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My Christmas Miracle


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Fierce_Link you rock my forum based world. I feel sad that you had to suffer so much over what is meant to be a happy period of the year, but I am filled with joy that everything has turned out for the best and that you and your family are together as is meant to be. Enjoy the good times. Go go Christmas happiness :bouncy:

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Wow. O_O


Anyway, why WAS he held at gunpoint? I want to know what exactly happened to him.


One question, when he was stuck in worcester why did he not go to the police instead of making his own way home... they could have contacted you straight away and could have took him home.


Yeah, why didn't he? I'm sure they would've driven him home.

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glad things turned out ok matey..hope you aving a good xmas


on a curious note where to in newport did this happen?


At the side of our house, in Eton Road. Then again, Maindee has never been safe, has it? :heh:


Wow. O_O


Anyway, why WAS he held at gunpoint? I want to know what exactly happened to him.




Yeah, why didn't he? I'm sure they would've driven him home.


Yeah, but he had a hard enough time explaining the whole thing to the police when he got home. He was tired, hungry, and traumatised. I think he just wanted to get home as quickly as he could.

When he got home, he said he didn't ring cos he was too scared to. I think he was afraid we'd be angry at him or something, because he hadn't come home in the last few days.


He's had his mates around today, so they've been chatting to him and hopefully he'll be alright in time.

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There are a lot of bastards in this world, its a shame your family got caught up in it.


I hope you get to the bottom of this and put it behind you. Then have a good Christmas Flinky. Best wishes to you dude!


Unfortunately, too right, there are a lot of bastards in this world. I do have to wonder what gives some people pleasure in wrecking someone elses life. Glad everythings turned out ok mate.


How old is he btw?

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Unfortunately, too right, there are a lot of bastards in this world. I do have to wonder what gives some people pleasure in wrecking someone elses life. Glad everythings turned out ok mate.


How old is he btw?


He's 18 years old.


Well, the good thing is, he hasn't been physically harmed in any way. He appears to be alright too mentally, but only he knows what's going on in his head. It could have been much, much worse. So, thank god it isn't.

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