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Looks genuinely good. I absolutely adored the game, so hopefully this will at least follow the story slightly. I was impressed that they've kept it English rather than Americanise it, but I agree that there was something wrong with the woman's lines, they seemed... a bit too perfect, they sounded fake. Not what you want from a film. Still, high hopes for that.

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Don't see how it's a rip-off a Harry Potter rather than just ANOTHER "average teen boy discovers unbelievable power/responsibilities coincidentally occuring at the same time as a cataclysmic event that only with his help can he stop".


Oh. A bit like it then. But then it reeks of shit like Darren Shan, the Vampire's Receptionist and The Spiderweb Chronicles or whatever.

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It actually wasn't. But kinda applies now that you mention it. :p


But then I might also have hypcritically chastised you had you used Greek mythology, saying it was "cliched". So yeah. But then, less so, cause at least with Greek Myth, there's an established kinda knowledge of gods and mystical power and stuff, rather than it just "being there".

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