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Dark Wolf


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I remember the good old day of primary school crazes. You never seem to get them in Secondary school. So what are your favourite crazes? The biggest at my school were Yo Yos and the classic Pokemon. Ahh, pokemon, absolute class. I remember trading cards with my mates, playing the games and I remember when someone bought a pokedex in, it was amazing.


At the Christmas Bazaar, they had this Pokemon tournament (for the games) and my brother won! He was against another guy with all level 100s but he used the rare candy cheats and used all legendaries. My brother grinded and grinded and used normal pokemon (with the exception of Mewtwo). Those were the days :)

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Pokemon will, to this day, always be the best craze ever.

There was:

Pokemon (got banned eventually)

Beyblades (i wasnt part of that) Might've got banned.. not sure.

Yu-gi-oh (or that)

Yo-yos... Got banned, even though the school were selling them after an assembly with some yo-yoers.

These plastic things that you played funny games with, the school gave everyone a booklet, and a pack of them (guessing the company were after advertising), and then frikkin' banned them!


My school was retarded.

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Crazes were hilarious, any craze was guarenteed to get banned. Apparently you weren't allowed to run in the primary school in the village next door to mine.

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craze in primary school: something that lasted two weeks, then got banned.

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I remember Pokemon, furbies and yoyos...


Looking at kids at the moment, the craze this Christmas seems to have been those rollerskate trainer things.

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I almost bought myself some Heelies, buuut then i didn't..

Ah, so that's what they're called.


I remember our school banned pokemon cards when someone flushed a whole load of someone elses down the toilet. I can't remember them ever buying yoyos...


Also, I played magic with my friends, so when pokemon cards were banned, we wrote up a list of why magic shouldn't be banned as well, and presented it to the headmaster. It worked!

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When everyone in middle school was playing pokemon and everything, it was heavenly. It really was a magical period of my childhood.

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Pokemon cards, yu-hi-oh cards, pokemon magnetic square things, beyblades.


Thats all i can remember but it kept you busy at break and dinner time :D

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Pokemon was the only craze that got me, and when it did, it got me by the balls. The game, the cards the TV show... I was all over that crap. Still am, if I'm honest with myself.


Anyone remember Tamigotchis though? My god those pissed me off.

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Yo yos

Pokemon cards


Scented gel pens, oddly (it was a weird one, everyone used to buy them and trade for exotic smelling ones or ones they didn't have)

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Pokemon was the only craze that got me, and when it did, it got me by the balls. The game, the cards the TV show... I was all over that crap. Still am, if I'm honest with myself.


Anyone remember Tamigotchis though? My god those pissed me off.

Oh yes, Tamigotchis... I got obsessed with them as well, or the cheap knockoff ones by Tiger electronics anyway. They got really annoying, becuase you had to look after all the time or they died. I remember my sister's one lived for a record 24 days, then my friend killed it and she went mental.

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Gel pens... They weren't even any good for anything.

Smell Pens (Yep thats what they were called) Utter crap.


Yu-gi-oh cards

And to the guy who said running wasn't allowed in a school he knows, that could well have been my primary school.

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Got, Got, Got, Got, Need, Got, Got Got, Need, Got, Need...


What great times!!



- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles

- Power Rangers

- Football







- Looney Toons (in Walkers Crisps)

- Star Wars (in Walkers Crisps) - nearly completed my Star Wars Tazo folder!!




Monsters in my Pocket (could get them from Pizza Hut etc.)




There's some other monster collection I can't remember!

They were like little slime monsters, kind of slug shaped and made out of plastic, they would carry hammers, TNT etc...

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Pokemon was the only craze that got me, and when it did, it got me by the balls. The game, the cards the TV show... I was all over that crap. Still am, if I'm honest with myself.


Anyone remember Tamigotchis though? My god those pissed me off.


I had an awesome Tamigotchi, everyone elses died if they left it at home during school (guess what, they were banned) but mine would carry on living.


Crazes I remember:








And other crazes which weren't as big (probably because I didn't participate)



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I'm too old to have experinced the Pokémon craze (although I'm into it now!), but favourite crazes of mine include Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Pogs, Monster in My Pocket and Power Rangers. Those were the days.. :)

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Scented gel pens used to be a craze at my school once too ¬_¬, fuck knows what that was about.

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Ah the original Power Rangers, they were awesome. The craze didn't quite get me though, I had couple of cool action figures but that was about it.

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Hmmm, oe thing I remember from the early years of elementary school were us swapping stickers. They were from Panini and the sticker albums I remember the best are the ones for Aladdin and The Lion King. Those were great!


Also the tamagotchis and what we call flippos, which I guess is the same as pogs?

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