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Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock


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Just beat Slash on medium, bloody hell that took it out of me! Does anyone else's hand start to hurt after a while on medium?



Mine is starting to shake, so i'm taking a rest till tomorrow... just checked my Wii message board, i spent over 13 hours playing GH3 today, surprised i can still use my hand.


Also i think i'm starting to develop calisis'(sp?) on my fingers as if i was playing a real guitar :heh:

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Well I got totally pwned by Eddage in my first online match. There was only one match that was remotely close and that was only for about half of the song then he pulled away.


I do feel like I'm getting better though,I'm managing to hit 90%+ of notes now, which I wasn't doing before. I think I'm gonna duck out of online until I've at least completed Easy career.


Did the Morello boss battle loved it. Although hate battles online, prefer face offs. Had to stop then though cos my girlfriend got annoyed that I wasn't spending anytime with her and always playing Mario and GH! OOPS!




One final thing, great work on peoples scores, since last night we have gone from 657, to the 380th ranked tour group in the world. BTW thought of setting up our first tourney sometime next week everyone up for that?!

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I can't believe I managed to hit 100% of notes in Welcome to the Jungle against you flameboy, I managed to do the same on Reptillia against Cookyman just before as well!


Think I may give it a rest for a couple of days, get some progress on Mario Galaxy, although I'll probably be playing it again by tomorrow!

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For some reason its working online for me now, I have added all those in the Guitar Hero FC topic over in the online board and also added Flameboy as he has his code where everyone can see :)


Just need to get my account linking working over on GH site and then everything is sorted. I have PMed the admin over there to get him to sort it ( thanks Shadow ) so it should be done soon.

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One final thing, great work on peoples scores, since last night we have gone from 657, to the 380th ranked tour group in the world. BTW thought of setting up our first tourney sometime next week everyone up for that?!

Thtas amazing haha. Im well up for it depending on what day i get it :\

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One final thing, great work on peoples scores, since last night we have gone from 657, to the 380th ranked tour group in the world. BTW thought of setting up our first tourney sometime next week everyone up for that?!


Definently up for it, was even thinking about doinh that aswell! Gonna check if my scores have updated yet :heh:


Nope not yet. Didn't expect much being the weekend and all.

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Just got my copy from Woolies, pulling a Shadow and gonna take back my play.com one when it arrives, just finished the tutorials, I feel like I'm pretty bad, but I'm hoping I'll improve soon! Not figured out where I actually get my FC yet, but once I do, I'll be posting it up and joining the group!

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Guest Stefkov


One final thing, great work on peoples scores, since last night we have gone from 657, to the 380th ranked tour group in the world. BTW thought of setting up our first tourney sometime next week everyone up for that?!

I've just checked and we are 380th. Nice.

I was just thinking, how many peope have this game, and the americans had it quite a few days longer than us and I'm 173,730th. Seems too low considering the variables.

I'm on 360 version so I don't know if you can work round that to let me in the tourney. If not then I'm fine with attempting through the fire and flames on expert.

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hahaha, i beat Slash on medium on my 2nd try, haha, he's much easier than Tom I find (on both easy and medium i was stuck on Tom for a while, with Slash I beat him 1st time on easy and 2nd time on medium)


But for the first time I failed to finish a song on medium, damnit, was the Knights of Cydonia, was doing great up until the bit near the end with loads of quick hammer-ons and pull-offs going every which way (85% of song completed it told me) but I beat the other 3 songs (Before I forget on medium, bloody awesome), on the final level now only tried playing One so far, and was doing fine again till the end of the song and couldn't finish it, even more annoying is it said I had completed 99% of the song, so I was nearly there, damnit.


Gonna take a rest now and play some Mario Galaxy again

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I'm presuming everyone is loving this game then? Mine is waiting for me when I get home (5/12) can't wait to get into it, though I have been drwaming iof galaxy since I lfet (30 star completd in the BEST GAME EVER).


Whats multiplayer like? Whats the Wii guitar like? Anyone got 5.1, then wahst the sound like?

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I've been playing, gotten through about 15 songs so far on easy, I am totally loving it! I am a bit confused though, where exactly do I find my friend code? I've got an account on guitarhero.com, and linked it to my profile with that VIP code thingy, but still have no idea where to find my actual FC, am I overlooking something blindingly obvious?


EDIT: Yes, yes I did overlook something blindingly obvious. My FC is 5283-9824-6397, PM me if you add me.

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I'm presuming everyone is loving this game then? Mine is waiting for me when I get home (5/12) can't wait to get into it, though I have been drwaming iof galaxy since I lfet (30 star completd in the BEST GAME EVER).


Whats multiplayer like? Whats the Wii guitar like? Anyone got 5.1, then wahst the sound like?


It is truly awesome. :)


Multiplayer is great too. Kind of one of those games where it's a laugh together and you want to work together. Just like DDR I guess. If one person is amazing co-op is the way to go :p


5.1 Doesn't matter as the Wii version is in mono only (I'm sure it is!!)


The guitar is plastic sex. Just looking at that bad boy makes me wanna wear spandex, afro up and get my game on.

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Guest Stefkov

I've ben trying for ages to perfect Number of the beast. Getting every note.

I got to 498 earlier today...I was so angry, I'm sure I was near the end. And there's an achievement for 500 note streak...ach.

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Ack I'm stuck on the final boss on Medium now, so just going over the songs I skipped first to get some more practice.


How do the online features of the Wii version work? I saw the blue WiFi connection logo and thought ooooooo!


Details please. :)


Work fine, all the different multi-player options are there, minus co-op career, and the game goes online automatically when you start if you have wiiconnect24 on, so if someone on your friend roaster sees you online they can send you an invite, to accept you either finish the song your on first, or quit go to wi-fi mode and select auto-match. Only problem i've had with that is, it seems i've been not seeing the invite icon popping up :heh:

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Guest Stefkov
Ack I'm stuck on the final boss on Medium now, so just going over the songs I skipped first to get some more practice.

The battle against Lou took me two times. First time I was all over the place, it was crazy. Second time, I just was lucky in getting the items. Just used them when he had loads of notes coming and I beat him.

After posting I couldn't do Number of the beast, getting all notes...took me a few more goes but I'm so proud, even if it is on Easy.



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haha, finally beat Knights of Cydonia on medium, the meter was flashing red and all, somehow brought it back to yellow, man that's a great feeling, only got like 76% of the notes though, but meh, as long as i finished the song, yay... now all that's left is Lou, this may take awhile

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Well I'm still working my way through easy. But thought I'd try out one of the earlier tracks on medium and by god, my brain couldn't handle it I was getting so confused I was going from blue and kept thinking it was where yellow was so kept argh I can't even explain it!

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