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Manhunt 2


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Really? :o


What about lethal injection and strangelation? What about bludgeoned to death or drowning? Surely there's a difference, especially in how inhuman the act is and subsequently how graphic.


From my perspective, killing is killing....None of it is humane in any way in RL. I dont condone it in any way.

The point is 99.9% of people can tell the difference between the real thing and a game or a film so why should it be an issue ?


I could watch false graphic scenes of murder and mutilation all day and not bat an eyelid, I know if I saw it happen for real my response would be very different.

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The people you kill in Manhunt are hardly innocent.


Oh and don't bunch me together with zeldafreak because I'm defending this game, I think he's nuts personally.


I reacted the same way you guys do when I first heard about the game, but actually playing it is different. Thinking Manhunt is a game where you murder innocent victims for shock value is about as accurate as GTA being a "cop killing simulator".

OK, maybe not innocent (as if the innocence of someone matters if you slay him), but the point of the game is to kill people as brutally as possible for the entertainment of the Director. Whether the game is good or not is irrelevant, the concept is filthy and I'd rather not see it.

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Well I suppose it depends on what your perspective is, but I sure make a distinction between shooting someone and suffocating them with a plastic bag.


In terms of the state of mind for instance, shooting someone is "detached", it could be a reflex, self defence or a means of "warfare" - in which case it's neccessary evil but used in an "effective" way. The games that depict shooting usually do so in a range of graphical ways, but it's rarely sadistic or gratuitous.


Suffocating or strangling someone is an infinitely more methodical and inhuman way of killing. Surely there'd be a difference if there were "suffocate 'em ups" instead of Streets of Rage.



I'm not sure I can agree with you that there's no difference. I know what you're getting at and I'm against censorship too, I also think that the subject matter should be allowed in games just as it is in movies and books, but I also definitely think there's a greater responsibility attached in justifying the use of such graphic and downright more "violent" acts. If it's just to attract people like Zeldafreak then maybe it hasn't really earned the right to be there in the first place.


"With great powers come great responsibility" and all that. The same thing I think can be applied when you aim to upset. There are plenty of propaganda that's effective because it uses shocking images to wake people up and pay attention to the message - justified by the fact that there is a message. If they just showed shocking images for no reason then it's debatable if it's worth it.


Of course, who's to decide there is a message? Who's to decide if the gameplay is good enough to justify the subject matter? That's where censorship comes in - and leaves abruptly if I get to decide. There simply isn't a way for a commitee or for "experts" to sit down with Manhunt and say "alright, this game is good enough".


Edited for a special DKC message:


Whether the game is good or not is irrelevant, the concept is filthy and I'd rather not see it.


Well, that's fine too. It's perfectly possible to simply not buy the game. Movies like Saw have tackled the subject of "what would you do to survive?", and I honestly find the question quite fascinating. I'm not sure Manhunt was meant to make you think about something like that, but with me it does. I think the "experience" of being in that position (of course without ACTUALLY being in that position) is an excellent use of the medium.

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Do you realise what you're saying?


Yes its cool concept for a game, just like saw was for the movies. Its shocking yes.


But come on get a life people - Guns/barbed wire/drugs/people kill people not games.


Its all about whether it was still fun to play, the first game near the end it did get a bit on the repetitive side.


P.S. Oh god sometimes the people are so idiotic. Everyone wanted a Rockstar game, they are about to get one and they start complaining. Yeesh

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Well I suppose it depends on what your perspective is, but I sure make a distinction between shooting someone and suffocating them with a plastic bag


The distinctintion I make comes from the point of view that I do not agree that anyone has the right to take life, I know it sounds like a flat view to some ppl....If a gun was in my hand and I was pulling the trigger it would be as methodological as bludgeoning or suffocating, the only perspective that i could see that issue being any different is if it was a reflex of my need to survive and as such detatched..As you say it depends on perspective and I appreciate that. (Welcome to the psychology of the 4q2 brain :p)


One thing is certain:

Whatever comes from Rockstar under the Manhunt banner, if you dont like the concept of it, its probably best to stay away from it...It will end up with a mature rating and I as a responsible, mature adult (:D) dont want to be denied it due to someone lobbying its theoretical effect on human society.

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Well if we mix in the "right" to do something it gets incredibly vague. I'm sure you'll have a tough case if you wanna argue self defence if you've suffocated someone though. From a legal standpoint. :)


Totally beside the point that, but yeah. :D


Anyway, I'm sure I was about to say something worthwhile aswell... AH! Yes. Um. Psychologically speaking, do you feel that a person capable of shooting another person would just as easily be able to suffocate another person?


Make up any circumstance you feel would apply.


Personally? I don't think so. I mean I've never held a gun pointed at someone so I can't really imagine what it would be like, but shooting someone is such an instantanious act compared to fucking up someone's breathing to the point where his eyes and tongue come popping out of his head. If I get to guess? I think I'd be able to shoot someone if I had to, but not the latter.


I dunno if that automatically makes it less human, or if shooting someone is more human, but it's certainly less physical, and that I believe makes it easier for a "sane" person to perform it. Of course, we - or I - may be confusing these acts with the way they're depicted in fiction. Shooting is usually rather clean, and when suffocation is used as a device, it's often to depict the person as more violent and unsympathetic. That has prolly coloured me, but I guess the point still stands.

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AH! Yes. Um. Psychologically speaking, do you feel that a person capable of shooting another person would just as easily be able to suffocate another person?


If its an act of murder, yes, no, possibly, depends and how long is a piece of string ?. Comes down to viewpoint of how that person wants to kill and what they want to achieve. Bullets unless pinpoint can cause a messy, painful death, strangulation and suffocation can be quick if done 'correctly'....(not that I have studied the correct ways, understand....I know by closing the windpipe you can initiate unconcousness pretty quickly, therefore I imagine that suffocation could be achieved as quick and cleanly)


Matter of survival, again I suppose it depends but personally would go for the first thing that did the job and worry about the personal mental damage and court case later, although a gun would be damn useful in such a situation.


Unless you were a marksman or FPS Doug or going at it point blank (which is up close and personal with the victim) with a gun it could be a very messy and painful death.


Wow!!!....That 'video' of it continually asking my age is amazing!!!


I like the eye.

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Boxart of Manhunt 2.



Ok boxart not as good as the original which was this for those that don't remember:




the medical tag style however does hint at you playing a mental patient maybe? or being stuck in an asylum...rather than a convicted murder in the first game.


one interesting thought I had, whilst most have said in HD a game like this would be sick, it is interesting to think what a HD version would be like from a graphics perspective, in the original the graphics were quite grainy apparently as a design decision rather than a graphical limitation decision as they wanted it to look like you were viewing through a CCTV camera. I just wonder if in the HD perfect of crystal clear imaging whether this feature would have still remained, and also do wonder if it will remain for the wii version.

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I'm a little taken aback by people practically flinging themselves at something with excessive violence while nigh-on everything else got a sneering "Pffft, those graphics are kiddy and crap" at best. Because running around as an axe-wielding murderer in a hockey mask is real mature.

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I'm a little taken aback by people practically flinging themselves at something with excessive violence while nigh-on everything else got a sneering "Pffft, those graphics are kiddy and crap" at best. Because running around as an axe-wielding murderer in a hockey mask is real mature.


I think there's a window somewhere around the ages 15-18 where you can potentially end up shunning everything you believe compromises your manlyness. I'm willing to wager you'll see more twentysomethings being excited about both this and Dewy.

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It wants to be an 18+ game . I don't see what the problem is people. You wanted rockstar to make games for the wii, they do and all of you complain that its over the top.


thats very true...never thought I'd agree with you.


anyway the violence doesn't bother me, like I said before it is no worse than you'll see in a lot of 18+ films, if this kinda thing offends you there is no one saying you have to buy it. You can bet the media will jump on this, saying nintendo's family console is selling out to make a quick buck (bet the daily mail have it as front page news)


In the first game you didn't even have to kill people with the gruesome methods, the only purpose it served was to get a high score which helped unlock art work none of which was gory just concept art.

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No no, you misunderstand. It isn't the game. It's isn't the people who play them. It's not even the fact that bloody minded violence is the primary selling point. It's that "19" year old boys are actually simple enough to shill money for the boon of feeling "adult" and "mature" as opposed to the 20-something "kidz" chilling happily with Dewey and their Eledes. Like Big Brother or The Daily mail, It's a madness I'm just not willing to condone.

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No no, you misunderstand. It isn't the game. It's isn't the people who play them. It's not even the fact that bloody minded violence is the primary selling point. It's that "19" year old boys are actually simple enough to shill money for the boon of feeling "adult" and "mature" as opposed to the 20-something "kidz" chilling happily with Dewey and their Eledes. Like Big Brother or The Daily mail, It's a madness I'm just not willing to condone.


but I'll happily sit with Eledes on an evening chilling...but also would chill with Manhunt, not simply for the violence though, obviously your talking about people who are of different demographics to myself.


anyway different topic...one thing I have always wondered about Manhunt is how well implemented the stealth is, not just down to the shadow system but also how well the levels are designed both indoors and outdoors, I think it is easily up there with Splinter Cell which I have played a lot of and MGS (which I admit to having not played since the PS1 installment) and it does make me wonder how good a rockstar stealth game could be....

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The concept. Creative ways of murdering innocent people in the most brutal fashions just for the entertainment of others. That's filthy.


well you don't seem to have played the first Manhunt game sister... you murder thugs who try to kill you.. I played the first one and I was quite fun and challenging.. and anyway.. anything the so called "establishment" is trying to ban, I will rush out and get right away.. thinking about starting to smoke.. and have weapons of mass destruction in my back yard

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