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Nintendo is full of lies.


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You have a short memory, I can remmeber exactly what people thought of 360's first games. And 6 months before the Wii was released and probably a year and a half before it will be released, Mario Galaxy had breathtaking graphics.


You think people originally thought Gears looked crap?


It was one of those trailers that was originally accused of being pre-rendered, but unlike the Advance Warfighter trailer Gears actually delivered on what it previewed.


Sure Mario Galaxy looks a lot better than other Wii games, and that's what I said in my post, but my point was how comes developers can make the effort with other consoles, but not the Wii?


I just think the Wii really isn't that powerful, but Nintendo are always good with their own technology and get some very good graphics out of their games.


Now if only developers could show us some effort like Capcom and prove people wrong that Nintendo do not make the only good games on Nintendo consoles.

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This is already been discussed a million times and it will continue to be. GC was in almost every way as powerful as an XBOX, it lagged behind in some stuff, but so did XBOX, so how can a better GC not be better than a XBOX? ALso, MP3 looks stunning, it's just that the other Metroids were so well made that for someone who doesn't have a good eye it's hard to tell the difference. The normal mapping, the bloom effects, the lightning, the textures, the polygon count, everything is much better than MP2. Also Red Steel, even though it has some flaws graphically also has some stuff that wasn't possible on GC. And it was a launch title. Main problem is, because it's not to powerful devs get lazy and just port PS2/ GC games and leave it at that. Also, it's known that a lot of devs worked on Wii games with a GC devkit with the controller plugged in, so lots of devs didn't want to fork out the cash for a Wii dev kit and are working on GC devkits. Most devs didn't take the effort or have the talent to squeeze out the awesomeness of the GC hardware, which is amazing, so when we see devs actually learning from Nintendo, Capcom and Factor 5 we'll see better looking games. Don't expect nothng like 360 or Ps3 games, leave that comparison. What matters is that games don't make your eyes bleed. Dewey's Adventure for example has a simplistic graphic style, but it's very good at what it does and it's definetly better than a GC/XBOX game.

Also, devs are focusing on the controller, which of course takes time and since it's Wii's main point, unlike 360 and PS3 where their main attraction is graphics. So I don't mind. I really don't care, I mean, I still play NES games, because of the gameplay, graphics are really a non issue to me, except for framerate of course, that's important. And no, Nintendo didn't lie, Wii is more powerful than a GC and more powerful than a XBOX, if you you doubt that, you're an idiot. Period. Just wait and you'll get pretty games, maybe they'll satisfy you and you'll be happy and then realize you didn't care in the first place. Again, this is pointless, we discussed this a million times and I don't see it stopping unless devs get off their asses and start working. At least change the freaking topic title.

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Helfire is correct

but id still like more effort from nintendos graphics department, they have the money to make things heppen, so why don they? id love 360-like graphics, it is amazing what it can churn out, and i love to play goo-looking games.

imagine what metroid could look like on 360, okay itll look immense on wii, but, you know...

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I'm still bitter about the fact that Iwata said it would look nearly as good in standard definition compared to how good the PS3 and 360 look in HD.

No...He said it would look almost as good as HD consoles NOT running in HD.


So, because of two completely unofficial statements, Nintendo is full of lies?

Yeah...I noticed that.:wtf:



How is it not a "souped up XBox"?...I don't quite get the argument

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Nintendo is full of lies, or at least some of their game-journalists are. I remmeber before the launch of the Wii that there was an article here at n-europe claiming that the Wii's hardware would be like a "souped up Xbox".

Riiiiiight....you could have fouled me, in which they did.


I also remember another article here claiming that Metroid Prime 3 will have "the best graphics". I've seen footage of the game, and as good as it looks, calling it "the best graphics" is another flat out lie.


I'm not some Xbox360/PS3 fanboy coming here to flame; in fact I own only a Wii. But im just curious, does anyone else feel decieved?

1) Wii is as powerful as a souped up Xbox, what's your point?

2) "The best graphics" is obviously referring to its own platform, the Wii. MP3 is actually one of the best looking games on the Wii, although Mario Galaxy may top it so far.


Seems to me you have misinterpreted some stuff here.


Obviously Nintendo is as much a lying bastard company as the other two, but I don't see how they lied here.

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Nintendo isn't full of lies. That implies they tell nothing but lies. I'd say they tell about as many as Sony. Only people complain when Sony does it and are happy to play ignorant when Nintendo do. That's what I just can't understand.


I think its because Sony deliberatly tries to showoff their lies.

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Nintendo isn't full of lies. That implies they tell nothing but lies. I'd say they tell about as many as Sony. Only people complain when Sony does it and are happy to play ignorant when Nintendo do. That's what I just can't understand.


When have Nintendo lied as much/badly as Sony?

Mostly it's just stuff they've planned & scrapped or they just delay games; big deal.

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My only complaint is about release dates!


Yeah, yeah...i know...they longer they delay a game the better it 'normally' gets and yes they can't release top games all in one go...


But come-on, saying Metroid was a launch title months before launch then delaying it and not even given us a hint on when it will come out or any new info? Not good, really.


Then saying Mario Galaxy will come out near launch, Q1 2007...yeah right, we all know it's not coming out till November..so why tell us otherwise?


Wasn't Smash Bros meant to be a launch title as well? Whats happened to that?


Just stop saying stuff about release dates till you know it's definately ready for release, problem solved.



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Oh yeah, and the Wii's graphics never made me say; 'Wow'.


What about you guys?


SMG did, I remember perfectly. Me and 2 friends with a ign insider account, an output to a normal SDTV in the living room, watching The Last E3 EVER. I did say "WOW" to SMG.

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1) Wii is as powerful as a souped up Xbox, what's your point?


Surely you could claim that any future console is as powerful as a "souped up Xbox"? It just depends on how "souped up" it is



Oh yeah, and the Wii's graphics never made me say; 'Wow'.


What about you guys?


Excite Truck's did. Sure they aren't technologicaly advanced, but they made me wow at it's beauty. I've never been wowed by a 360 or PS3 game....tbh, they don't look that much better than RE4...

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ZZZZZ...so when it boils down to it we have another graphics/HD thread.


They havn't lied about the abilities of the Wii, look at Sonic is has a great artist direction and great graphics, even compared to Resident Evil 4, in terms of graphical quality by the likes of 1up.


It has the ability to create great graphics, but these things take time...it was bound to happen as well with the Wii's architecture being so similar to that of Gamecube. It is easy for developers to port games just like they would have done from PS2 to Gamecube. But as people get more to grips with its abilities and see how much it can be pushed and how it can do things different to the cube.


So either hold fire and keep your Wii safe in the knowledge that you will play some of the most fresh innovative games ever, and that with time the graphics will get better, either that or if you want your great graphics go and buy a 360 or wait for PS3.

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The only thing that I want to see from Nintendo is them investing that profit from the Wii into developing some quality games, new studios and new franchises. I don't think they lie as such.


I do agree with Owen, the only lies are saying games will be released and then not releasing them. Don't tell everyone Mario Galaxy will be out within 6 months of launch and then tell everyone end of 2007.


I would also like to say that I really do like Zeldas graphics, I'm really impressed with them sometimes and I've owned a 360 for months now. It makes me sad to think what Nintendo could do with HD.

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Iwata: When you turn on the console and look at the graphics you will say WOW!

The only time I recall saying Wow is "wow that looks bloody awful".


I remember Iwta's 'wow' being in the same line as in 'graphics will be good enough, you'll get the experience'. I think he meant something in the lines of that. He meant the 'wow' more in the way that it blew you away with gameCube and it will do that some more with Wii.

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Not a single game has impressed me with its graphics yet


The Wii is more powerful than a GC, the difference is not as big as between the N64 and Xbox but it is still a clear difference between them

The Wii and GC got almost the same architecture, Capcom could easily port or update the RE4 engine to the Wii

Nintendo ported TP to the Wii and it was no problems, it even ran better on some parts then on the GC and that show us how easy it is to make games for the Wii


Nintendo should release a tech demo to show us the graphical capabiluty of the Wii

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Oh yeah, and the Wii's graphics never made me say; 'Wow'.


What about you guys?


For your point about Gears of War: It's an exclusive, and a very big one at that. I think if I defined it as a system seller, many people would not disagree with me. It HAS to look that good, and a lot of effort has clearly been put into it. How long has that game been in development?


With something like Red Steel, it's not the same thing. It's an exclusive, yes, but how many other titles were Ubisoft working on at the time? Take a look at something like Mario Galaxy and compare it to any ordinary looking game on the Wii, and the difference there is to do with:


1. Who is behind the game? - who's developing it. Resources are important. Some developers put more effort in than others, because they either choose to, or because of other factors.


2. Time is a resource. Super Smash Bros. Brawl WILL look good (it already does) and the game has been in development for some time. It's a big hitter. It HAS to look good. They can spend a year or two on it if need be, as it'll build hype, and it'll be polished. There's not a rush like there was for something like Red Steel to get it out for launch.


3. Status.


It's very unlikely we'll see a third party title ever surpass Nintendo's own. On the Gamecube, Resident Evil 4 was an exception, and that was because for one thing, it's a big franchise. It was an exclusive to the Gamecube at the time, and it had time to be polished and for the whole experience to be smoothed over. You won't see a Fifa title like this, because they have to be developed for more than one system and the timeframe.


That's my view, I hope it makes sense.


As for your point about the wowness, I think a lot of people are going overboard about the whole graphical side of things. Graphics don't have to be HD or uber-realistic to be gorgeous. I think Excitetruck is great graphically, and it has sucked me in. Graphically, none of the games I own at any point would I consider that they are 'bad' graphically.

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