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contact lenses


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i don't like the idea of having to poke each of my eyes when i want to take them out or change them etc.


it just freaks me out :S


I at first didn't want contacts because of that (just the idea itself already freaked me out). But eventually my family convinced me and it actually really isn't weird or anything to be putting them in or taking them out. You barely feel anything, cause you're basically not even touching your eye.


*so glad she went for contacts really*

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i aint allowed to touch mine wheni take em out, their hard ones, so i cud snap them if i pinched them. I have to use my eyelid to pop them out, catch it on the sides of the contact and blink. Pull ya eyelid so it grabs then, hard blink, and pop. Weird stuff.

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i aint allowed to touch mine wheni take em out, their hard ones, so i cud snap them if i pinched them. I have to use my eyelid to pop them out, catch it on the sides of the contact and blink. Pull ya eyelid so it grabs then, hard blink, and pop. Weird stuff.



That's why I'd never wear them. (Yes I know I probably wouldn't have to have hard ones...)

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I use contacts sometimes but i find it too troublesome to wear them everyday because of the maintenance requirements (i use monthly ones).


Maintenance? I have monthly ones and all I do is put them in little holders with some liquid stuff every night. O.o


Also, I'd be pretty much blind (in my right eye) if I didn't wear them.

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When I first got my contact lenses, I found that they were a bitch to put in. Some days, it even took as long as half an hour to get them in, as it felt so strange actually putting things on your eyes. I used to get really frustrated, and would occassionally shout at myself in the mirror. Horrible words that I dare not utter here.


But, I stuck with it, and I really prefer wearing lenses to glasses. I need to get some new ones.

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Contact lenses are the shit if glasses make you look ugly.


What brand did you buy? I've always used Johnson&Johnson Acuvue 2, and they're extremely comfortable. Matter of fact, sometimes I forget I'm even wearing them.


Is it hard for you to take them out? You're either doing it wrong, or have fat fingers. All I do is lightly "pinch" them off my eye, and they come straight out.

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Maintenance? I have monthly ones and all I do is put them in little holders with some liquid stuff every night. O.o


Also, I'd be pretty much blind (in my right eye) if I didn't wear them.


Well, i'm just too lazy. :heh:


Actually i find it quite easy to put/remove them. It takes me no more than 10 seconds for each eye.

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I've got astigmatism, and I've got soft lenses. Never had hard ones, but I'd imagine they are less comfortable than soft ones...I spend the extra money to get them, and I can wear mine for about 20 hours before they start to get uncomfortable.


And you aren't really touching your eye, you touch the lens which touches your eye

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I've got astigmatism, and I've got soft lenses. Never had hard ones, but I'd imagine they are less comfortable than soft ones...I spend the extra money to get them, and I can wear mine for about 20 hours before they start to get uncomfortable.


And you aren't really touching your eye, you touch the lens which touches your eye


Do you mean 20 hours on end? Because I always get told not to wear my contacts for much longer than 12 hours if possible. I don't think I could even wear them for much longer, cause they get dry in the evening. Also have it that during a couple of days/a week during the month, my eyes get really dry cause of my hormones, which is annoying cause it makes my contacts less fun to wear then.

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Right, im getting into the swing of things now.


Just wondering, are lights meant to be kind of blurry?


Well I don't really know. I've always had the blurryness when looking at for example street lights. Sometimes just blurry, but more often that the lights have like, rays going everywhere or something. Not sure it's related to the contacts though, cause I think I had it already before I started wearing mine...

So but yeah, it might be normal, maybe.

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I went to get contacts today, iv got the hard ones (£120 per pair :nono: ), and they felt like shite, i cud barely get them out, and didnt really enjoy wearing them. I was sat in specsavers, tears running down my face, they make your eyes leak, its so annoying.


Does this stop soon? do you quickly adjust?

the hard ones hurt like hell. id go with soft ones cheaper and nicer.

unless youve got 1000 quid lying around then get some spun glass contacts they are cool.

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Do you mean 20 hours on end? Because I always get told not to wear my contacts for much longer than 12 hours if possible. I don't think I could even wear them for much longer, cause they get dry in the evening. Also have it that during a couple of days/a week during the month, my eyes get really dry cause of my hormones, which is annoying cause it makes my contacts less fun to wear then.



Yeah I mean 20 hours on end. It isn't recommended to wear them longer than 12 but sometimes it's necessary. I wear them every day from about 5am until 11pm ...sometimes longer if I go out after work. So that's why I have the brand proclear. They are kind of like the ones you can sleep with, but not quite as breathable so they are cheaper.

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I went to get contacts today, iv got the hard ones (£120 per pair :nono: ), and they felt like shite, i cud barely get them out, and didnt really enjoy wearing them. I was sat in specsavers, tears running down my face, they make your eyes leak, its so annoying.


Does this stop soon? do you quickly adjust?


I have got hard ones too. They are little and annyoing. Took me 2 weeks of non stop wear about to get used to them. Its a bitch how you cant sleep in them. Are they to flatten the cone shape on your eye?

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Sunglasses are a major selling point for contact lenses. People with vision deficiency can't wear sunglasses without wearing contact lenses first.


Not true...


I have a few pairs of prescription designer sunglasses. Not that I ever use them.

One thing I have found is my eyes have become more sensitive to UV light over the years whilst wearing contacts. Sometimes sunglasses are impossible to go without when then sun is out.


Hard lenses I only had one experience with many moons ago, they tended to be smaller (cornea sized) than soft lenses and as their name suggests made of a hardish plastic material.


Soft lenses are bigger and tend to cover the whole of the iris....they are mostly made up of water, this can be a problem they are more open to trapping infection if proper cleaning regimes are not adhered to.

(ie. Getting in pissed up and removing a lens then dropping it only to find it stuck to your foot or arse 1 hour later, then having to clean and rehydrate the thing.)


Dailies FTW for me :D

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I wear hard lenses and, yes, they hurt and irritate like hell the first week or so, but after that you will get used to them. I wear mine like.. 16-18 hours a day without any problems.


And yes, hard lenses are smaller than soft ones. They can not be bend and I take mine out with a.. erm.. I have no idea what it's called in English, sorry. But you put it on the lenses (while they're still in the eyes..) and pull it out. It's supposed to be rather nasty to look at. Heh.

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I wear coloured contacts. At first it took me hours to try and get them in but then I realised that there was a technique that one can do to make it a lot easier - not blinking haha. Erm..yeah at first my eyes use to go red easily and it would annoy me but now, after a few weeks I can't feel them at all and it takes a few seconds for me to get them in. Give it some time; you'll get use to it. :)

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a plunger? Where did you get it? I want one, annoying having to get them out using my eyelids lol.


Just wondering if contacts can fall out easy when playin footy?


My optician gave me two when I got my lenses.


I have only experienced this once. I picked in my eye (ish) and it fell out. Luckily, my sister found it again. But besides that I have no problems. Only thing is - they might disappear in your eye. Suddenly it can, like, move up behind your eyelid, which is rather irritating, however seldom this happens.


And btw, wanna add that I'm almost blind without 'em. I'm long-sighted with +11 on each eye. Oo That's rather much, although I'm not aware that you understand these numbers? This is how we measure "blindness" here, I have no idea whether this is international or not.

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