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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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Windwaker doesn't have a massive sexed up snow wookie hell bent on making magical healing soup!


The last battle in TP was pretty amazing.


Windwaker does have points for the sheer fact you have a clue WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, unlike TP had that factor in large, confusing, quantities.

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windwaker lacks widescreen so is DOOMED


Widescreen WW would be awesome.


Windwaker does have points for the sheer fact you have a clue WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, unlike TP had that factor in large, confusing, quantities.


Agree, the story-telling of TP was a little confusing at times. Especially the first few temples where the story was all over the place.

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Yeah sitting on a chair in Hyrule Castle while the population of Hyrule don't have any clue he's back certainly is ruling it like a true evil genius isn't it.


You want proper story-telling? OOT. THAT was a good Ganondorf storyline, not the cobbled together rubbish in TP.


He just got to Hyrule, the plan was to cover it in Twilight, I think the villagers that WERE KILLED in Kakariko were hint enough that something was going on. And the Deities or demi-Gods that were scattered too. The people in Hyrule Town didn't know, because Zelda struck a bargain with Zant to spare the town.

I think I prefer WW's Ganon story to OoT's. Well, it's not fair comparing them, since they're all linked.

I seriously can't see what the hell is wrong with TP's story it's much better told than any other Zelda, I was never confused or without knowing what's going on and it's more intricate.

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Widescreen WW would be awesome.


I would absolutely love a port of Wind Waker with:


- Widescreen

- Twilight Princess-like Wii Controls

- The cut dungeons put back in

- An extra sail (obtainable sometime after Tower of the Gods) which allows for better (and non-wind-dependant) movement on the water. Would make exploring/side quests a hell of a lot more fun.

- Having the PJs in the "second quest" optional - so you can fulfil the statue thing and still have Link's usual costume.


i won't belive the adult/child timeline theory unless shingsy himself confirms it


Eiji Aonuma confirmed the split timeline. TP is the sequel to Child OoT, Wind Waker the sequel to Adult OoT.

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they should also make us do something else to get the triforce and REMOVE a certain link wannabe COMPLETELY.


if there was a wii make it would obviously have widescreen but i don't really care as i don't have a widescreen tv and i don't want to fork over $150 to pay for the kit that has an adapter to hook a game console up to my powerbook.

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Eiji Aonuma confirmed the split timeline. TP is the sequel to Child OoT, Wind Waker the sequel to Adult OoT.


Really? I thought it was the other way around. As in, Wind Waker is the child timeline and TP is the adult. Would make more sense as far as I see, with the graphical styles. But then again I barely pay attention to all these timeline theories.

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Really? I thought it was the other way around. As in, Wind Waker is the child timeline and TP is the adult. Would make more sense as far as I see, with the graphical styles. But then again I barely pay attention to all these timeline theories.


Trust me, he's correct. Graphical styles has nothing to do with it, it makes complete sense from a story point of view, whereas it doesn't if you swap TP and WW around.


I'll post this again:



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Yeah I understand the whole story thing. But wouldn't it have made more sense to have the celshaded games as the child? I mean, wasn't the point of that style to give more expression to the child link? And TP was to be more grown up?


Weird way of doing things. But I do get why people put them that way, just not why Nintendo put them that way. If you know what I mean ^__^

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The best thing about Wind Waker is the way you can just watch the world. And because of the visual style you are almost used to it. It's like watching a cartoon afterall. When your in a realistic game you don't tend to take things in as much. How good was lighting a torch and seeing the light on the walls in cartoon form? And how AMAZING was the artistic talent on some of the characters. The HUGE red dragon bested any dragon Disney have drawn in years! Then look at dragons, torches in TP and OOT....The effect isn't there. WW is sublime as it consists of style over substance. TP is still a fantastically put together piece of entertainment. It's jigsaw like design is all the more imperssive due to the scope of the game. yet WW is immersive. It's in the same vein as Jet Set Radio and Parrappa The Rapper and Okami and Animal Crossing. You can watch the game and take part visually. I can't wait for Zelda DS. It' where the style will be wholy and truly more appreciated.

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Yeah I understand the whole story thing. But wouldn't it have made more sense to have the celshaded games as the child? I mean, wasn't the point of that style to give more expression to the child link? And TP was to be more grown up?


Weird way of doing things. But I do get why people put them that way, just not why Nintendo put them that way. If you know what I mean ^__^


But there are many different Links. OOT and MM is 1 link, WW and PH is another and TP is a standalone. Hence the styling makes sense.


And the purpose of cel shading was to give more expression "to Link", never mind how old he is.


The way I see it, each new Zelda styling is a different way of telling the legend.

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Let me throw my 2 cents:


Personally, I prefer Wind Waker over Twilight Princess.


I loved being able to set sail towards the unknown and finding islands, treasure, maps and other secrets as I explored The Great Sea. Whenever I tried doing that in Twilight Princess (mount Epona and explore Hyrule) I could barely find anything, whereas in Wind Waker there was at least one hidden treasure or a side-quest in nearly every island.


Twilight was rather weak in the side-quest department. The only rewards for Soul Hunting and Bug Catching were things connected with money, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong). The rest of the side-quests in that game were mini-games and that monster-filled cave in the desert.

In Wind waker, there were tons of little side-quests (Ex.: The Auction, the Koroks, the Giant Pig, Moe the moblin, etc.) that had worthy prizes and rewards like heart pieces and charts. Plus, the Figurine Gallery was awesome, even if there wasn't anything worth the trouble (other than the feeling of acomplishment).


With all these side-quests, Wind Waker felt like a complete world, even if there were only two or three towns in the game.

Twilight Princess felt like a barren world. There were also two or three towns in the game, but they weren't as active as the ones in Wind Waker.


Wind Waker was also better in the music and sound department. There were a lot of memorable tunes in Wind Waker.

In Twilight Princess, the music isn't memorable, but that is because its function is to give you the feeling that you're actually in those locations (Hope you know what I'm trying to say). The same thing happened in Metroid Prime. Still, there were a few memorable tunes in TP, mainly the Boss Themes.


Graphics-wise, I prefer an artistically beautiful game to one that has realistic visuals. Even if I love the character and monster design in both games, I love the art style in Wind Waker more.


In the Gameplay department, I must admit that the Twilight Princess items and battle system were better and more fun to use. I loved the battle techniques, as well as the "BeyBlade" and the Ball & Chain (even if there weren't many uses for them in the open field). I also thought that the Dungeons and Boss fights were better thought out than in Wind Waker. The Arbiter Grounds Boss remains as one of my All-Time favorites.

Twilight Princess was also longer than Wind Waker, but it felt shorter, since there was little to do besides the main quest.:heh:


Finally, Wind Waker's story was better explained and managed to hook me. Twilight Princess, not so much. (Plus, I prefer WW's Ganondorf over the TP one)



Wind Waker had the best overall game while Twilight Princess had the best main game (without side-quests).


Phew, this post turned out waaaay longer than expected.:heh:

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I don't feel anything in particular with the battle music, but the Earth God's Lyric is so epic, I love playing that one and Wind God's Aria, to me they impersonate perfectly the spirit of Wind Waker.


Reminds me why I love this game so much.

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my opinion would be that ww is a much better game than tp, why? well i'l be the first to admit i was sceptical when looking at ww visuals, and said out loud oh too many times 'why?'

But as soon as i actually picked up the controller and looked at the game properly, not just screens on the net and in magazines. After playing the magnificence that is ww, i had ridicuosly high hopes which were unfortunately left short, tp seemed too miss out on the zelda spirit of things, and after half way through the game the control scheme felt more like a gimmick than a proper control scheme.

And i longed to pick up a gc pad. the whole story felt drawn out, and pretty much unentertaining, the final battle was dreadful, it had no involvement about it, just two guys clashing swords in a middle of a field, the giant boar was my particular favourite of the end 4 bosses.

Yes the triforce part ww was really dissapointing for me, ww any day for myself, why? beauty, involvement, gameplay and just everything makes a beautifylly enthralling game.

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Yeah I understand the whole story thing. But wouldn't it have made more sense to have the celshaded games as the child? I mean, wasn't the point of that style to give more expression to the child link? And TP was to be more grown up?


Weird way of doing things. But I do get why people put them that way, just not why Nintendo put them that way. If you know what I mean ^__^


Remember the whole execution of Gannondorf part in TP? That was shown because Link never killed Gannondorf in the child timeline. It's also why the sages were different in TP - Link never turned them into sages. Wind Waker mentioned OoT's sages, because it follows the Adult timeline.

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It's true that the final clash with Ganondorf in TP was pretty crap really. Just two guys, who had met 10 minutes ago, fighting with swords in a field.


WW's Ganon battle at least had a bit of history to Ganon and you felt there was something at stake.

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