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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Yeah, I did a Level 49 Grotto yesterday (not boasting!) The Darkonium Slimes are a nuisance, as are the "Ox" type enemies (maybe they are Octagoons, I can't remember?) The Level 49 Grotto was a bit too stiff for me, but I got down to the last floor and just had a look at the boss. He was one I'd beaten before without any trouble, but I wondered if this was a more difficult version. It wasn't - he was easy and I beat him (which was a relief after all that). In fact, it was out of proportion with the other enemies in the Grotto.


The funny thing is, I'd done a lower-level Grotto with a much more difficult boss:




I must admit, I don't really "get" this Grotto business. There's a lot of "back and forth" about it. Surely it would make more sense if you beat one and then got access to the next one and the next boss?


The Level 49 Grotto I did had groups of three Liquid Metal Slimes, which felt a bit weak for this point in the game, and if my characters were weak enough to really need the Liquid Metal Slimes, they wouldn't be strong enough to get to the floor with them on anyway.


I've still yet to see a Metal King Slime...

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I'm back to DQV right now though, IX has made the other main series games seem very bloody hard. IX was perhaps too easy.


That's odd, I thought IV and V were much easier. There seemed to be less tactics - you just get yourself up to level 40-50 and take on the final boss, maybe debuff it whenever it casts Kabuff (or such), but that's about it. That's not to say I don't like them, because V in particular had loads more charm than IX.


So, what is everyone doing in IX at the moment? I did the Level 40 Thief Quest (thanks LegendDK) and yes, it had a great reward. I haven't tried any Grottoes since the Level 49 one because I want better stats, so I'm levelling-up everyone to about level 41 in each class. Am I the only one who doing this? It's nice to max-out Focus, Enlightenment and Virtue, to name three.

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Been doing some grottoes trying to get some better ones. Think the highest I've done is 38.

My Hero (Minstrel) and Warrior are nearing level 60 and my Thief/Ranger and Sage are oth are level 40 due to swapping their vocations a few times.


Also beat my first legacy boss yesterday, much fun.

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Done most of the available quests (barring some lvl40 job, skill100 weapon and "get item from certain grotto" quests).


Just annoyed that the wifi quests don't come out quicker. I think they should be coming out twice as fast. With the slow rate release of wifi quests and the ridiculous "get 30 tags" thing, I believe the game needed customizing more for its english release. The tag thing is next to impossoble unless you know someone with a "certain device" that you can get lots of different save file for. As for extra quests, it's going to be like a year before they're all released, and since alot continue the story on...


Anyway, i just made 2 of the Erdrick equipment. Sword/helmet. Just doing grottoes with my bro. Can't seeing it being long before my bro gets bored and I lose my wifi partner. Then I'll probably just play Fridays when new quests come out.


On that note, my wifi dongle sucks. How many times dop I have to uninstall/reinstall it?! Why does it st6op working everytime after I use it? I can't even install it now..

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I Reached Lv. 99 with my main character yesterday, so I decided to revocate...


...All the way back to Lv. 1!


The gift you receive is pretty damn funny though, I wasn't expecting cross-dressing to feature in this game. :laughing:


It's also funny that it won't let you wear some of the more revealing outfits. I wonder if that's the case for the Japanese version too...? Somehow I doubt it. :heh:

Anyone had any luck with tag-mode yet? I understand that canvassing a certain number of guests unlocks additional areas of the INN, it's going to be a real shame to miss out on that due to the lack of tag-mode activity over here. :(


I think the 3DS's system for tag-mode should improve the situation, as part of the problem is probably the hassle involved with setting it up. But yeah, that doesn't really help DQIX. ::shrug:

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I Reached Lv. 99 with my main character yesterday, so I decided to revocate...


...All the way back to Lv. 1!


The gift you receive is pretty damn funny though, I wasn't expecting cross-dressing to feature in this game. :laughing:


It's also funny that it won't let you wear some of the more revealing outfits. I wonder if that's the case for the Japanese version too...? Somehow I doubt it. :heh:


Whoa, whoa, whoa! What outfits are these? Some outfits are class- and gender-specific, but I've yet to get anything that no-one could wear. My female can wear the Sizzling Bikini in every class I've tried her with, but I'll be annoyed if there are ones that no-one can wear!


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The music industry is the worst.


Don't worry too much. It was a Rick Astley "treat" to inspire ReZ.

: peace:



I Reached Lv. 99 with my main character yesterday, so I decided to revocate...


...All the way back to Lv. 1!


The gift you receive is pretty damn funny though, I wasn't expecting cross-dressing to feature in this game. :laughing:


It's also funny that it won't let you wear some of the more revealing outfits. I wonder if that's the case for the Japanese version too...? Somehow I doubt it. :heh:

Anyone had any luck with tag-mode yet? I understand that canvassing a certain number of guests unlocks additional areas of the INN, it's going to be a real shame to miss out on that due to the lack of tag-mode activity over here. :(


I think the 3DS's system for tag-mode should improve the situation, as part of the problem is probably the hassle involved with setting it up. But yeah, that doesn't really help DQIX. ::shrug:


You've revocated already? You're putting me to shame here! I've tried tag mode a few times actually but with no success. I'm holding out a glimmer of hope that something might happen with it when the schools go back.



Grazza, something something sizzling bikini... is that via alchemy?

Edited by darksnowman
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Don't worry too much. It was a Rick Astley "treat" to inspire ReZ.

: peace:


And fantastic it was too. ;)


Sizzling bikini you say... is that via alchemy?


Yep, it's well worth making:


Hot Bikini Top = Dangerous Bikini Top + Seashell x3 + Crimson Coral x2

Sizzling Bikini Top = Hot Bikini Top + Technicolor Dreamcloth + Astral Plume x2


Hot Bikini Bottoms = Dangerous Midriff Wrap + Seashell x3 + Crimson Coral x3

Sizzling Bikini Bottoms = Hot Bikini Bottoms + Technolor Dreamcloth + Astral Plume x2


Perv. ;)

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Could someone explain to me what 'revocating' is please?


When you get to level 99 with a character in any vocation, you can reset them to level 1, keeping all their skill points. Apparently, this eventually allows you to make better armour and makes better enemies appear.


Having completed all the post-game content in DQVIII before level 65 (and that was with Metal King Slimes), I'd never have dreamed of getting to level 99, and I wonder how it's even possible.

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Having completed all the post-game content in DQVIII before level 65 (and that was with Metal King Slimes), I'd never have dreamed of getting to level 99, and I wonder how it's even possible.


I got my characters up the 90 - 99 stage in DQIV. Only RPG where I maxed the levels.


New guest, Ashlynn from DQVI is available since yesterday.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa! What outfits are these? Some outfits are class- and gender-specific, but I've yet to get anything that no-one could wear. My female can wear the Sizzling Bikini in every class I've tried her with, but I'll be annoyed if there are ones that no-one can wear!

Nah, it's a special item you can equip (received for revocating as a minstrel) that let's you wear clothes/accessories designed for the opposite sex.

But when you go to wear things like a bikini etc... as a male character, a message pops up saying that you "can't get away with that" :heh:

Likewise, I tried making my female thief wear one of the male specific tops (forgotten what it's called, but it basically reveals the front of a characters chest) and it didn't let her wear it, for obvious reasons. :laughing:


I've got a feeling you get different special items for all of the various vocations, should find out soon though as my martial artist is up to Lv. 95 now, so not long to go until I revocate him too. :cool:


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So yesterday i got the Sterling's Whistle. However, i cant find any exiting places to go. I have heard rumours of a "Slime Hill", anyone know where that is located?`


It's probably referring to the cave near Angel Falls that you can only access via the Celestial Express. The bit of grass outside it is teaming with slimes, including metal ones.

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So yesterday i got the Sterling's Whistle. However, i cant find any exiting places to go.


Look for high places, especially with huts, wells or caves that you couldn't access before. Also looks for islands that couldn't be accessed by boat because they're surrounded by rocks.


The most exciting bit (although it's not really) is probably the tower at the north of the north-west island.

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Thanks. Looks like i already visited the good places. Didn't even notice the amount of slimes lol. But what's with that Santa's house up NE? Is there anyway i can get him, or whoever lives there, back home?


The whole snowy area is full of mysteries I'm hoping will be addressed at with DLC at some point. I want to know what all the footprints in the snow are for. I was expecting to stumble across Bigfoot...

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