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Lyrics Of The Day

Ninty 182

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For once in my life I have someone who needs me

Someone I've needed so long

For once, unafraid, I can go where life leads me

And somehow I know I'll be strong


For once I can touch what my heart used to dream of

Long before I knew

Someone warm like you

Would make my dreams come true


For once in my life I won't let sorrow hurt me

Not like it's hurt me before

For once, I have something I know won't desert me

I'm not alone anymore


For once, I can say, this is mine, you can't take it

As long as I know I have love, I can make it

For once in my life, I have someone who needs me



I need to get them out somewhere, the song is driving me crazy! :heh:

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Life On Mars


It's a god-awful small affair, to the girl with the mousy hair,

but her mother is yelling 'no', and her father has told her to go,

but her friend is nowhere to be seen, as she walks through her sunken dream,

to the seat with the clearest view, and she's hooked to the silver screen,

but the film is a saddening bore, 'cause she's lived it ten times or more,

she could spit in the eyes of fools, as they ask her to focus on...


sailors fighting in a dance hall,

oh man! look at those cavemen go,

it's the freakiest show,

take a look at the lawman

beating up the wrong guy,

oh man! wonder if he'll ever know,

he's in the best selling show,

is there life on mars?


it's on America's tortured brow, mickey mouse has grown up a cow,

now the workers have struck for fame, cause lennon's on sale again,

see the mice in thier million hordes, but to the ibeza to the norfolk broads,

rule britannia is out of bounds, to my mother, my dog and clouds,

but the film is a saddening bore, cause I wrote it ten times before,

its about to be writ again, as I ask you to focus on...


sailors fighting in a dance hall,

oh man! look at those cavemen go,

it's the freakiest show,

take a look at the lawman

beating up the wrong guy,

oh man! wonder if he'll ever know,

he's in the best selling show,

is there life on mars?




David Bowie

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How to hate women when you're supposed to be a feminist

How to play all pious when you're really a hypocrite

How to hate god when you're a player and a spiritualist

How to sabotage your fantasies by fears of success


I'll teach you all this in 8 easy steps

A course of a lifetime you'll never forget

I'll show you how to in 8 easy steps

I'll show you how leaderships looks when tought by the best


8 Easy Steps- Alanis Morissette

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Let's admire the pattern forming.

Murderous filigree.

I'm caught in the twisting of the vine.

Go ascend with ivy,climbing.

Ignore and leave for me the headstone crumbling behind.

I can't help my laughter as she cries.

My soul brings tears to angelic eyes.

Let's amend the classic story, close it so beautifully,



I'll let animosity unwind.

Steal away the darkened pages, hidden so shamefully.

I'll still feel the violence of the lines.

I can't stand my laughter as they cry.

My soul brings tears to angelic eyes.

And miles away my mother cries.

Omnipotence, nurturing malevolence.

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Feel Like A Man


When I saw Marlon Brando on the big screen like a hero

It made me act and feel like one too

For three or four hours I thought no one could touch me

Then I skidded back to feelin' like I do


I'm lost, crazy lonesome

A plane with no place to land

And I do what I have to

To make me feel like a man

Feel like a man


When I was 22 years old, my daddy he was 70

I didn't know how a young man's supposed to be

A few years after that he breathed his final breath

But there's some secret he forgot to whisper to me


And I'm lost, crazy lonesome

A plane with no place to land

And I do what I have to

To make me feel like a man

Feel like a man


And I look in the mirror

And I wait for the damn thing to speak

Who needs answers

One good question would be a relief


So I go to all the movies and I memorize my lines

And I try to stumble through another day

And I'm always looking for the perfect jacket

Or a million dollars, or a bullet

Is it only me who goes through life this way


Lost, crazy lonesome

A plane with no place to land

And I do anything

To make me feel like a man

Feel like a man





Dan Bern

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Foo Fighters: The Pretender


Keep you in the dark

You know they all pretend

Keep you in the dark

And so it all began


Send in your skeletons

Sing as their bones go marching in... again

The need you buried deep

The secrets that you keep are at the ready

Are you ready?

I'm finished making sense

Done pleading ignorance

That whole defense


Spinning infinity, boy

The wheel is spinning me

It's never-ending, never-ending

Same old story


What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


In time or so im told

I'm just another soul for sale... oh, well

The page is out of print

We are not permanent

We're temporary, temporary

Same old story


What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another of your plays

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


I'm the voice inside your head

You refuse to hear

I'm the face that you have to face

Mirrored in your stare

I'm what's left, I'm what's right

I'm the enemy

I'm the hand that will take you down

Bring you to your knees


So who are you?

Yeah, who are you?

Yeah, who are you?

Yeah, who are you?


Keep you in the dark

You know they all pretend


What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


What if I say I'm not like the others?

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


What if I say I'm not like the others?

(Keep you in the dark)

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

(You know they all... pretend)

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


What if I say I'm not like the others?

(Keep you in the dark)

What if I say I'm not just another one of your plays

(You know they all... pretend)

You're the pretender

What if I say I will never surrender?


So who are you?

Yeah, who are you?

Yeah, who are you?

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In response to Foo Fighters who I detest, I thought I'd post this beast of a song, though it is pretty long. It's been compared in the past to Bob Dylan's desolation row, both musically and lyrically so I suggest anyone who's a fan of that to check this out. It's by Phil Ochs on his album 'Tape From California'


When In Rome


In the fire blue forests, faded and forgotten

I crawled through the cotton fields, picking for cotton

The overseer sneered, his whipping was rotten

With ecstasy.

In child-like terror I tore out the tap roots

The cards of the lash were calling to follow suit

I dashed for the swamps, the hounds in hot pursuit


All through the night a figure of fright, as I hid my head

And they buried their nose in a cut of my cloths, now torn in shreds

And they never would leave until they believed that I was dead

But I'd never curse their names

Oh, who am I to blame

I know I'd do the same



And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



Frail and afraid in the mists of the morning

The snakes and the spiders were sadly performing

The bark of the dogs kept up the warning

Inside the wood.

Sweating and swearing I crawled from the manger

The highway appeared to take me from danger

Is there anyone here who would pick up a stranger?

Oh I wish you could.

Then someone replied would you like a ride? "Come in" he said.

We drove for a while, he gave me a smile and a piece of bread

The hammer was hard in the chrome of the car as I cracked his head

Then we took off in a spin

Oh I smashed his skull again

Oh thank you my good friend,

I feel so good.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



Late in the evening I came to the city

I fell to the sidewalks sighing for pity

A diamond was dropped from the hands of the pretty

To be so kind.

Cowards and corpses were busy competing

The rhymes of the riots were busy repeating

I raced to the corner and sped from the speeding

To save my mind.

Latches and locks, companies of cops ran from the rain

There was silk in the stores for the whims of the whores that shone with shame.

I asked for a light from a priest in the night then I fanned the flames.

And the traffic all stood still

To see if someone had been killed

I was glad to leave a thrill

So far behind.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



A monk and his mother were dancing so dandy

A topless nun was handing out candy

The beautiful bishop broke out the brandy

The kiss we crave.

They stuttered and stammered, would I feel like staying

We fell to our knees, feverishly praying

The salt in the salt-peter seemed to be saying

"Be brave, be brave."

I reached reached for a robe, I preached and I probed

And I taught the tune.

And the greed for the guilt was played to the hilt

As I promised doom

I toyed with their fears, until coins and tears filled the room

Then I took off down the road

Laughing madly like a toad

God bless every soulless soul

That would be saved.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



A chorus of children were passing the hours

I joined in their fun and gave them my flowers

Covered with kisses and showered with showers

That they repaid.

Taken and trusting, would I be their teacher?

She looked so appealing, I wanted to touch her

Just out of reach, unable to reach her

Their hands were raised.

Charmed by the chalk, the lessons were taught, inside the class

They studied the rules of the samurai schools, they had to pass

The room was adjourned, the lessons were learned,

I turned on the gas

And I watched them make their pleas

They passed the test with ease

I gave them their degrees,

They made the grade.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



Feeling my weakness, a coward for company

I joined the ranks of the hot and hungry

To teach what it means to have love for your country

We marched away.

We lowered our lives for the lines of a border

We danced with the mothers, played with the daughters

We followed our fantasies, following orders

It was child's play.

After the war the bullets were bored so we capped the game

With cynical smiles we put them on trial to place the blame

Now what kind of beast would love such a feast

Have you no shame?

So we hung them by the feet

Oh, we shot them in the street

Oh, the victory was sweet

On victory day.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



The bread and the circuses came to be nearing

The saviour or somebody must be appearing

Pagans and pageants were all disappearing

Inside my head.

The stones on the statues were staring and stalling

Caesar and cassius were cursing and calling

The empire had risen and now it was falling

Or so it seemed.

The crown and the cross seemed empty and lost in dark despair

And luminous lies, death in disguise were everywhere

The canvas was cold, the story was old, I said my prayers

Then I crowned him on the head

Oh, I blessed him as he bled

Oh at last, the king is dead

God save the queen.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.



Now nothing remained for building or burning

The losing of lovers was all I was learning

A time for escape and a time for returning

had come to me

Back through the ashes and back through the embers

Back through the roads and the ruins I remembered

My hands at my side I sadly surrendered

Do as you please.

The hero was home, proven and grown, I fell on the floor

Mad with romance they started to dance, their star was born

I bled like the rain, exploded in pain, then I screamed for more

Oh, make me feel sublime

Release me from my mind

Oh, kill me one more time

And set me free.


And all the high-born ladies

So lovely and so true,

Have been handed to the soldiers

When in rome do as the romans do.





Phil Ochs

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Safe - M83


Atomic roads, nuclear sunrise,

They left me all alone.


Falling stars exploding on the sea.

God, it's beautiful.


The land and the roses slowly disappeared,

Why am I so alone?


A wounded angel is smiling at me

God, it's so beautiful



M83 are fantastic! Awesome song, everyone should listen to it!!

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Serj Tankian - Empty Walls


Your empty walls,

Your empty walls,

Pretentious adventures,

Dismissive apprehension,

Don't waste your time,

On coffins today,

When we decline,

From the confines of our mind,

Don't waste your time,

On coffins today...


Don't you see their bodies burning?

Desolate and full of yearning,

Dying of anticipation,

Choking from intoxication,

Don't you see their bodies burning?

Desolate and full of yearning,

Dying of anticipation,

Choking from intoxication,

I want you to be left behind those empty walls,

Told you to see from behind those empty walls...


Those empty walls,

When we decline,

From the confines of our mind,

Don't waste your time,

On coffins today...


Don't you see their bodies burning?

Desolate and full of yearning,

Dying of anticipation,

Choking from intoxication,

Don't you see their bodies burning?

Desolate and full of yearning,

Dying of anticipation,

Choking from intoxication,

I want you to be left behind those empty walls,

Told you to see from behind those empty walls,

Want you to be left behind those empty walls,

I told you to see from behind those empty walls,

From behind those empty walls,

From behind those empty walls,

The walls!

From behind those empty walls...


I loved you yesterday,

(From behind those empty walls...)

Before you killed my family,

(From behind those empty walls, the walls...)


Don't you see their bodies burning?

Desolate and full of yearning,

Dying of anticipation,

Choking from intoxication,

Don't you see their bodies burning,

Desolate and full of yearning,

(I want you...)

Dying of anticipation,

Choking from intoxication,

(To be left behind those empty...)

I want you to be left behind those empty walls,

Told you to see from behind those empty walls,

(Desolate and full of yearning, Dying of anticipation, Choking from intoxication...)

Want you to be left behind those empty walls,

(Don't you see their bodies burning? Desolate and full of yearning, Dying of anticipation, Choking from intoxication...)

I told you to see from behind those empty walls,


(Fuck your empty walls, fuck your empty walls)

From behind those empty walls,

(Fuck your empty walls, fuck your empty walls)

From behind those fucking walls,

(Fuck your empty walls, fuck your empty walls)

From behind those goddamn walls,

Those walls!

Those walls!

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After enjoying the Skins finale I thought I'd post this song which the show ended on


Wild World


Now that i've lost everything to you

You say you wanna start something new

And it's breakin' my heart you're leavin'

Baby, i'm grievin'

But if you wanna leave, take good care

Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear

But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there


Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

It's hard to get by just upon a smile

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

I'll always remember you like a child, girl


You know i've seen a lot of what the world can do

And it's breakin' my heart in two

Because i never wanna see you a sad, girl

Don't be a bad girl

But if you wanna leave, take good care

Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there

But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware


Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

It's hard to get by just upon a smile

Oh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

I'll always remember you like a child, girl


Baby, i love you

But if you wanna leave, take good care

Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there

But just remember there's a lot of bad and beware





Cat Stevens

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That Time by Regina Spektor



Hey remember the time when I found a human tooth down on Delancey?

Hey remember that time we decided to kiss anywhere except the mouth?

Hey remember that time when my favorite colors were pink and green?

Hey remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines?

So cheap and juicy, tangerines!


Hey remember that time when I would only read Shakespeare?

Hey remember that other time when I would only read the backs of cereal boxes?

Hey remember that time I tried to save a pigeon with a broken wing?

A street cat got him by morning and I had to bury pieces of his body in my building's playground

I thought I was going to be sick, I thought I was going to be sick


Hey remember that time when I would only smoke Parliaments?!

Hey remember that time when I would only smoke Marlboros?!

Hey remember that time when I would only smoke Camels?!

Hey remember that time when I was broke?

I didn't care I just bummed from my friends

Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum...







(Hey remember that time when you od'ed?

Hey remember that other time when you od'ed for the second time?

Well in the waiting room while waiting for news of you I hallucinated I could read your mind

And I was on a lot of shit too but what I saw, man, I tell you it was freaky, freaky!)

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lol, love your textual representation of parts of the song. That should be made law of this thread as otherwise the lyrics are far too boring to read.


My contribution; Johnny Cash's rendition of Trent Reznor's Hurt. Totally stole the song. I kinda tried doing what Paj did, but it's not easy to do to such a sad song...


i hurt myself today

to see if i still feel

i focus on the pain

the only thing that's real

the needle tears a hole

the old familiar sting

try to kill it all away

but i remember everything


what have i become?

my sweetest friend

everyone i know

goes away in the end

you could have it all

my empire of dirt

i will let you down

i will make you hurt


i wear this crown of thorns

upon my liar's chair

full of broken thoughts

i cannot repair

beneath the stains of time

the feelings disappear

you are someone else

i am still right here


what have i become?

my sweetest friend

everyone i know

goes away in the end

and you could have it all

my empire of dirt

i will let you down

i will make you hurt


if i could start again

a million miles away

i would keep myself

i would find a way

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Probably and iffy translation but:


Memories in the Rain


Rain... In the rain the day before, and the day before that

SLOW MOTION Suddenly love

Breaks in front of me


Alone, just alone; one person

Because I couldn't protect

The battle continues for the sake of pride


NO TIME TO CRY Cry later

The rain of June still just vows


Slow motion However the warm rain wets my cheek

SLOW MOTION Hot and refreshingly, I lead powerfully


"In memories" Why? It's not a tepid thing.

Even though I don't understand, now I must run


No time to cry NO TIME TO CRY Just to become strong

The rain of June is life-threatening


No time to cry NO TIME TO CRY Just to become strong

The rain of June is life-threatening

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Flowers are Red

by Harry Chapin

The little boy went first day of school

He got some crayons and started to draw

He put colors all over the paper

For colors was what he saw

And the teacher said.. What you doin' young man

I'm paintin' flowers he said

She said... It's not the time for art young man

And anyway flowers are green and red

There's a time for everything young man

And a way it should be done

You've got to show concern for everyone else

For you're not the only one


And she said...

Flowers are red young man

Green leaves are green

There's no need to see flowers any other way

Than they way they always have been seen


But the little boy said...

There are so many colors in the rainbow

So many colors in the morning sun

So many colors in the flower and I see every one


Well the teacher said.. You're sassy

There's ways that things should be

And you'll paint flowers the way they are

So repeat after me.....


And she said...

Flowers are red young man

Green leaves are green

There's no need to see flowers any other way

Than they way they always have been seen


But the little boy said...

There are so many colors in the rainbow

So many colors in the morning sun

So many colors in the flower and I see every one


The teacher put him in a corner

She said.. It's for your own good..

And you won't come out 'til you get it right

And are responding like you should

Well finally he got lonely

Frightened thoughts filled his head

And he went up to the teacher

And this is what he said.. and he said


Flowers are red, green leaves are green

There's no need to see flowers any other way

Than the way they always have been seen


Time went by like it always does

And they moved to another town

And the little boy went to another school

And this is what he found

The teacher there was smilin'

She said...Painting should be fun

And there are so many colors in a flower

So let's use every one


But that little boy painted flowers

In neat rows of green and red

And when the teacher asked him why

This is what he said.. and he said


Flowers are red, green leaves are green

There's no need to see flowers any other way

Than the way they always have been seen.

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Off the new She Wants Revenge album This Is Forever


Pretend The World Has Ended


Cast shadows through the days and

swing the night and come with me.

There's nothign to believe in here

so just believe in me.

Your sense of apprehension suits you,

you wear your troubles well.

I've nothing left to hide from you,

I've got no God to sell.

Just put your hand in mine,

then cast your doubts aside.


We can hide away for days,

pretend the world has ended.

No more drama, no more pain.

Pretend the world has ended.

We can run away tonight,

pretend the world has ended.

No matter what they say we'll work out fine,

'cause you and I know this is heaven.


Your hair's damp from the rain,

hungry eyes that look like lust.

The ghosts of lost loves follow you,

you feel but you can't trust.

Time disappears inside you,

'til there's nothing left but us.

We wave goodbye to everyone

and hope our love's enough.

Just put your hand in mine,

then cast your doubts aside.


We can hide away for days,

pretend the world has ended.

No more drama, no more pain.

Pretend the world has ended.

We can run away tonight,

pretend the world has ended.

No matter what they say we'll work out fine,

'cause you and I know this is heaven.


We can hide away for days,

pretend the world has ended.

No more drama, no more pain.

Pretend the world has ended.

We can run away tonight,

pretend the world has ended.

No matter what they say we'll work out fine,

'cause you and I know this is heaven.

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lol, love your textual representation of parts of the song. That should be made law of this thread as otherwise the lyrics are far too boring to read.


Thanks, and yeah, I do it to make it more interesting. Also I find emotion can be conveyed better by playing around with it. :awesome:

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Mother's Little Helper


What a drag it is getting old


"Kids are different today,"

I hear ev'ry mother say

Mother needs something today to calm her down

And though she's not really ill

There's a little yellow pill

An' She goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper

And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day


"Things are different today,"

I hear ev'ry mother say

Cooking fresh food for a husband's just a drag

So she buys an instant cake and she burns her frozen steak

And goes running for the shelter of a mother's little helper

And two help her on her way, get her through her busy day


Doctor please, some more of these

Outside the door, she took four more

What a drag it is getting old


"Men just aren't the same today"

I hear ev'ry mother say

They just don't appreciate that you get tired

They're so hard to satisfy, You can tranquilize your mind

So go running for the shelter of a mother's little helper

And four help you through the night, help to minimize your plight


Doctor please, some more of these

Outside the door, she took four more

What a drag it is getting old


"Life's just much too hard today,"

I hear ev'ry mother say

The pusuit of happiness just seems a bore

And if you take more of those, you will get an overdose

No more running for the shelter of a mother's little helper

They just helped you on your way, through your busy dying day





The Rolling Stones

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Safe - M83


Atomic roads, nuclear sunrise,

They left me all alone.


Falling stars exploding on the sea.

God, it's beautiful.


The land and the roses slowly disappeared,

Why am I so alone?


A wounded angel is smiling at me

God, it's so beautiful



M83 are fantastic! Awesome song, everyone should listen to it!!


Awesome band. Their new album is amazing.

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Awesome band. Their new album is amazing.


NEW ALBUM!?!?! *Starts hyperventilating*


Edit: Found it, Digital Shades Vol. 1. I'll be picking this up on the weekend!


lol, love your textual representation of parts of the song. That should be made law of this thread as otherwise the lyrics are far too boring to read.


I agree. I think a visual representation, like the funky text or a picture, should be strongly advised.

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lol, love your textual representation of parts of the song. That should be made law of this thread as otherwise the lyrics are far too boring to read.


I think I'll do that with this one. Try this on:


Reuben - Freddy Kreuger


Well this is, for my band

The ones who shared the struggle

The whining and the bitching,

Sat on my sofa

My friends all went to college

I still live in my Dad's house!

Thinking, about it

And though you may regret it

You said it 'cause you meant it

Always, together

A touch of cabin fever

We find out how we really feel!


This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!


When I, was fifteen

I swear it looked so easy:

You go out and you get paid

Cut you an LP

You slam it on the TV

And now its just another day down

And it's another month gone

God knows how many shows

Yeah, we still keep moving on and on

But that's rock 'n' roll I suppose!






This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!


My name is Freddy Kreuger

And I've got the Elm Street blues

I've got a hand like a knife rack

And I die in EVERY FILM!


This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I'm so sick of!

This girl that I don't love

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I don't think I'll be able to give this song the visual representation it deserves but I'll give it a go!



Joy Division - Atmosphere


Walk in silence,

Dont walk away, in silence.

See the danger,

Always danger,

Endless talking,

Life rebuilding,

Don't walk away.


Walk in silence,

Dont turn away, in silence.

Your confusion,

My illusion,

Worn like a mask of self-hate,

Confronts and then dies.

Don't walk away.


People like you find it easy,

Naked to see,

Walking on air.

Hunting by the rivers,

Through the streets,

Every corner abandoned too soon,

Set down with due care.

Don't walk away in silence,

Don't walk away.




Everyone go listen to this song, it is AWESOME!!

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Kings of Leon - Charmer


WOAH! She's such a charmer, oh no.

WOAH! She's such a charmer, oh no.


WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's such a charmer, oh no.

Oh no.


WOAH! She's stole my karma, oh no.

SOLD it to the farmer, oh no.


WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's such a charmer, oh no.

Oh no.


BORN in West Virginia, oh no.

MARRIED to the preacher, oh no.


WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's such a charmer, oh no.

Oh no.


WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's always looking at me.

WOAH! She's such a charmer, oh no.

Oh no.

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The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You (Theme from Friends)


So no one told you life was gonna be this way

Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.

It's like you're always stuck in second gear

When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but ...


I'll be there for you

When the rain starts to pour

I'll be there for you

Like I've been there before

I'll be there for you

'Cause you're there for me, too


You're still in bed at ten, though work began at eight

You burned your breakfast, so far things are going great

Your mother warned you there'd be days like these

But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees, that ...


I'll be there for you

When the rain starts to pour

I'll be there for you

Like I've been there before

I'll be there for you

'Cause you're there for me, too


No one could ever know me

No one could ever see me

Seems you're the only one who knows

What it's like to be me

Someone to face the day with

Make it through all the mess with

Someone I will always laugh with

Even at my worst I'm best with you, yeah


It's like you're always stuck in second gear

When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year ...


I'll be there for you

When the rain starts to pour

I'll be there for you

Like I've been there before

I'll be there for you

'Cause you're there for me, too


I'll be there for you

I'll be there for you

I'll be there for you

'Cause you're there for me, too


It's a great song with humorous lyrics, but at the same time they have a very deep meaning: the value of friendship.

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The Kills - Gypsy Death and You


You knock on the door

She don't recognize your voice no more

So she got on an airplaine

Not so long after

Stripped down from the fever

Laid down in her hotel bed

Wouldn't take no phone calls at all

She didn't want no more voices in her head, now


And that's the way that you feel

That's the way that you feel

If that's the way that you feel, honey, then

That's the way that you feel


In the blue part of the evening

Sometimes its hot

She thinks she hears you coming but

She's stuck against the wall

She want what she want so she do what she do

But now when she looks at you she

Covers one eye 'cause she can see into your mind

She no longer wants to


And that's the way that you feel

That's the way that you feel

If that's the way that you feel, honey, then

That's the way that you feel

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