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When we are dead.

THE ganondorflol

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He was religious but in a completely different way to all the major religions. His ideas of god were very different to anything in the Bible. He believed in a cosmic force, like god and nature were interchangeable. Anyway, you should do some research on it.


"I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony in what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings." Albert Einstein


As a concept I think its a lot better than the biblical versions, but i still think everything seems to make more sense without the concept at all.

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I was a student of science some years ago before I started to work and I tend to think the theory of reincarnation is rather scientific and logical. So I tend to think "Life force" is recycled, without being religeous. It's the "most scientific" line of thought for me.

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I was a student of science some years ago before I started to work and I tend to think the theory of reincarnation is rather scientific and logical. So I tend to think "Life force" is recycled, without being religeous. It's the "most scientific" line of thought for me.


So where did the life force for the first animal come from. Does bacteria or a self replicating strand of protien contain life force? How about an virus? a non-replicating molecule? atom? proton? quark?


If life force is recycled, if there are more animals now than before does that mean we have more life force per organise than before (theres is a greater density of life in an organism)? If there are less animals now than before are we deemed more alive than animals before us due to higher density? Are some animals more alive than other, if so what decided this; mass, intelligence, number of cells, proximity to other animals?


Can this life force be created or destroyed? How does it pass through a medium (ie from a dead body to living body). Does its effects travel faster than the speed of light? does this mean that life force in different parts of the universe builds up? Can it travel being living animals?


Most importantly do you have any proof, derived mathmatical formula or hypothesis that can be tested?


(I'm not deliberaterly being annoying, just asking you to explain you views. If you can defend them clearly, then you actually believe in them and have thought about what you believe, rather than just revieting whats written in a book)


(oh and I assume your using the word force in a completely non-scientic way. I prefer life quantity, or just life. I wonder if theres a unit measurement of life. or if it obeys heisenberg's uncertainty principle... hmm much to muse on instead of doing productive work)

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He's a bit of a hypocritical basted, isn't he?:heh:


How can you criticise other people's education when you can't even spell 'bastard'.


This is what I believe: Jesus Christ is our Saviour. Their is evidence he existed. Jews and Muslims believe in him (although differently from Christians) We should not flame eachother out here, especially The Fish. I am not putting down your aethiest views, but you are offending me and my beliefs. Jesus almost certainly existed; whether or not he was the Messiah or just a loony is up to you. I will not criticise your beliefs if you do not criticise mine.

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How can you criticise other people's education when you can't even spell 'bastard'.


This is what I believe: Jesus Christ is our Saviour. Their is evidence he existed.



Anyway, don't know if anyone's mentioned it yet, but i'm rather a fan of the Discworld philosophy; whatever you think will happen after death will indeed happen.


You think a golden chariot with two fat singing ladies carries you to valhallah? It happens. Think there's a period of 20 years worth of walking through a desert finding the oasis of happiness? Bingo. You got it.


My Name Is Earl had a nice idea, again don't know if someone already mentioned such light-hearted theories (which clearly aren't real ;)) - after you die you get to watch your whole life again on tv.

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Any examples? Not all scientists with religions are "ignoring truth" and "twist things". Doctors heal despite their ethical beliefs, they legally do the things they're comfortable doing.


the people who created your computer? Scientists. The chances someone at Intal/AMD/NVidia heading certain chip developments has a religion? Very high

I meant 'creationism' scientists.


How can you criticise other people's education when you can't even spell 'bastard'.


This is what I believe: Jesus Christ is our Saviour. Their is evidence he existed. Jews and Muslims believe in him (although differently from Christians) We should not flame eachother out here, especially The Fish. I am not putting down your aethiest views, but you are offending me and my beliefs. Jesus almost certainly existed; whether or not he was the Messiah or just a loony is up to you. I will not criticise your beliefs if you do not criticise mine.

There is evidence he existed, and was a magician...nothing more. If you're willing to think that some David Blaine is a messiah then that's up to you.


I find it very difficult to believe anything a religion says after it explains the start of life & humanity as a magical man in the sky creating a family of inbreds to start the human race.

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Einstein believed the world was deterministic, Quantum Physics says it isn't. Einsteins quote has nothing to do with God, just that he believed the Universe acts in a deterministic manner.

Wasn't Einstein's quote merely a semi-joke, to show that he didn't believe in quantum mechanics? A little like a less extreme version of Schroedinger's cat...


Anyway, I disagree with vitalism. I think life is an emergent property of chemical laws, one so emergent that it takes on bizzare, sometimes undefinable, characteristics of its own.

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How can you criticise other people's education when you can't even spell 'bastard'.


This is what I believe: Jesus Christ is our Saviour. Their is evidence he existed. Jews and Muslims believe in him (although differently from Christians) We should not flame eachother out here, especially The Fish. I am not putting down your aethiest views, but you are offending me and my beliefs. Jesus almost certainly existed; whether or not he was the Messiah or just a loony is up to you. I will not criticise your beliefs if you do not criticise mine.


Well, er...sorry, my primary school never taught me how to spell "bastard"...

And before you criticize my spelling, learn to spell the following: "each other", "atheist", "criticize", and "The fish" (there's only one capital letter-the 'T')


*I believe Jesus existed.

*I wasn't flaming anyone. It appears humor and religion cannot co-exist...

*I don't apologize for offending you. Religious people are too defensive and protected-why the hell can't I disagree and argue against someones opinion?

Oh, and before you say "do you never get offended?", I get offended by people who can only debate and argue by saying "Stop! You've offended me!"

Racists, sexists, idiots, and hypocrites also offend me. For example: If some chav if the street says something racist about a black guy, I get offended. However, most christians don't give a toss about someone saying "Mohammad was not the prophet of Allah!", but get up in arms about someone saying "Jesus was not the son of God!"

Do you see the difference? When it comes to religion, people are only out to defend their own.

In fact, as I type, I am co-ordinating, via MSN messenger, an experiment over this very idea, involving my (very, very christian) Head of House, and the two above phrases, and observing his reaction. I'll get back to you with the results.


***Please note: there is humor in places in this reply. You may be unfamiliar with the concept! (that was humor too...)***

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If I were to laugh at everything you believe (or don't believe) in, would I be justified in saying "religion and atheism do not mix" if you didn't find it funny?


Firstly, I haven't laughed at what people believe in, I have laughed at some people's shitty style of arguing and debating. I should know-I do debating at school.


Secondly, I would laugh if you explained why you found what I believe in funny.



I'm detecting a serious sense of humor failure in this thread...;)

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Firstly, I haven't laughed at what people believe in, I have laughed at some people's shitty style of arguing and debating. I should know-I do debating at school.


Secondly, I would laugh if you explained why you found what I believe in funny.



I'm detecting a serious sense of humor failure in this thread...;)

I'm not trying to claim that THE ganondorf has good arguments, but you should perhaps lay off him a bit- it's obvious you're offending him, even if it may seem like a joke to you. Also, he interprets what you are saying as laughing at his religion (even if you aren't).

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To those who say that death is just being lke before you were born, can you really consdier cause and effect here, because you could argue that you were somehow always living before you were born, either scientifically or otherwise; and also, you cannot really say it is just like before you were born if you can't remember what it is like. You can't remember anything until you're about todderler age.


As for after-life, I'm not sure myself, although whoever said that thing about how are brains are too complex to be purely scientific had got me thinking.

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You read the rest of my post and next post right?


However your "logic" there is flawed. If you believe there is only one universe your logic has no meaning. If you believe there is an infinite number of universe (as I do), then it makes perfect sense.


The flaw is that at the present time neither of those beliefs have proofs. We have no idea what happened before or at the moment of the big bang, only what happened a few femto-seconds after (10^-15). We also have no proof of wether there are an infinite number of universes.


When there is no proof either way, Its a matter of belief, which one seems most likely to you as a person. Hence you can't argue about logic in this particular case, as your making an assumption that isn't necessarily true or proved.


As someone who is a is strongly atheist, and often has discussion with people who are devout Christians (and also know a fair amount of science), there is no right answer because eventually it does come down to a belief. Many part of Christianity can be disproved but there are many as Scientists we simply don't know, and possibly will never know.

You're right there; I meant to say that because we don't know what made the universe to be like this is no reason to bring God in the equation. It's a god-of-the-gaps argument.
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Wow, this guy makes a shitload of sense!


Nice theory, buddy.


I am just loving this guy more and more everyday!

Also, The fish, I think something smells a bit fishy here. Your idea of Christianity is that of a religion that thinks its better than everyone else. We do not turn a blind eye to someone being racist, especially not Islam. It has often been described as Christianity with bits added on, and we are pleased they believe in something. Take my argument as a sick joke if you like, and take the mick like everyone else on this forum- just recognise it.

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I am just loving this guy more and more everyday!

Also, The fish, I think something smells a bit fishy here. Your idea of Christianity is that of a religion that thinks its better than everyone else. We do not turn a blind eye to someone being racist, especially not Islam. It has often been described as Christianity with bits added on, and we are pleased they believe in something. Take my argument as a sick joke if you like, and take the mick like everyone else on this forum- just recognise it.


It London is my point, you appear to be somewhere near Omsk...:laughing:

In response to your point, in all my experiance, no christians seem to responed if they hear something offensive about Islam or Judaism, unless in support of the offender. (this is an example-the opposite applies as well).

I never said that religious folk ignore racism, I said they ignore anti-religious stuff about other religions.

Oh, and if you think religion is the same as race, you are seriously confused, much like a lot of people on the planet are...

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