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Trauma Centre: Second Opinion


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I am. At first I was unsure because it was a pretty fast update for a game only released not so long ago. Now though by the sounds of things, it sounds like it's worth it. There's news going around that it is out at the end of January. I hope it is as I can't wait for it. Trauma on the DS was a very good game (I reviewed it for N-E) and I need more of it.

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I've been wondering what's happening with this as it's gone very quiet and it doesn't seem to be listed in lots of release lists I've seen. Really looking forward to it as played it briefly on the DS and loved it. I wish we could get some confirmation of a date though.

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I've been wondering what's happening with this as it's gone very quiet and it doesn't seem to be listed in lots of release lists I've seen. Really looking forward to it as played it briefly on the DS and loved it. I wish we could get some confirmation of a date though.
yeah it's worrying me, I mean, I sure expect that NoE makes up for the fact that the frickin console is region locked, meaning I can't import the game (otherwise I'd have imported it by now) thus, they have to provide the to us, I'm not accepting stuff like Baten Kaitos Origins here.


If they're gonna behave like that... just take the region lock out of the console or those games altogether, since NoE or Atlus are clearly not dealing with it as they should.

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so the best wii games are a gamecube port and now a ds port. Bet 3rd place will go to super mario world on the VC.. shame on the wii.


I've had a similar view all along... Said the exact same things but in a different way...


What do you think Atlus's next game will be on Wii, Snowboard Kids Wii?

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I've had a similar view all along... Said the exact same things but in a different way...


What do you think Atlus's next game will be on Wii, Snowboard Kids Wii?


I said already that I'd like to see it make the leap to (Europe and) DS, though I'd sure like to see em put it on the Wii... what about a game in the flavour of Yygdra Union? If they somehow got it out soonish, then it could tide us over until Fire Emblem Wii should be unleashed. :hehe:

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yeah it's worrying me, I mean, I sure expect that NoE makes up for the fact that the frickin console is region locked


Sigh... people should understand that NoE has NOTHING to do with 3rd party releases. But I'm not honestly surprised that Atlus has problems with localizing the game. Though Atlus it is prestigious company, it has rather limited resources and manpower, and has been close to bankcrupt at least twice during last few years.

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Sigh... people should understand that NoE has NOTHING to do with 3rd party releases. But I'm not honestly surprised that Atlus has problems with localizing the game. Though Atlus it is prestigious company, it has rather limited resources and manpower, and has been close to bankcrupt at least twice during last few years.
I know, but Nintendo should secure those, or simply let us import.


Nintendo localizes a lot of other games, they localized, Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos for example, they should just offer help to atlus, that I understand is not that big, but they have a good relationship with Nintendo, after all they even published Cubivore.


It's entirely NoE's responsability for Excite Truck though, why aren't we getting it at launch? I mean if they region locked us they ought to do a good job. that's my point.

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To my knowledge, Atlus doesn't publish its own games in Europe.


Atlus sells their games publishing rights to highest bidder in Europe.


It's entirely NoE's responsability for Excite Truck though, why aren't we getting it at launch? I mean if they region locked us they ought to do a good job. that's my point.


That was most clearly strategic choice, nothing else. Yanks in the other hand are complaining that they didn't get Wii Play.

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Atlus sells their games publishing rights to highest bidder in Europe.




That was most clearly strategic choice, nothing else. Yanks in the other hand are complaining that they didn't get Wii Play.

I figured as much, seeing as Excite Truck is not difficult to translate. Maybe it was in order to give some breathing space to Ubi's own Monster 4x4 game. But still... if they're going to region lock us, they ought to do a good job, and that for me includes, if Trauma Center and Pangya have no date or aren't coming at all... NoE should do all it can to step in and guarantee us the choice. Since if the Wii wasn't region locked... we probably would have imported by now.


Just my opinion of course.

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