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Why am I still awake??


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I just can't seem to sleep tonight....


Here I am, in my bed for the past 4 hours arsing about on N-E and various others sites posting my thought and musings if the whim takes me.


So I pose a question to anyone else here tonight, why is it that some nights it is just plain IMPOSSIBLE to fall asleep??



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I havent played any Zelda in a few days! I'm a bit mad with myself, I'm so badly stuck I dont want to go near it for a little while!


I havent been up this late doing nothing for ages. Feels quite alien to me.


At this point, I'm looking at the clock thinking Ah sure, might as well stay awake until I get up



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It's because of 24 hour internet access. Try shutting your computer off at 11pm and reading a book.


I actually did stay up yesterday. It was about 4am, I really didn't want to sleep so I went back to my computer, stayed up til 8am, opened the curtains and turned on the light to fight the sleepiness. I even got up, ate, worked out, showered, in the end I fell asleep on my sofa. I managed to make it only a 3-4 hour nap though. When it reached about 10.30pm, I was so tired I managed to sleep through til 11am the next morning :)


So basically if you do force yourself to stay up, it's an effective way to reset your sleep-awake clock.

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Because I work nights my sleep pattern goes right down the piss pan.


When I get in from work I can never go straight to sleep so I lose an hour or two trying to make myself go to sleep. By the time I fall asleep I don't want to sleep and miss the day so sometimes I get up around 2. Its never enough sleep so I find I eat something and go back to bed. So I'm ready for work again.


The worst is Saturdays, I work thursday and friday nights, so when it gets to saturday morning I'm usually shattered. To make it worse I sometimes go to Arsenal matches, so its five hours kip and a lucozade to keep me going through the day. On top of the lack of sleep I've already accumulated over the past two days. When it gets to my days off I just want to sleep. Like yesterday I didn't get up until 3 in the afternoon.

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I've just recently managed to get myself into a good sleeping pattern. After weeks of going to sleep at 5/6 am and getting up at 3pm I stayed awake through a night and went to sleep at 11pm. Well that actually didn't work because I woke up at 1pm and didn't go to sleep again until 5 hehe, but then randomly a few days later I just felt tired at 11:30 so went to sleep and got up at 8am :D


I wonder how long it will last... Usually I just stay up listening to all my music.

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It's cool, you get to do so much without interruption. Playing Zelda at night is really, really awesome.

Depends how loud you normally do those things, I have to restrict myself somewhat. As for Zelda, until I found out how to turn the Wiimote down mummy was kept awake by the sword unsheathing and secret jingle which eminated from it.


Past couple of nights I've found myself constantly awake. Normally a good secondary wank sorts it out. But even that's not helping much at the moment. I'm finding it better to have a few beers beforehand.

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I went to bed around one. Feel asleep sometime after 3.30 (as I got a text around then and was still awake before I got it). Alarm went off at 6am to wake up. Turned alarm off, went back to sleep by mistake. Although running on four-five hours sleep per night isn't really a good idea.

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Haha, good plan.. My sleeping pattern has been crazy since New Years Eve, I stayed up all night and didn't end up sleeping until about 3am the following night, so the past few days I've been sleeping from about 5am till 2 or 3pm. I keep trying to get up early to break the cycle, but I keep ignoring the alarm :D

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I've commandeered a bottle of wine for tonight. Internal clock realignment in operation.


Hmm the wine could be a good idea. It has the dual effect of making me sleep and wakes me up early as my body is on potential alchol illness watch. The only thing is I could happily listen to "everything in its right place" while watching media player graphics for quite a long time if I got to drunk.

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I always used to think when I watched the Pokemon cartoons that I would love a Bulbasaur so he could just do that sleep attack on me and then wake me up a bit later. I would love it if I could get my sleep patterns down to the second. Although I can kind of tell my body when to wake up its a bit odd.

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I haven't slept for about a day and a half now.

Don't know why, I just feel so tired during the day then night comes along and I'm wide awake. Sleeping during the day is a no go seeing as I have college coming up soon and need to regain my sleeping pattern.


Now I have my gamecube in my bedroom there is too much temptation to just power it up.


Last night I watched saints and soldiers, master and commander, played killer7 and some splinter cell PT.

That reminds me, does anybody get really irritating whirring noises when splinter cell is running? Like its reading the cd in overdrive mode or something.

Ah well, might just fall asleep now before I lose the incentive.

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Depends how loud you normally do those things, I have to restrict myself somewhat. As for Zelda, until I found out how to turn the Wiimote down mummy was kept awake by the sword unsheathing and secret jingle which eminated from it.



I've got teh Wii in the living room downstairs, and I think I keep the volume relatively low.


My Family have dubbed me "the owl" as I'm always up at god knows what time. My Mum has come down about twice this week at 5-ish and I've been playing Zelda. She made me a cuppa tea and just watched for a bit then went back to bed.

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