motion Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Wind Waker for me. - Visually gorgeous - More fun, more magic, more "Zelda" - Temples were great fun - Story was better - More polished than TP in some ways (controls being one) - 10 times more sidequests than TP - Windfall actually felt like a buzzing town compared to Kakariko and to some extent Castle Town And just generally I had more fun playing WW. TP's final 4 temples are too small, there's hardly anything to do in between mirror shard dungeons. The story loses focus with nothing really happening while you get the shards. No sense of danger in the slightest compared to the other games. People of Hyrule have no idea that there is a danger. If Wind Waker had those two missing temples (before Jabun, and then after Earth/Wind temples) and they worked on the ending a bit + maybe attached a mini dungeon to each triforce shard it would have been a masterpiece. But I still think it's better than TP.
Chris the great Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 i think both games are a bit easy, i didnt die in ww, i died a couple of times in tp, mostly learning wolfy fights, but the bosses are always too easy. but then, its not abotu ebing killed, its about the fight right? if i kept dying id quit eventualy. i think that tp needed more side quests, i had very few problems getting all the heart peices, the golden bugs bit is an ok chalenge, and i have to find a few more poes. i can see that taking a while.
Pancake Posted March 11, 2007 Posted March 11, 2007 I'm disappointed in both these games lack of side-quests. You might say Majora's Mask was king for side-quests, but personally i don't class the majority of them as side-quests because they all resulted in getting masks, which was a main objective in the game even if not all were essential. So OoT is still no.1 for side-quests. Back to the topic - TP is better than WW for me due to WW's obsessive sailing which was boring. Also, TP has made me feel more emotionally than WW did. So i'm going with TP. I don't think it's the Ultimate Zelda though - OoT still is as close as it's ever gotten.
Darkspine S Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Tough one, this, but I reckon WW is the slightly better Zelda, if only for the art style and the newness feel of it.
Cube Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Twilight Princess, but only just. If Nintendo decided to make a special edition of Wind Waker, with TP's controls (or even better, make the swings/thrusts dependant on how you move the Remote) and conbat system, and then reintegrate the 2 missing dungeons, then that would pust Wind Waker above TP. Not that it will happen.
blender Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Cube said: Twilight Princess, but only just. If Nintendo decided to make a special edition of Wind Waker, with TP's controls (or even better, make the swings/thrusts dependant on how you move the Remote) and conbat system, and then reintegrate the 2 missing dungeons, then that would pust Wind Waker above TP. Not that it will happen. nintendo always repackage old games and people are happy to rebuy them. Look at what the DS did with N64 back catelogue etc. I fully expect this to happen with a load of GC games.
jakeee Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 I think that Ganondorf of TWW was better than the one in TP. Ganondorf in TP was only an evil person who wanted to conquer the world etc. Ganondorf in TWW was more interesting. I actually felt sad when I had killed him. His final words ("The wind... it's blowing")... pure magic
darksnowman Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 Didnt he want to take over the world...? I could be wrong there, but I'm pretty sure he wasnt the bringer of peace and happiness. Take a look through your documentation of the Zelda series and have a look at what his motives became after the timeline divided in our beloved Ocarina of Time... here, wouldnt it have been funny if he wanted to flood the land?
motion Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 TP didn't take place in the Wind Waker timeline. And it would have been nice if the game had let us know what Ganon was actually doing there or if we saw any evidence of him wanting to take over the world.
darksnowman Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 Yeah I've read that it was the other timeline, but seeing as before TP came out we thought it'd be cool to have it cover the part where the land gets flooded, I thought I would throw that into the mix here again. Right, lets think. (Possible SPOILERS ahead for anyone who hasnt finished TP!!) What did Zant want? To take over the world/ make it all twilight... yeah? And Ganon was behind him in all of this, pulling the strings wasnt he? So, by destroying the worlds light etc with Zants power, Ganon was gonna rule over it all. I guess he figured that was better than being stuck wherever he had been stuck by the freaky looking mages. I know we didnt see Ganon galloping about the land on horseback, slaughtering the Hylians or enslaving them, or whatever you would have liked to have seen. But I'm fairly certain he had been plotting to do just that, and if it wasnt for that pesky Link character once again, old Ganon would have succeeded in wreaking eternal havoc.
motion Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 I hear what you're saying, it's just sad that Ganon had so much backstory in OOT and WW and in TP he just seemed to be thrown in at the last minute. Regarding the timeline theory, This is pretty much air-tight, the problem is where to put the other games...
Eddage Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 Well surely he wanted the same thing he wanted in OOT but with revenge added to the mix, seeing as he was sealed away before his plans had the chance to get into full flow. He saw Zant's lust for power of the Twilight Realm as a way to work his way back and exact revenge on those that had sealed him away and once again attempt to take control of Hyrule, etc.
darksnowman Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 "You hear what I'm saying"... thats as big a victory as anyone might ever get from you on the subject of Zelda! I dont pretend to be such a guru as you on the topic, though I love it just as much as you... and I do like a chin wag about it, so lets go on... Yeah, Ganon only got that little piece of backstory just after the Desert Dungeon, that was an extremely cool scene... but a few more would have been nice too. I just accepted that seeing as Ganon was in this particular Hyrule, with his force field set up around the castle that he was up to his old tricks once more. I woulda been happy enough if Zant had've been the final baddy, and had gotten a few scenes dedicated to himself and what his reign in the Twilight was like. But in a way its cool having that stuff left up to your imagination... however, I still wouldnt have minded some story points being fleshed out some more. Like, maybe a growing deterioration of Hyrule as you complete each level...? You wouldnt even have had to have seen Ganon... but now that you've got me on this train of thought, a scene showing Ganon enslaving half of them people in Castle Town who you couldnt speak to mightnt have gone a miss. With him standing towering over them and his henchmen (did he have any? He could use some sort of Twilight creatures anyway) whipping at the peoples and handcuffing them all together. All under a dark and rain filled afternoon sky. Something like that would have been cool, some of those quick cutscenes after levels left me wanting to see more. Though I did cherish what there was.
stev2604 Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 I've started playing through Wind Waker again, and I have to say I'm enjoying it a small bit more than Twilight Princess. I'm after getting all three pearls, but I can't remember where to find the song that teleports you, anyone care to refresh my memory?
Emasher Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 i won't belive the adult/child timeline theory unless shingsy himself confirms it i like this one The Timeline Shingaru Miyamoto has confirmed the first three in the timeline the others are just put in logical order or guessed. Quote 1) Ocarina of Time (world is born link saves it)2) The Legend of Zelda (link gains triforce of courage and saves zelda) 3) The Adventures Of Link (link saves zelda again) 4) Majoras Mask (first link leaves hyrule) 5) Twilight Princess (Hyrule and the shadow realm collide! link saves both worlds) 6) The Wind Waker (hyrule is flooded) 7) Phantom Hourglass (coming soon) 8) Links Awakening (link gets shipwreked) 9) A Link to the past (haven’t played) 10) The minish cap (elzo puts triforce of power in a hat, link creates four sword) 11) four swords adventures (haven’t played) 12) four swords (haven’t played) 13) Oracle Of Seasons (haven’t played) 14) Oracle of Ages (haven’t played) i used to think tp was the best but the last few days i've been thinking about it and i think now ww is really the best zelda (i didn't really like oot)
Eddage Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 That time line doesn't really make any sense though... Also Aonuma more or less confirmed the split time line theory (or it may have been Shigsy?) when he said something along the lines of "If you think about it Ocarina really had two endings, one in the future where Link defeated Ganon and one in the past where Link warned the King of Ganon's plans, so if you think about it the story can continue from two places". Obviously what he actually said isn't exactly that but its definitely the jist of it.
Goron_3 Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 stev2604 said: I've started playing through Wind Waker again, and I have to say I'm enjoying it a small bit more than Twilight Princess. I'm after getting all three pearls, but I can't remember where to find the song that teleports you, anyone care to refresh my memory? You need to be sucked in my a tornado, and then use the bow and arrow to attack the frog at the top of it. You get the bow and arrow in the tower of the gods, straight after you've done the 3 pearls business.
motion Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 Emasher said: i won't belive the adult/child timeline theory unless shingsy himself confirms it i like this one The Timeline Shingaru Miyamoto has confirmed the first three in the timeline the others are just put in logical order or guessed. That timeline of yours doesn't make sense whereas the one I posted at the top of this page is air-tight from a storyline point of view. And as Raw says, Aonuma confirmed the split timeline theory.
Hellfire Posted June 17, 2007 Posted June 17, 2007 Wasn't it obvious that Ganon used the Twili realm to gain power, so that he could return to Hyrule and rule it? He was banished because Link came to the past and warned the King about Ganon's plans, so now he wants to come back. And does.
motion Posted June 17, 2007 Posted June 17, 2007 Hellfire said: Wasn't it obvious that Ganon used the Twili realm to gain power, so that he could return to Hyrule and rule it? He was banished because Link came to the past and warned the King about Ganon's plans, so now he wants to come back. And does. Yeah sitting on a chair in Hyrule Castle while the population of Hyrule don't have any clue he's back certainly is ruling it like a true evil genius isn't it. You want proper story-telling? OOT. THAT was a good Ganondorf storyline, not the cobbled together rubbish in TP.
Shino Posted June 17, 2007 Posted June 17, 2007 Wind Waker. Being my favorite Zelda game, and probably my favorite game ever.
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