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What do you do (if anything), to keep in good shape? I've made myself a kinda regime that i stick to, which involves cardiovascular activities and dumbell work, excersises. I was wondering if anyone else sets themselves targets or what you do to keep fit?

Sailing at school... :heh:


So nothing.

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i usually do a lap around my local park which is about half a mile twice a week, i am nakered after it though as i'm not that fit really. Do variety of push ups techniques every other day etc and use dumbells and thats it. Am a little over weight but am a larger build anyways so you cant really tell... should do more really but cant be arsed =-/ keep weight in line from watching calories etc rather than exercise

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Sit ups and push ups every 2 or 3 days. I try to go to the gym as often as I can, which consists of 15 minutes on a treadmill, 10 minutes on a rowing machine, and weight machines for the rest of the time.


Otherwise no, apart from walking my dog, usually an hour on every day I'm not in school or doing something big, 20 minutes in the field out back.

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I do both every day, and usuall 30 slow full press ups (in one go of course) and about 100 slow crunch sit ups. Just do what you feel is doing the best for your muscles without going too extreme.


I usually do 50 pushups and then sets of 20 crunches with a 5 second hold. Works quite well for me. Anyone know any good techniques to build lower and upper pectorals. I have dumbells but need to persuade parents to allow me to get weight bench from uncle. Any excersises that dont require weights apart from dips?

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I used to walk alot, but now i only walk my dog a mile a day or so. I always do alot of Wii boxing too, but apart from that i don't do much.

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You'd be best going to your local club if you ever want to learn properly, I did for 2 years.

Agreed. If you ever want to do it seriously you need feedback from someone who knows what they're doing. Anyone can learn stuff like footing and the four basic punches but you need to learn about warming up and cooling down, openings and punishment, correct weight transfer yadda yadda. I never went to practice properly myself though, I just had a mate who told me a few things and I enjoyed using it to work out and I guess as stress relief too. Also I don't do it much anymore, in fact I've got quite lazy in the last couple years argwq0.gif

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During school time I have a period of PE everyday so I find that really good. I also play football at lunch time for 30 mins or so depending on the weather. Outside school I try to play tennis a few times a week, I play in the school badminton club once a week after school. I also walk to school and back every day, although its only 10 mins, its quite nice to get some fresh air.


I was playing indoor 5-a-side with my brothers old friends from school today and was completely knackered after about 45 minutes, haven't had much excersize over the last 2 weeks as its been the holidays and I was ill for the week beforehand.


Edit - I've just started playing squash when my PE class goes to the local sport center once a week, I really like it and I might be playing with a friend who's quite good at it some time. The thing is, I don't have a racket and can't afford one at the moment.

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During school time I have a period of PE everyday so I find that really good. I also play football at lunch time for 30 mins or so depending on the weather. Outside school I try to play tennis a few times a week, I play in the school badminton club once a week after school. I also walk to school and back every day, although its only 10 mins, its quite nice to get some fresh air.


I was playing indoor 5-a-side with my brothers old friends from school today and was completely knackered after about 45 minutes, haven't had much excersize over the last 2 weeks as its been the holidays and I was ill for the week beforehand.


Edit - I've just started playing squash when my PE class goes to the local sport center once a week, I really like it and I might be playing with a friend who's quite good at it some time. The thing is, I don't have a racket and can't afford one at the moment.


Go to sportsworld, they have 75% of squash rackets, you could get a 7.50 (30.00) Wilson as they are good for beginners and alright quality.

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Guest Stefkov

I got an age of 21 on the wii fitness test, does that make me fit?


aprt from nothing, i dont do anything to keep fit. The odd walk, a bit of work, heaving a box of 16 bottles of Obolon up some stairs, then more drinks back up. Then on other occasion take about 5 case of lucozae down these said stairs, also some wine.

I carry lots of drinks down stairs.

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This topic makes me feel so unfit. As I'm one of those people who can eat alot but never gets wider than a rake, I don't do alot to keep fit. I bought some dumbells a few years ago and used to lift them every day(just bicep and tricep excercises standing, sometimes shoulder stuff). I got lazy though, and don't do so much anymore.

Earlier this year whilst procrastinating an essay, I bought an inflatable punchbag, and used to use it quite alot. Given that it's inflatable it doesn't take a punch too well(bouncing away), and it's noisy, I don't use it much anymore either.

I'm quite keen to take up a martial art, preferably karate as I did it when I was younger, but alas, I'm too lazy to find somewhere that teaches it well and for a good price, also too lazy to find the time. All in all, I'm fairly lazy, and so I'm not very fit at all.

I mean to join a gym, the problem is that I'm just too lazy and unmotivated to find out about these things. My uni has a gym that's £15 a month, but I haven't found out much about it. I've never been a member of a gym before, I guess I'm kind of embarrassed of making a tit of myself, or looking weedy, I dunno.

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I play football twice a week. Play 4 hours + golf a week. 1 Fitness session a week.

I have dumbells but i can never be bothered to doing. I guess PE helps a bit too, twice a week.


I wonder how many people have started to do some sit-ups or press ups in their room now they have read about it in this thread.

(I for one am going to do a little session)

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