in the face infront of the whole class. So i just stood straight back up dropped my back and beat the living hell outta him, punch, kick you name it. I guess all those years of bullying just got bottled up and i let it out, he never said a word back to me after that.

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High School, i had been builed for a few year by this guy and one day we were waiting for the teacher to turn up to go into science and this lad said something to me so i told him to fuck off, and hit smacked me straight in the face infront of the whole class. So i just stood straight back up dropped my back and beat the living hell outta him, punch, kick you name it. I guess all those years of bullying just got bottled up and i let it out, he never said a word back to me after that.


That must have felt good! Good on ya!


My proudest moment was getting my grades for Uni...especially because no one thought I had a chance! The funny thing was that when I got my grades I didn't rub it in their faces, I was quietly content with the work that I put in!

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No I agree with you Wes. Violence is never something to be proud of (at least that's MY opinion).


My proudest moment was when my ex finally got into Veterinary Medicine. She worked so hard to get there and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.

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My 1st proudest moment was being the only kid to get a 10 in Computers last term in the entire college, and my 2nd proudest moment is the same as my most embarrising moment.

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No I agree with you Wes. Violence is never something to be proud of (at least that's MY opinion).


My proudest moment was when my ex finally got into Veterinary Medicine. She worked so hard to get there and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.


That sure can't be your proudest moment?:heh:

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Why not? I was REALLY proud of someone else. I love that person and at the time held their well being at the same level if not higher than my own.

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England winning the world cup in 2003. Not personal pride as such but immense pride in the squad and the country itself.

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mmm don't really know, I haven't done anything really awesome

Entering the best univeristy in the country (in my field) was pretty cool, smashing a guy's head into a wall because he was constantly mocking me because I dyed my hair red during a holiday you blokes don't have( It's kinda like Halloween) was also pretty cool. I'm not violent or anything, but I feel proud about that, don't know why. He had it coming.

Also getting a prestigious award for finishing high scool with a 17.5/20 average was nice.

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mmm don't really know, I haven't done anything really awesome

Entering the best univeristy in the country (in my field) was pretty cool, smashing a guy's head into a wall because he was constantly mocking me because I dyed my hair red during a holiday you blokes don't have( It's kinda like Halloween) was also pretty cool. I'm not violent or anything, but I feel proud about that, don't know why. He had it coming.

Also getting a prestigious award for finishing high scool with a 17.5/20 average was nice.


Entering the IST (not that I'm acknowledging it is best) is nothing to be proud of. :p


But that high school average is really good.

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Entering the IST (not that I'm acknowledging it is best) is nothing to be proud of. :p


But that high school average is really good.


Yeah thanks a lot, my self esteem is really high, you helped me get it even higher. :P

But that's probably the thing I'm most proud of, I mean, I was a smart kid up until high school, then I was just regular, but in the last year I studied a lot to have better grades, so my average went up, so I'm not very proud of that, since it's no sign of intelligence. Being on (what I think) is the best college in the country concerning computers and science is the only decent thing I ever achieved, since I'm not good at sports or anything.

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Yeah thanks a lot, my self esteem is really high, you helped me get it even higher. :P

But that's probably the thing I'm most proud of, I mean, I was a smart kid up until high school, then I was just regular, but in the last year I studied a lot to have better grades, so my average went up, so I'm not very proud of that, since it's no sign of intelligence. Being on (what I think) is the best college in the country concerning computers and science is the only decent thing I ever achieved, since I'm not good at sports or anything.


Lol man, sorry. It wasn't about making you feel bad, it was about making me feel good. I didn't go to IST (but lets make it clear, I could! I just choose not too), and sometimes I feel like I made the bad choice. And then there's all that issue about IST reputation, and other unis get pissed, etc...

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Lol man, sorry. It wasn't about making you feel bad, it was about making me feel good. I didn't go to IST (but lets make it clear, I could! I just choose not too), and sometimes I feel like I made the bad choice. And then there's all that issue about IST reputation, and other unis get pissed, etc...


I'm too busy slitting my own wrists to read your post.


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Probably being the first person in my family to go to University. I was pretty chuffed with that.


The other (prepare for a lengthy story) would be to do with football. I use to play for this team, and my best friends step dad was the manager. When I first joined, I was regarded as one of the best players, I played every game, and I scored crap loads for a midfielder (around 14 average a season). This continued for three seasons, then I started to find the bench was my best friend. The team got into Division 2, by coming runner up, and I barely played that season. Soon after I left and joined a club that was originally the B team to the previous team. Team A got promoted to Division One, by application, not by merit.


So I plod along in Team B, first season we finish mid table, fair enough. Second season because there were fewer teams we were in division two, we went on to win the league, only losing one game. During this season Team A folded.


At our club presentation the manager of the Team A was there and to rub it in his face, that with this team I actually won something was great. I later also found out the reason he dropped me was because I was short.. which to be fair at the time was true, but it was harsh.

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Getting 20,000 achievement points on my 360! I really don't know what my proudest moment is, if I can't remember obviously it wasn't anything to be real proud of.

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Coming first in a rowing race, in the worst possible weather - My team and I were in the newspaper :D

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getting to level 50 on World of Warcraft :laughing: joking


Hopefully in a few months i'll have the clearest moment to call my proudest, i think i might ressurect this thread then.

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My proudest moment?

I was about 15 .. was at the local shops and felt a rumble from down below.. and all of a sudden i let out the loudest burp i have ever heard! You could have heard a pin drop for about five seconds after. Before that happend i never knew that a sound that loud could come outta of my body, mind you ive never done one that loud since!

My family still mention it till this day... because i think they where just as shocked as i was.

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Passing my driving test...also when the gf got a job recently I felt very proud indeed.


...Actually felt really proud when I got a C in GCSE Maths, cos I mucked about a LOT in maths and was in the top set when shouldnt of been.

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Erm, probably my A Level results, or getting into uni, or my driving test. Yeah! I live a mundane life!

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