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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Joe Pleiman is a sound editor in Boston, and notable to the Zelda community in that he was the creator of the now famous "Zelda" song. Unfortunately he often misses out on the credit, as the song gained notoriety partly because it was mis-tagged and there was great debate over the artist. The song had made its way onto peer-to-peer filesharing networks such as Kazaa where it was usually mislabeled as being by the band System of a Down. It was later wrongly believed to have been by The Rabbit Joint, which was in fact the name of the album upon which the song had been released. :P

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A full Zelda that uses the spinner a lot more would be welcome. But centering around it? Better make a puzzle franchise for that.


I mean, the sailing in WW changed many things, but it retained the heart of the gameplay. I doubt they could do the same with the spinner.

The most they could do would be having it be one of the first items to find, and make it as important as, say, the hookshot in OoT.

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Tony Hawks: Zelda Edition I do not want. :heh:
Tell you what would be awesome though, would be to have a spinner race.


Like in Majoras Mask when you had the Goron mask, met the Gorons and took part in a Goron rolling race.

You could meet a tribe who use the spinner for mining or something, win the spinner from that temple and then take part in a race.

You could tear around a race track [like the Goron one] and hop on-to and between twisty inter-twining rails that take you over ravines/water etc... perhaps you can even shoulder barge opponents off their spinners, or spin attack!


Think along the lines of...





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But you don't receive the ball and chain until you're a fair way into the game. And, dual hookshots are given to you in the Sky Temple, which is so late into the game. There wasn't a huge use for it after that.


What I'd like is for more opportunities to use these weapons. So, maybe give them to you earlier, or perhaps just more places on the overworld (Hyrule Field) where you can use them.


I'd like them to flesh the next Zelda out a bit more. The first half was superb, especially all that stuff in Ordon Village before you even get to the first temple. So, just giving you more stuff to do in between dungeons/temples. I think they didn't put as much effort into the second half, like they just wanted you to get to the end. Which, sometimes isn't a bad thing, as we all look forward to that last battle. But, in Zelda, I love every second, so never want it to end. Getting to the end is quite sad for me.

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The Sledge Hammer in Ocarina is hardly used outside the Fire Temple. The only use I remember for it outside the Fire Temple is for killing Shadow Link in the Water Temple easily. You'll remember Shadow Link blocks all sword strikes. But he doesn't block the Hammer, so just bash him about 10 times with that and down he goes. :)


The Mirror Shield is received fairly late in the game and basically only used in the Spirit Temple and its boss.

The Golden Gauntlets are only used to lift two rocks (and one of them is kind of a secret) and you get them literally about 1 or 2 hours before you end the game.



I guess, in retrospect (and I still only have played TP once), what TP lacked the most was the magic. It's not really needed, like TP showed, but it just makes a Zelda game feel more complete. Ice/Fire/Light arrows and enemies that require you to make use of those weapons are just part of Zelda, and should not be left out. That and sidequests. :)


Although since I'm playing Oblivion presently, the fucking king of sidequests!!, all Zelda games suddenly feel completely void of them... dorky.gif (except MM)





EDIT: Oh yeah, I remembered those mini dungeons in Ganon's Castle at the end of OoT, those made use of the items from their correspondent big brother dungeons and that was a great feature.

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I think they didn't put as much effort into the second half, like they just wanted you to get to the end. Which, sometimes isn't a bad thing, as we all look forward to that last battle. But, in Zelda, I love every second, so never want it to end. Getting to the end is quite sad for me.


I didn't really notice that so much, because while yeah I was loving every second of playing the game, once I got to the latter half, I was itching to save Hyrule asap! I didn't grind the game out per se, but I was happy that there were direct instructions of where to go next to get to the next dungeon. It meant I could mess about in between them but always know where the next stop was.


Great game.

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Unless the game is really boring in between dungeons, I generally would rather spend more time in the over-world doing stuff. If I'm just running around making deliveries or something, than maybe I'd like to hurry along to the next dungeon, but if I'm constantly doing stuff and exploring I'd rather wait a bit.

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I still love TP, and I had such a great experience playing it. (need to play it again soon)


I think my points can stand for all Zelda games. You have some absolutely great items and weapons, but it's just a shame sometimes that more isn't made of them. Although, I guess it means that it is special when you can use them. But, more opportunities would be excellent.

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Spinner: Definitely should have been used more. I think we can all agree on this.


Ball&Chain: Had its uses in battle, so it was good enough (while replaying TP I realize I used it a lot more than I originally remembered)


Dual Clawshots: It was versatile, and it could be used wherever there was a "Hookpoint". I think it was used enough, honestly (but I still think the clawshot should've been compatible with chest/trees/roofs like in OoT. It would have been so much more awesome)


Dominion Rod: It actually got its origins in the "Control Song" in Wind Waker. My opinion on it is the same as back then: has potential, is very open to many possibilities (honestly, I think they could make a new Zelda game centered around this idea)


Megaton Hammer: I'd say the Hammer was used as much in OoT as Ball&Chain was used in TP. They fall under the category of "fun in battle, not in puzzles".


Game Pacing: I don't mind wether they quickly point out the next dungeon, or wether they have you make extra stuff (like protecting the caravan). As long as I can side-quest in-between, I'm happy. TP lacked this somewhat.

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