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Childhood Photos and Such.

The Bard

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I was looking through some photographs today and it brought back some memories...blah blah, nostalgic story. The point it, I thought it'd be fun if yall posted pictures of yourselves as kids...sort of as a through the years compilation if you like...


anyway, here you go:


A child will be born...On the sixth month...in the sixth hour...:heh:, my mum used to put me in a basket to make sure I didn't break her shit in my violent rampages...I look like an idiot there...as in all photographs :hmm:




This is a pretty vivid memory, I remember this was my sis' er...third? birthday, and we had only just moved to England...that cherry cake was gorgeous...anyway, this is at midnight I think...I sprained my ankle at the party




This is my sis looking adorable :heh:




and again :heh:




This is us in America...wierdly enough, whenever we go anywhere, we always end up taking photos of ourselves and nothing of any significant landmarks...lol, it's pretty boring tbh...I was such a stud back then though :heh:




Me and my uncle outside our old house in London...it was crappy but it had more personality than anywhere else that comes to mind...




and thats my rather tedious childhood...


I'll post more interesting photos when I can find them...these were the only ones on my comp...


now lets see yours :)...

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Man, why am I contributing to this comedy scrapbook?


Here's a picture I've shared with very few of you - it's part of a photo taken of me and my two brothers and sister many moons ago.


My parents used to have a scary fetish for dressing us three boys in the same clothes as kids and although back then I was fairly convinced it was as stated, I'm pretty sure the ORIGINAL SONIC WEAR seen was probably purchased at a local arab market stool.




Worryingly, there are also lots of pictures of me naked which I won't be digging out and scanning.


Those are my treasures.

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Haha, you look pretty much the same :D


My parents used to do the same thing, dress us up in pretty embarassing shit and have photos taken of us...infact, most of them are diplayed around the house...I really should take them down and save myself further embarrassment for when my mates come round...


Worryingly, there are also lots of pictures of me naked which I won't be digging out and scanning.


Those are my treasures.


Just a lil peek..? No?

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Man, why am I contributing to this comedy scrapbook?


Here's a picture I've shared with very few of you - it's part of a photo taken of me and my two brothers and sister many moons ago.


My parents used to have a scary fetish for dressing us three boys in the same clothes as kids and although back then I was fairly convinced it was as stated, I'm pretty sure the ORIGINAL SONIC WEAR seen was probably purchased at a local arab market stool.




Worryingly, there are also lots of pictures of me naked which I won't be digging out and scanning.


Those are my treasures.


God, you havent changed one bit.

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Yuy, pictures!

I guess I got some.


Baby pic of me, somewhere on a beach, enjoying the sun apparently.



Me "helping" with the laundry outside at our old house.



Eating cake at a Christmas party thingie from our family (mom's side). Fun stuff and yummy food.



Heh, we used to have so much fun with these things. Look how cute my younger sister looks. And maybe kinda scared too or something.



We were on vacation in the Netherlands here I think. Eating an apple. Me in the back, my two sisters sitting in front of me.



And last one (sorry for all of these =P ): again at some beach (Netherlands still I think). Sticking out our tongues. Fun to do. :p




It's fun to see pics of people here, especially when you've already seen recent pics of them. Fun to compare. =3

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Hmm Why not:


Heres me (on the left) pulling some wierd smile thing at nursery, with a guy named David on the right... we met again in secondary school not knowing who each other was, now were friends again, which is kinda wierd.




And heres me now, was taken the other day:



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Here's the only picture I have of me handy, it's not the best quality. I'm with my parents with my guitar I got for christmas.




I really loved that guitar even though I couldn't play it, and had to hold it upside down because I'm left handed. Not too long after I got it my brother sat on it and it broke it though.

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I really loved that guitar even though I couldn't play it, and had to hold it upside down because I'm left handed. Not too long after I got it my brother sat on it and it broke it though.


What sort of parents get their left-handed kid a right-handed guitar knowing full well she won't be able to play it.


Tragic. A deprived child.


There arent any photos of me when i was small. No digital camers.

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