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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Ok then, and anyway, the only Metroid I've played is Metroid 1 on the NES (which I loved), so I wouldn't know if any of the other games are any good.


Seriously? Mate Metroid Prime was in my opinion better then Wind Waker, and falls closley behind RE4 in the race for GC games. Play it now, may even give you a little perspective on Zelda.

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True to some games, but what's wrong with Ocarina of Time for example?
The adult story is as lame as Zelda I, the game was unfinished (Zora's Domain didn't unfreeze, unfinished hints, buggy), Navi was bloody annoying, the game suffered from a terrifying framerate, and the Fire and Shadow temples were not all that.


And OoT is my favourite game of all time. Bottom line is that every game has its flaws, but that doesn't stop them from being fantastic. Twilight Princess has its flaws, but it's still a fantastic game.

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Ok then, and anyway, the only Metroid I've played is Metroid 1 on the NES (which I loved), so I wouldn't know if any of the other games are any good.


Dude, you have to play Metroid Prime. Seriously it's better than any Zelda. Your opinion on any other game is worthless unless you play it.

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This is where all reviewers fall short, they look too deeply into things, nitpicking at everything. In their mind they may think it's the greatest thing since cups got up the face of gravity, but they point out things that they wouldn't really be bothered by.



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I should have said I have played Metroid Prime on and off for 10 minutes whenever I'm at a mates house or something. Wasn't that excited by it, seemed a bit empty and boring? But then I don't like 1st person shooters much anyway. Still, 10 mins obviously isn't enough time, so will probably play it from beginning to end sometime.


Seriously? Mate Metroid Prime was in my opinion better then Wind Waker, and falls closley behind RE4 in the race for GC games. Play it now, may even give you a little perspective on Zelda.


I think it would be hard to compare Metroid and Zelda anyway seeing as they're very different? Ones an RPG the other is a FPS.

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I should have said I have played Metroid Prime on and off for 10 minutes whenever I'm at a mates house or something. Wasn't that excited by it, seemed a bit empty and boring? But then I don't like 1st person shooters much anyway. Still, 10 mins obviously isn't enough time, so will probably play it from beginning to end sometime.




I think it would be hard to compare Metroid and Zelda anyway seeing as they're very different? Ones an RPG the other is a FPS.


Action/Adventure and FPA mo' like. Standards today are right gay. Everyone has to be literal and strict about everything. Can't compare soup and cereal because they're in different food groups. It isn't a frigging classroom. (Had to get that off my chest.)


Also, cereal definately owns soup.

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Metroid isn't an FPS, it's an action adventure from the first person perspective. Also Zelda and Metroid share a hella lotta elements, in fact someone once said that Metroid Prime was a massive zelda dungeon.

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I never got into MP. Bought it second hand for a tenner, played it for like half an hour and gave up on it. I hated the GC pad for first person games, and it just killed it. Once I got to the point of having to escape in xx amount of time, I stopped playing and haven't gone back to it since.


Pinning my hopes on the Wiimote controls for the new one.

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I never got into MP. Bought it second hand for a tenner, played it for like half an hour and gave up on it. I hated the GC pad for first person games, and it just killed it. Once I got to the point of having to escape in xx amount of time, I stopped playing and haven't gone back to it since.


Pinning my hopes on the Wiimote controls for the new one.


Wii remote functionality should be awesome for Metroid Wii


Also, cereal definately owns soup.


I agree .

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I should have said I have played Metroid Prime on and off for 10 minutes whenever I'm at a mates house or something. Wasn't that excited by it, seemed a bit empty and boring? But then I don't like 1st person shooters much anyway. Still, 10 mins obviously isn't enough time, so will probably play it from beginning to end sometime.


I had to play a few hours before it really grew on me. Give it a try, it's quite slow at the start but picks up pace soon.


Or you could try any 2D Metroid first (Fusion or Zero Mission the GBA - both awesome). I found them more accessable.





and to get back to Zelda.


I was quite disappointed that it wasn't as free roaming as Wind Waker. I actually expected a big square where you could explore lots of things. Ancient ruins and stuff like that.

But the end fight truely made up for it.

fighting on horseback with Zelda shooting arrows was such an awesome experience


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The adult story is as lame as Zelda I, the game was unfinished (Zora's Domain didn't unfreeze, unfinished hints, buggy), Navi was bloody annoying, the game suffered from a terrifying framerate, and the Fire and Shadow temples were not all that.


And OoT is my favourite game of all time. Bottom line is that every game has its flaws, but that doesn't stop them from being fantastic. Twilight Princess has its flaws, but it's still a fantastic game.


Zora's domain didn't unfreeze because you couldn't carry on playing after you beat Ganon, dumbass, not because it wasn't finished. Every N64 game other than F-Zero had a crappy framerate, it wasn't exactly the most efficient system. Never got everyone's problem with Navi either, she hardly speaks constantly. Heck, I often used Saria's song to speak to Navi so I could remember where the hell I was going.

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Zora's domain didn't unfreeze because you couldn't carry on playing after you beat Ganon, dumbass, not because it wasn't finished. Every N64 game other than F-Zero had a crappy framerate, it wasn't exactly the most efficient system. Never got everyone's problem with Navi either, she hardly speaks constantly. Heck, I often used Saria's song to speak to Navi so I could remember where the hell I was going.


Lighten up. I know there are good reasons for those issues but that doesn't take away they're still issues. I could think of several excuses for TP's 'problems' but that doesn't take away they're still issues to some people...


Also, Zora's Domain should have unfrozen after you beat the Water Temple, just like the other dungeon's areas clear up after your beat them.


Did I really deserve being called 'dumbass' for indicating that not even OoT is perfect?

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The adult story is as lame as Zelda I, the game was unfinished (Zora's Domain didn't unfreeze, unfinished hints, buggy), Navi was bloody annoying, the game suffered from a terrifying framerate, and the Fire and Shadow temples were not all that.


And OoT is my favourite game of all time. Bottom line is that every game has its flaws, but that doesn't stop them from being fantastic. Twilight Princess has its flaws, but it's still a fantastic game.








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I'm surprised by people not liking the Shadow temple, I thought it was brilliant. That was the one with the big galleon, and the whirlpools you had to avoid while being forced downstream. Not to mention the Lens of Truth :P

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The problem with the Shadow Temple was that it had the same theme as the Bottom of the Well, which players had completed before, i.e., it had the same music and the same graphical look. That made it seem not as fresh as all the other Temples which all had their own unique music and graphical style.


That's my opinion on it, anyway. And it's a shame cause it actually has a good gritty, almost S&M look with the blood stains and the chains hanging from ceilings and walls. It's just that the Bottom of the Well section killed the novelty factor of the Shadow Temple. They should have at least given two different musics to those two parts of the game. It would have helped making it different.

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Yeah, the galleon was pretty cool, but I found the Shadow Temple and Bottom of the Well sequence the least exciting part of the game. Still good, but not of the sheer class the rest of the game had. It's pretty much the same feeling I had when passing through the Sky Temple in Twilight Princess. It has its moments but overall it's a bit meh for incredible Zelda standards.

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I'm surprised by people not liking the Shadow temple, I thought it was brilliant. That was the one with the big galleon, and the whirlpools you had to avoid while being forced downstream. Not to mention the Lens of Truth :P




No! The Shadow Temple was the worst, (in part from the Forest Temple), as it was really annoying if you lost a boss fight, you started at the beginning again! And it was a BIG Temple!

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No! The Shadow Temple was the worst, (in part from the Forest Temple), as it was really annoying if you lost a boss fight, you started at the beginning again! And it was a BIG Temple!


I don't know if you know this, but there's a short cut to the boss of the Shadow Temple, much like there's a short cut to the boss of the Spirit Temple.

In the Shadow Temple, you can get from the begining to the ship in less than one minute. I don't remember the layout, but there's a room right in the begining with a blade turning that has an invisible hole in the ground (use lens of truth) and that makes you fall right by the ship's location. But you have to move a cube block from its location when you first arrive at the ship in order to get past it.


All the bosses from OoT can be reached from the entrance of the Temple in under 1 minute. Either they're literally in the next room from the entrance or there's a short cut to their lair.

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