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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Thoughts so far?


I've got the dungeon map, compass, and I'm inside the actual castle. Gone through the bit which takes you outside and have come to a staircase thing, with 3 or so rooms.


It's a pretty nifty dungeon. Basic, but funky nevertheless. I mean, what more could you expect from a Castle?



Actually, no. Fuck It!


I'm going to get me some toast, a nice cuppa tea, and I'm coming back to finish this.

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Also it's more the length between dungeons that bugs me.


Well this could've been discussed before for all I know but I think they were trying to avoid the whole forcing you to go on sidequests thing (since it was so complained about in Wind Waker) and decided with this game they'd just let you do your own thing between dungeons if you wanted a break.


For example, between 4 and 5 I actually ended up doing the canoe ride down the river, hunted for secret areas I could find with water bombs and also done a ton of fishing and rollgoal. I didn't have any reason to do any but I just felt like a break inbetween dungeons....and I enjoyed it all and felt like I was making progress still, without being forced to go all over the world pointlessly collecting items or anything.


I certainly prefer things this way to Wind Waker's method, though I will say Majora's Mask easily has the best inbetween time, but that game was built entirely around the town concept so that was a given.

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Yeah, I agree, James.


I mean, just because there isn't a huge inbetween time between dungeons doesn't mean you have to rush into them. I did a fair amount of exploring between dungeons 4,5 and 6, and none of it felt forced. It feels better that way.


Motion: hehe, just finishing off my toast and then I'm gonna have another shot at this. I don't think I've ever felt this way about a game before, where I just HAD to finish it. Usually, I'm gutted when it comes to finishing games because the journey would have ended.

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Just finished it:




Ok, first off, awesome boss fight. Loved how it was split up. My favourite parts were the two on hyrule field, especially the horse riding.


That was great.




Did Ganon just destroy the dark power?

His triforce of power disappeared! Wtf! So does Zant have it now? Has it passed on to Zant from Ganon?

Why did she destroy the mirror?! Is it because she doesn't believer shadow and light can ever have peace together, only apart?


My god!


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Just finished it:




Ok, first off, awesome boss fight. Loved how it was split up. My favourite parts were the two on hyrule field, especially the horse riding.


That was great.




Did Ganon just destroy the dark power?

His triforce of power disappeared! Wtf! So does Zant have it now? Has it passed on to Zant from Ganon?

Why did she destroy the mirror?! Is it because she doesn't believer shadow and light can ever have peace together, only apart?


My god!


It's never really implied or shown what happens in the battle except that Ganon defeated Midna and the Fused Shadows, then arrived to remove both Zelda and Link. However with the aid of the Light Spirits the two were able to combat Ganondorf's dark magic and deliver a blow powerful enough to defeat him.


It was because of the power of this blow that Ganon's life force began to fade and his precious power abandoned him, leaving him a mere mortal who would certainly succumb to a wound so great as the one in his chest. In his dying moment we saw Zant also perish, another being whose very existence after death relied on the power of the gods.


The Triforce left Ganon, no doubt to reappear in the next person destined to wield it. Ganon's ancestor most likely as that usually seems to be the case.


With the powers that imprisoned her as an imp no more, Midna could finally stand before Link in her true form before departing Hyrule forever. It's strongly speculated Midna was going to say she loved Link after trailing off and broke the Mirror of Twilight before leaving because their love could never really be. It's more likely that although it was the God's design she and Zelda would meet and acknowledge each world's existence, it was impossible for a system between the two worlds to continue existing incase something similar happened again.


The mirror breaking was an incredibly sad and surprising twist to the ending. Tragic really, but can you blame her? Afterall, it was Hyrule's doing that caused the Twili such distress by sending Ganon there in the first place. As the Twilight Princess, Midna knew it was the Twilight that must come first and any feelings she had second.


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Ganon defeated the power of the fused shadows, and arrived to remove both Zelda and Link. However with the aid of the Light Spirits the two were able to combat Ganondorf's dark magic and deliver a blow powerful enough to defeat him.


It was because of the power of this blow that Ganon's life force began to fade and his precious power abandoned him, leaving him a mere mortal who would certainly succumb to a wound so great as the one in his chest. In his dying moment we saw Zant also perish, another being whose very existence after death relied on the power of the gods.


The Triforce left Ganon, no doubt to reappear in the next person destined to wield it. Ganon's ancestor most likely as that usually seems to be the case.


With Ganon's powers gone, Midna could finally stand before Link in her true form before departing Hyrule forever. It's strongly implied Midna was going to say she loved Link after trailing off and broke it because their love could never really be. It's more likely that although it was the God's design she and Zelda would meet and acknowledge each world's existence, it was impossible for a system between the two worlds to continue existing incase something similar happened again.


The mirror breaking was an incredibly sad and surprising twist to the ending.


I checked the "who's online" thing at the bottom of the forum, and I held off going to bed to see what you were gonna say.


Man, that makes so much sense now. Cheers.


When Midna broke the mirror, my mouth was really wide open. Such an incredible twist, absolutely shocking.


Midna really made the game, imo. Before playing this, I was uncertain about 2 things:


1. Midna

2. The wolf sections of the game


However, I think both have been fantastic. It's refreshing to have a true companion in this game who isn't a fairy, and it's good to have such a prescence since navi and tatl. I think that was lacking somewhat in the wind waker.


I really love how everything came together at the end. In the Castle, when you see that Orc and he says something about choosing the right side...it just seems like a defining moment in the game, but I dunno why.


Also when those people fire the arrows and enable you to get the boss key. So many fucking awesome moments!





I think I can go to bed happily now. I'm so damn tired.

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I checked the "who's online" thing at the bottom of the forum, and I held off going to bed to see what you were gonna say.


Man, that makes so much sense now. Cheers.


When Midna broke the mirror, my mouth was really wide open. Such an incredible twist, absolutely shocking.


Midna really made the game, imo. Before playing this, I was uncertain about 2 things:


1. Midna

2. The wolf sections of the game


However, I think both have been fantastic. It's refreshing to have a true companion in this game who isn't a fairy, and it's good to have such a prescence since navi and tatl. I think that was lacking somewhat in the wind waker.


I really love how everything came together at the end. In the Castle, when you see that Orc and he says something about choosing the right side...it just seems like a defining moment in the game, but I dunno why.


Also when those people fire the arrows and enable you to get the boss key. So many fucking awesome moments!





I think I can go to bed happily now. I'm so damn tired.


Yeah, it was an absolutely stunning game. I doubted Midna and the Wolf elements too, but it ended up impossible not to adore both.


I added a few bits to the spoiler box after you quoted it. Nothing major. However, reading back over the ending it really was a pretty awesome finale - although of course nostalgia won't let it near Ocarina for most fans, it's still nothing short of spectacular.

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It's never really implied or shown what happens in the battle except that Ganon defeated Midna and the Fused Shadows, then arrived to remove both Zelda and Link. However with the aid of the Light Spirits the two were able to combat Ganondorf's dark magic and deliver a blow powerful enough to defeat him.


It was because of the power of this blow that Ganon's life force began to fade and his precious power abandoned him, leaving him a mere mortal who would certainly succumb to a wound so great as the one in his chest. In his dying moment we saw Zant also perish, another being whose very existence after death relied on the power of the gods.


The Triforce left Ganon, no doubt to reappear in the next person destined to wield it. Ganon's ancestor most likely as that usually seems to be the case.


With the powers that imprisoned her as an imp no more, Midna could finally stand before Link in her true form before departing Hyrule forever. It's strongly speculated Midna was going to say she loved Link after trailing off and broke the Mirror of Twilight before leaving because their love could never really be. It's more likely that although it was the God's design she and Zelda would meet and acknowledge each world's existence, it was impossible for a system between the two worlds to continue existing incase something similar happened again.


The mirror breaking was an incredibly sad and surprising twist to the ending. Tragic really, but can you blame her? Afterall, it was Hyrule's doing that caused the Twili such distress by sending Ganon there in the first place. As the Twilight Princess, Midna knew it was the Twilight that must come first and any feelings she had second.

I'm confused about what happened to Ganon really. We don't get to see what happens to him at all. He seems to lose his Triforce of Power and he seems to die (along with Zant) or faint because of the removal of his source of power. They just leave him standing there however, obviously forgetting the fact that he's the king of evil and he has powerful magic of his own.


Also, doesn't the view on the ornament (in the Temple of Time) at the very end of the credits suggest that the Triforce is complete again?


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At the time that was being played, i dont care what anyone else says, I really felt for Midna, and wanted to help her quickly. I just kept pressing A to make link run faster, ran past all those enemies.


Probably the best scene (albeit the ending) in the entire game. It's a really great scenee and everybody jsut wants to save Midna, no matter how annoying she was in the beginning. I nearly had a tear in my eye when she was revived. Oh, forgot: Spoiler Warning.

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Yeah it was a fantastic scene. Oddly enough in the first half of the game that I keep banging on about.


You really, really, want to prove you're right in this situation, no? Come on, the other half of the game feels good to and it has some spot-on fantastic moments too. It's really good stuff, too. But, yes, the first part is probably the most impressive, but all stories are great in the beginning and become predictable towards the end (if you don't put in some highly-risky plot-twist). So elt's live with that, smile and dream on about the fantastic world Zelda has on offer for us. And don't try to be right all the time :wink:

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You really, really, want to prove you're right in this situation, no? Come on, the other half of the game feels good to and it has some spot-on fantastic moments too. It's really good stuff, too. But, yes, the first part is probably the most impressive, but all stories are great in the beginning and become predictable towards the end (if you don't put in some highly-risky plot-twist). So elt's live with that, smile and dream on about the fantastic world Zelda has on offer for us. And don't try to be right all the time :wink:


All I'm saying is while the first half has great scenes, good sense of danger, lots to do, nice big temples, good cutscenes and technically feels more polished... the second half I feel seems very similar to the triforce hunt from WW, only with small minidungeons at the end. But hey since everyone wants me to shut up now, I shall.

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PS: just played the Forest temple for the second time... pretty cool (re-iterating my point). But one thing...


THE VICTORY FANFARE IS RUBBISH!!!! Why did I think it was this one... (which is awesome!!) http://www.thehylia.com/media/albums/mp3/tp/Victory_Theme.mp3 . I heard the one at the end of the forest temple and was so disappointed it wasn't this one! Am I going insane or does the file I linked to appear in the game at all cause I'm not sure anymore. I can't remember what I heard after each dungeon anymore lol


Can anyone help me out here?

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