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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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2: ocarina of time was a masterpiece i loved the ocarina flute, the gerudos , Sheik , in game music almost everything , too bad they did not used the ocarina flute in Twilight princes that is what made link more special or the special powers he had in here Dins Fire , farores wind , and Nayru's love.


Ocarina of Time was only for warping to new areas, open doors and moving blocks.


Dins Fire, Farores wind & Nayru's love was not really need in the game.



4: wind waker , mmh it whas oke but not really like the others , he wasn't even the real chosen hero he just was asigned by the king of Hyrule to save the last of hyrule and that you have to find the fragments of the triforce of courage , when you played the game twice the hyrulian language will change in english , then you will read wat that big fish had to say he said he is not the chosen hero but he has a lot of strong courage in him


so in my ears it was just some kind of Zelda filler like you had with naruto Fillers but it was a great game i have to admit


What of course WW Link is a hero, just because he wasnt the legendary hero that KoRL was looking for you at the start of the game.

Near the end of the game the KoRL says:


King of Red Lions: Well done, Link. You must show the Triforce piece you have

assembled to the gods.

(Link shows the Triforce of Courage.)

(The yellow portal to Hyrule opens.)

(The Triforce of Courage appears on Link's hand.)

King of Red Lions: Oh! What is this? There, on your hand- the Triforce piece

now dwells within you! It is the Triforce of Courage- proof that you are indeed

the true hero. You have controlled the wind and crossed the seas, and here,

near the end of your quest, the power of the gods has been bestowed upon you...

Surely from this moment on, you shall be known as the Hero of Winds... Link!

Hero of Winds! Go forth! To Hyrule! To Zelda's side!

(King of Red Lions and Link enter the yellow portal.)

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Firstly, of course Link in WW was a chosen hero, he was the Hero of Winds as seen by 1. The King of the Red Lions words 2. The triforce on his hand!


I just don't think 2D and 3D Zeldas can be compared fairly. It'd be like comparing a magazine and a book.

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Well... But with adding the 3rd dimensions puzzles a.s.o. have much more possiblities a.s.o.

I also don't think they can be compared truely fairly.

Of course, you can compare them, but probably not fairly...

After all: e.g. If Twilight Princess would not have been 3D you would not have awaited such puzzles a.s.o. but different kind of puzzles...

You are missing the third dimension that's it...


But also I don't think I really can compare OoT to other Zelda games (after all OoT was the first Zelda game I played - didn't bought Zelda for SNES) and had a damn hard time that time (I was younger so it was harder and also I was not used to that kind of games)...

But if you ask me: Twilight Princess it the best one (at least from the 3D Zeldas).

OK: At the end it was a bit rushed (so it could have been even better) but after all the story and gameplay I found had been the best so far... Especially the story was really good and especially much better integrated into the game experience then before (not only because of Midna but also because of her)... And also with the Wii you really had a nice controlling scheme (although I think it could be even better - maybe for the real Wii Zelda)


Wind-Waker was a great game too, if the Triforce collection thing wouldn't have been at the end... That part was just annoying...


Also: I think the 3D Zeldas are all better then the 2D counter parts because especially the 3rd dimension adds more possibilites to puzzles a.s.o. If you would compare them, as I already said if you ask me: you can't do that fairly...


So my order would probably be:

1.) Twilight Princess

2.) OoT (you know my first Zelda game after all)

3.) I believe MM (but not sure if I didn't like TWW more but if I don't remember probably not :) )

4.) TWW (because of the Triforce collection journey at the end)


P.S.: Does anybody know why http://www.thehylia.com is not working currently (17th January 2007 00:49am)?



Added some things...

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With 3D you have more possibilities? I don't really go with you in that one... Let's be honest: the uzzles we're seeying in Twilight princess are mostly copies of ones in Ocarina of Time, majora's Mask and the Wind Waker. noithing original, and even those are all copied from Ocarina of Time. Don't forget only three real 2D-Zelda's were made, and those had chance to be original. They explored the possibilities of 2D and after the flip from 2D to 3D somethings have changed. You can't do those top-view block puzzles anymore with pushing blocks that way so you can push different ones. I really think you can compare them, for God's sake - why not? It's because your nostalgia doesn't allow you. Compare 2 and 3 dimensions and you still have great games, but in the end it's the gameplay that counts, and let's admit it, in GamePlay they have always excelled. Over the years more buttons came avaibe, yes, but that isn't something to talk about. Talk about how the control scheme was to be compared with those-days controllers.

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Then lets say you differenet possibilities... Top-View Block Puzzles... There you have it also: Just copies from older Zeldas more or less...

You can compare them. It is always possible but still they are too different to really compare them... If it would be a RTS game I would say you can compare them without troubles because after all gameplay still is nearly the same BUT we are talking of an adventure game... Here I think the thing looks a bit different...

And even if: Only ALttP would be worth getting into the list with 3D Zeldas (as point 5 in my list).

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Then lets say you differenet possibilities... Top-View Block Puzzles... There you have it also: Just copies from older Zeldas more or less...

You can compare them. It is always possible but still they are too different to really compare them... If it would be a RTS game I would say you can compare them without troubles because after all gameplay still is nearly the same BUT we are talking of an adventure game... Here I think the thing looks a bit different...

And even if: Only ALttP would be worth getting into the list with 3D Zeldas (as point 5 in my list).


That one is, but Zelda 1 not? Sorry, but I don't get it. Yes, you can compare them. Adventure is still adventure, just like platform is still platform and RTS is still RTS. The gameplay is just the same as ever before. Don't talk to me about the difference. Yes, there is difference in, say, puzzles, but there was also difference in puzzles in Zelda: A Link to the Past and Zelda: The Minish Cap.


Subnote: Why does A Link to the Past always start out in Link's house or the sanctuary, even though you're in a dungeon? Not nice, Nintendo. Sob.

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Havn't played this for about 2 weeks now, got to the 7 hour mark and totally lost interest. Is it similar all the way through or does it get better later on? Cos I was having severe difficulty staying awake and resisting the urge to play something else.


Although I've never managed to enjoy any of the 3D Zelda games really apart from Wind Waker which I thought was alright. They shouldn't have moved Link out of 2D in my opinion. Hopefully Phantom Hourglass will be more fun.

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I personally think 3D ones are still the best ones around. But in your case: no it doesn't get better for you. As you might have heard, it gets 'worse' (don't take it to bad, it's not like it's a corpse rotting away) after the first half, and the beginning of the game is possibly the best. very weird that you didn't enjoy your game that muhc. my brother, who isn't a gamer, clearly prefered this game above any other Zelkda he had laid his gainy mitts on, and he loved it. not that he played a lot of Zelda's, but when he's home (even if he's alone) he likes to pick up the remote and play, without my help. He found the Zora-save-quest-chase-in-Hyrule-field thing incredibly annoying, since his car always burned and kept riding in circles. Untill we discovered you actually kill the bird with the bomb to make it work. Easy as hell.

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ive noticed no one mentioned the original Legend of Zelda in their favorites list.


Playing that game when it was released is probably the best Zelda experience possible. Your given a wooden sword and basically told that your on your own. No fairies, imps or villagers telling you exactly what to do next or marking your map.


A true sense of exploration and accomplishment that has yet to be duplicated in any Zelda since

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Would we like that in a 3D Zelda though? Just walking about, doing whatever we want? No contact with anyone, stumbling from one temple to another?


I'm not saying it's not a great game, it's a fantastic one, but I don't think that style would work nowadays.


Having said that I like the Hyrule of LOZ/AOL. At the end of the timeline, when Hyrule's pretty much a desolate place crawling with monsters. Makes a nice change and is a lot darker than the rest I feel.

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Pit Jr, I agree that Zelda was probably wonderful in the 80's but I just never played it when I was a wee tike. Played some Zelda II, though minimal. We were chatting in the Meaningless Post Thread about the first one, I got it with my NES SP t'other year, and I really just dont know what to do in it. Ive just dandered about in it a few times, found nothing much... and died. If I want to progress through it, I think a walkthrough will be needed, and I dont like that idea. :hmm:

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Would we like that in a 3D Zelda though? Just walking about, doing whatever we want? No contact with anyone, stumbling from one temple to another?


Probably not but it worked in 2D, but its too late anyway. I doubt Nintendo has the balls to release another Zelda with that level of difficulty

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Probably not but it worked in 2D, but its too late anyway. I doubt Nintendo has the balls to release another Zelda with that level of difficulty


With that level of insanity! Lost Woods was a joke. The concept of the entire game was: "Take this wooden sword mighty hero. Now get the fuck out and kill the moblins before they rape you!

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So what did you all love about each Zelda game then?


Legend of Zelda: Simplicity, walking around killing things.


Adventures of Link: I loved the style of it, it was a very dark game and I didn't mind the side-on view at all, it made for a nice twist. Very hard.


A Link to the Past: Immense game, full of stuff to do and places to go. Great story and a nice Light/Dark world concept.


Link's Awakening: Nice oddball of the Zelda series, a la Majora's Mask. I'm not the games biggest fan but it was still pretty fun.


Ocarina of Time: Masterpiece. All of it.


Majora's Mask: The 3 day period/Moon crashing down was a work of genius. Another masterpiece.


Wind Waker: The styling was groundbreaking, awesome visuals, and a lovely and different story that just oozed magic and freshness.


Twilight Princess: Midna is an amazing character, some fantastic items and awesome dungeon locations, my least favourite of the 4 3D Zeldas but still an amazing game (particularly the first half)


Minish Cap: A lot of fun, played a long time ago but remember it being pretty cool.


Oracle Games: I liked the animal companions in 'Ages' (I think it was?), nice fun stories. Linking them was a great idea.

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With that level of insanity! Lost Woods was a joke. The concept of the entire game was: "Take this wooden sword mighty hero. Now get the fuck out and kill the moblins before they rape you!


Thats a great concept! cause you always felt like you were in danger or near death. Link is just out to survive the cruel world, meanwhile a more epic legend is playing out behind the scenes.


I wasnt bashing other Zelda's though, theyre all great games, except maybe Minish Cap. Fusing stones to get the slightest things to happen is annoying and i dropped interest halfway through.

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Nintendo should crack up the danger meter more. Though a Hyrule without monsters might not be the idea, I'de love real free-roaming Hyrule, where you can reach everything. I'de like temples that are huge and still exist, not buried somewhere. Imagen the temple of time, the size it was in Twilight Princess, and then the outside. it would just be awesome. I hink crakking up the difficulty will put the Zelda in the legend again.

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Well: Because of difficulty... I already thought of that it could be great if first play Zelda the normal way and then you can do it again but in Hardcore mode, much more difficult, maybe even more or different puzzles...

Something like OoT: Master Quest...



Of course you can: The question is just if it would be a really fair comparison...

It is just a bit like the first part of a movie is normally always the best because you have much higher expectations for a second or third or ... part...

And I don't mean that puzzles a.s.o. shouldn't be different (they should not just be copies but be different) but I meant with 3D you have different options for puzzles and therefore making it not that fair comparing a game where you know some things can't be in and you have some kind lower expectations with a game you know those things can be in but even more and you have much higher expectations.

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